The latest Gallup Poll
69% expect their financial situation to improve over the next year
Optimism about finances over the next year is almost at a record-high level
50% say they are in better shape financially than a year ago
A little amusing when a poll says fifty percent say they are in better financial shape now. What do the other fifty percent say?
Also amusing: when something as vague as "optimism" is apparently so precisely quantified that we can speak of "record-high level" of it. While we're here, what are the numbers on giddiness, qualms, and ennui? I'm sure economists also chart those to arrive a longterm economic predictions and craft policies.
Twain's quote about statistics never fails its freshness test.
This is why its a "squirrel!" As one data point amongst 100, maybe useful, but as a standalone measure of economic strength its completely useless.
I also found it funny that REDSTATEWARD cuts and pastes without providing a link. You don't go down that rabbit hole, and you won't find that while the top approval rating may be
near the top, there was actually a larger better-worse spread (66-11) in 2012 under Obama. And that the actual record at 71% occurred in 1998 under Bill Clinton. Useful context when the argument is that Trump has created a "boom economy" that is "unlike anything we have ever seen" in an attempt to justify the $1.5 Trillion in tax cuts for the rich (while many of the rest of us have actually seen our returns go down this year...)
Also won't head over to Gallup's approval ratings for his Trumpness: currently at 37%.