The same Village Idiot that came up with Pac 12 After Dark as "a great concept to expose West Coast Football to the rest of the country" has now come up with the alternate 9am kickoff so the "rest of the country" can enjoy Pac 12 football at a more traditional Noon start time. What a great idea. Now Pac 12 fans with small children can alternate between leaving their homes at 4:30am to get to the 9am game tailgates and arriving back home after midnight for those 8 and 8:30pm start times.
Do the rest of the country a favor and Fire Larry Scott Now
A chill pill may be in order.
Scott is only responding to coaches, some of whom are growing weary of night games that finish after the east coast TVs have long been shut off. The complaining coaches don’t much like having nothing to on many Saturdays while waiting for an 8 or 9 o clock game. Nothing is certain but if they decide to experiment it would only affect one or two games assuming they can get approval by all teams involved. The current PAC TV set up is the worst of the power five conferences.
Meanwhile Fox is moving some big B1G games to noon and away from nighttime. The dynamics are changing. The PAC 12 has little to lose by thinking differently.