I will mildly diverge from Oil and Bo to suggest that "disgraceful" is what give Trump's base a hard-on, and gets them to march to the polls in percentages only a demagogic populist can achieve. Fighting lost causes like some demented Fight Robot, be it the restoration of coal energy or the cancelling of a lawful election, is one of the core personality traits that keep Trumpistas so loyal. The most naive populist voter doesn't think "he's fighting because of his own bloated ego." He thinks rather "He's fighting for ME!"
I do think there's hope, if the GOTV folk can really leverage the fate of the 2021 Senate and the possibility of a unified Biden government in their pitch to Dems and Independents to go back to the polling stations (or mailboxes, or dropboxes). And yes, some voters are repelled not only by the Sore Loser stuff, but by the attempt to undermine their vote for Biden.
Out of state cash is a factor, but as the general election demonstrated, not as much as it used to be.
Hmmm.Sore losers?
The CNN exit polls shed favorable lights on the GOP, not the dems. And they underscore that moderates swung the election to Biden. The GOP will have at least 50 members of the Senate for the fourth consecutive election and it severely cut the dem margin in the House, much to the concern of moderate dem members who are fed up with being labeled as socialists, defunders of police, or purveyors of identity politics.
Demographically the share of the white vote declined to 67% from 71%, Latinos increased from 11-13 and were especially of help to republicans in Texas and Florida. Over 20 per cent of the voters were older than 65 while the per cent of young adults declined.
CNN exit polls also showed self-identified liberals decreased 2 points to 24% while conservatives increased 3 points to 38 % while another 38% claimed to bemoderates.
If Biden has any mandate it would be to not rock the boat by falling for such radical ideas as packing SCOTUS, adding states to the union, ending fracking, reestablishing affirmative action or raising taxes indiscriminately.
You might want to pay attention to what the voters actually said.