IMO you're a bullshitter and delusional, Nobody believes you. PERIOD.
I've seen your sports handicapping for about 25 years and to my knowledge, other than 1 KO pool, you've never won any competition held in that time, including my MLB and NFL pools, whiskey's college football bowl pools, March Madness and other group games.
And as to you moneyline baseball picks, as I recall a couple of years ago, you ran up around a $2,500 in losses in about a month into the season blamed the "system" and started over with a new and improved system and lost about $2,000 pretty quicky, and then stopped making picks.
Nonetheless, I and the other Elbanese, have heard endless stories of your great successes in other pools, games etc.
I've no doubt in some corner of the interweb you'll go 15-0 today.
Congrats in advance