National > Drugs


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--- Quote ---In setting prices, drug makers rarely acknowledge the considerable federal funding and research that has helped develop their products; they have not offered taxpayer-investors financial payback.

The Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority, a federal agency known as Barda, is giving Moderna up to $483 million for late-stage development of its vaccine.
--- End quote ---

How a Covid-19 Vaccine Could Cost Americans Dearly

The United States is the only developed nation unable to balance cost, efficacy and social good in setting prices.
Elisabeth Rosenthal

By Elisabeth Rosenthal

Here is an example of how horrible drugs are, and about how drugs steal people's souls.

When I was attending acting school in Pasadena, I was poor, and I had to live in a cheap motel on Colorado Blvd because it was all that I could afford, the Astro Motel, and it was horrible. 4 people died during the 3 months that I was there, suicides and drug over-doses. It was the kind of place where people went to commit suicide. I would be drinking coffee in the morning talking with a hooker watching the coroner carry out a dead body that the maid had found when she was doing her rounds. It was a bad place.

The worst thing that I saw, was a family living there, a husband and a wife and 2 kids. One day the husband took the kids and left so that a Black drug dealer could have sex with his wife so that they could get drugs. He let the drug dealer have sex with his wife in order to get drugs, it was horrible.

I have seen a lot of fucked up things, and drugs are a tool of the devil.

Life can be hard enough, but drugs make life way worse, and people give up their souls for drugs.

Some fellow students from acting school invited me to be their roommate, so I was able to move out of the motel and live in a nice apartment for the remainder of my training there, but I saw some horrible things at the cheap motel, and I saw the hell that happens when people get addicted to drugs.


Tony V.

There is a very important suicide scene in my movie "Echo, A Rock and Roll Tragedy" and I want to shoot that scene at the motel where I lived in Pasadena while I attended acting school, the Astro Motel on Colorado Blvd. It is still there and it would be a great location to shoot at.


Tony V.

Alcohol is a drug.


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