I'll lose this soon...
It seems to me that Mueller is throwing a head fake. He has the two women and trump is denying there was campaign $ used.
But the real problem Trump has is the Enquirer. Because his records are Mueller's records. Those are the campaign contributions that are Trump's flank.
Because if they weren't, then they were gifts to Donald that Donald did not report on his Income taxes.
Because we have to be sure that if they weren't gifts then they were bills due. The monetary value of which was not disclosed as his companies were entering into financial contracts. That's fraud.
(Keep Dreaming)
OK I will...
He should ask Michael Bloomberg!
No way Bloomberg would turn that down! That is a tear down turnaround project. Bloomberg would love to pull it off, and Save America at the same time!
Bloomberg might actually be able to do it. It might be enough to keep Trump out of JAIL! In office Trump can hide under the desk for two years. Shit, he's had people sitting in his waiting room for two years. "Today might be the day!"
Solves Trump's other problem... the one with the Nazis. Trump is going to have to go home someday. You better do something if you're coming to do business in NYC and naming Bloomberg would go a long way towards that. Maybe not as much as Kavanaugh helped you with the hillbilly crowd.
Hey that's a legitimate name now. Now the Wisconsin has decided that the votes of the landed gentry are more valid and important than the votes of the city dwellers.
Something has to restore sanity. The market is dead, Why? Oh well tariffs and brexit ... No. The president tweeted that there was a deal with China and the market touched 26,000 (in a Bear market, so it's aided by the short squeeze) Then it came out that there was no deal... and the world said, "this fucking guy is really a fucking moron!" Let couldn't let themselves believe it prior. But there is no getting around it. And now the Kelly thing (I do lay that on Kelly though. He owed US that much. Maybe he has a plan, he's a mili...tary ...guy... ruh roh rorge! Good news is I think most military men honor the Constitution and would not be in favor of military rule.)
(Dream on...)