On the issue of locking people in Mental Hospitals against their will...
In California they can already lock you up for mental illness, against your will, they can lock you up and they can forcefully medicate you. And they take away your right to own guns, you can no longer own guns after you have been locked in a mental hospital.
I guess they say that if you are a danger to yourself or others that they can lock you up involuntarily. And some people say that the homeless people are in grave danger, and that we should be able to involuntarily lock up homeless people. It is crazy.
It seems to me that locking people up who have not committed a crime goes against our Constitution, and it can be abused.
In Russia I heard that if you went against the government that you could disappear into a mental hospital.
Then there is the movie "Changeling" with Angelina Jolie, it was directed by Clint Eastwood, in the movie her son disappears and they give her another boy, but it is not her son, so they lock her in a mental hospital until she accepts the boy as being her son, I will not spoil the movie for you by telling you more. But, it shows how mental hospitals can be abused.
Then there is "A Streetcar Named Desire." Stanley Kowalkski raped Blanche, and then instead of going to prison for rape, Blanche went to the mental hospital as being crazy.
Also, there is the song "Institutionalized" by my friend Jon's old band Suicidal Tendencies. The kid gets locked in a mental hospital by his parents against his will.
I have mixed feelings when it comes to locking someone up against their will and taking their Constitutional rights away. And when do they get their rights back? I think this issue needs to go to the Supreme Court. The ACLU also needs to look into this issue.
Tony V.