The UNICEF workers are all women, and they are raising the boys to be nerds and sissies. One worker just showed a photo of a boy who was bullied, and they enrolled him in an academics club which promoted healthy self esteem and "dignity." And they showed a picture of a 13 year old boy dressed like a little nerd. UNICEF needs more men to volunteer and work with the children. I told them to teach the boys boxing, and martial arts, and I told them to show the boys old Bruce Lee movies, and the "Rocky" movies, etc.
When a school bully picked on me as a child, my Uncle Dennis taught me how to box, and I beat up the bully. And over the years I have been able to defend other people. I hate it when some children bully other children, and I always stood up against the bullies.
It is great that the children are learning academics, and teach them Shakespeare as well, etc, but also teach the boys the manly things, men are expected to be providers and protectors, and God made man bigger so that he can defend women and children. I do not mean to be sexist, but a man needs to be able to protect his family, etc, and it all begins as a child when he learns to defend himself against the bullies, and as he learns how to defend his friends, and as he learns to defend his little brother, and little sister, etc.
UNICEF is great, but they need to employ more men to teach the boys the manly stuff, and the boys need to learn boxing, and martial arts, etc.
Tony V.