He built some of the wall....Keep building the wall! Seal the borders, open borders is a failed policy, ask Brexit Britain. Yes, ask Brexit in a year. Go ahead. Will you be honest about the answer?!
He stood up to Nth Korea and China. Jesus, Bambu! You keep uttering this complete bullshit. He did NOT stand up to North Korea! They are more, not less, capable of nuclear missile strikes than they were when he took office! And China's economy is growing faster than ours, while our trade deficits are growing.
He brought peace to the Middle East. He did no such thing. A few countries that had no peace agreements now have them, it is true. And good on him for doing it. But PEACE?! What fucking planet are you living on?! The Palestinians are no more at peace with Israel than they were and Israel is continuing to tear down the Palestinians' homes. Missiles are still being fired into Israel. PEACE? Fat fucking chance.
If Covid hadn't come along he probably would've been reelected. Yes. Dick Nixon was reelected, too. His getting reelected would have been about geography and the electoral college, not about his ability to handle the office. And the Electoral College should still go away.
Bombs. Flex-handcuffs for hostage taking. Dead cop.
Incited to insurrection by Donald "I'll be with you" Trump, who went home to watch it on TV and to make calls to Senators to lobby for their vote.
After WW2 Israel adopted the policy "Look after yourself first in this world, because nobody else will".
Trump TOLD NK man that he'd basically turn him, and his homeland into ash if he fired missiles at the US, US territories, or US allies.
In my mind that is 'standing up'.
He stood up to China, put tariffs on imports from China.
He stood up to the UN, refused to keep funding their climate change fund nonsense, refused to keep shovelling billions of US taxpayer dollars into it.