Yeah. Totally.
Question: Isn’t it on the benefactor of Russian interference to come out and say publicly “I don’t want the help, its counter to our democratic interests, and I will in no way use or reference material stolen by Russia, or reward their meddling once in office.”
Instead, Trump looks at Putin the way GaGa looks at Cooper, Kushner lies about the extent of Russian interference (he was at the fucking Trump Tower meeting) and Trump’s campaign manager denies there was any Russian help at all. Why doesn’t that bother posters like kiidcarter8 and REDSTATEWARD?
It is as good as fact that Russia will again interfere in the 2020 elections, and will do so to Trump and Republican’s benefit. And whatever steps Facebook and Twitter may take to curb the disinformation they spread (and I don’t have confidence that they will do much) there will be more stolen emails and opposition research, more targeted misinformation, and more chaos sowed in whatever way the Russians can.
And what if it goes further? The Mueller Report says there was successful hacking of election systems. The FBI will be talking to Scott about the successful hacking of at least one precinct in Florida. What if they get better at it? What if, in 2020, they manage to shut down precincts on election day, or even change the voting tally?
Kiidcarter8 hides behind a few hundred million given to states for election security (that’s about $7.6 million per state, if you do the math) while Federal efforts go
backwards and our “President” practically welcomes further interference.
For kiidcarter8 and REDSTATEWARD their opinion of the coming attacks is wrapped up entirely in who the benefactors will be. Which is understandable, partisan unpatriotic shits that they are. But the same can obviously be said of our “President.” And if that isn’t impeachable, I don’t know what is.