Wind turbines...baaah, if put anywhere near animals and humans.
Nearest whole percentage of energy generated from wind turbines globally?
Wind power produced more than 5 percent of global electricity in 2018 with 591 GW of global capacity (568.4 GW is onshore).
So it's higher now and growing.
Extracting oil is an inherently messy polluting enterprise. Also results in wars to control oil access and profits. Transporting oil is an inherently dirty polluting undertaking. Right now there an oil tanker off pristine Mauritius that ran ground on coral reefs, leaked hundreds of tins of crude, broke in half. Pipelines leak all the time, etc. If you add in the pollution and military costs and wars related to oil, the costs are actually massive.
The goal should be to use wind and solar and other renewables for close to 100% electricity generation. While converting the automotive fleet to electric over time. And increasing home heating to solar. Reaching 100% isn't as important as increasing renewables. And don't buy all the junk arguments and junk science Big Oil tosses out to obfuscate and keep their profit churn going for as many decades as possible to the detriment of humans and their planet.