Good for Ms Mitchell for calling out Biden re:. press
Sort of counteracting the attack today from FOX that went - "imagine what they'd be saying about Trump if he had sustained this injury..."
You mean the asshole who knew he was infected with covid-19 and didn't give a fuck who he infected and who got helicoptered off for a 7-day all expense paid trip to Walter Reade to get medical care that is unavaialbe to 99.9% of Americans, who who created super-spreader events in his fucking wake,
Oh, I thought they meant the guy with the still unexplained trip to Walter Reed and the self-written "doctor's statement" that he was the healthiest president ever.
The one who needed two hands to drink a glass of water, but a week or so later,
triumphantly showed he could drink it with just one (that day).
And the slope was very steep and slippery.