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Messages - LarryB!

Pages: 1 ... 91 92 [93] 94 95 ... 97
Biden Administration / Re: News in General
« on: December 07, 2022, 06:12:51 PM »
"Proud Boys Shut Down a Church's Holiday-Themed Drag Storytime for Children

Holi- DRAG

...for the little kiddies!
To use a Donaldism...
"I don't think so"

At a church, in the 'Bible Belt'...and leftists are surprised there was a protest.

Lesbian, Gay, Bi-Sexual, Transexual, Queer.

Some people believe the kiddies should not have to 'worry' about such things until they are adults at age 18.
Seems the Proud Boys-ilk are such people.
My guess is many people are praising them for shutting down the event with their protest.
Well yes homophobia and transportation are major problems. Frightened confused and bitter balls of hate like you are far too common in this world. But you are a minority, I think, and praise God as your like dies
off they are being replaced by more tolerant, less hateful young people.

Have 'Holi-DRAG Storytime'  all you like, in a venue for adults somewhere, knock yourself out.
Not in a church...and not for children.
Children are having a difficult enough time at school trying to decide if they're actually boys or girls
, with all the 'gender' nonsense being foist upon them, teachers wearing high heels, stockings, dresses, and having beards...for example.

Such bullshit.

Why do you think a man in a funny dress reading to kids is so dangerous?

How was Milton Berle and Flip Wilson so popular back in the 50s-60s?

Right wing have no agenda beyond fear and hatred to make poor dumb rednecks vote against their economic self interest on behalf of the billionaire donor class who benefit from Republican policies.


Biden Administration / Re: Biden Administration
« on: December 06, 2022, 11:58:19 PM »
This ends the reign of Senate cock blocker Joe Manchin

Biden Administration / Re: Biden Administration
« on: December 06, 2022, 11:56:47 PM »
51-49 and the path opens for a two year run to radically reshape the Judiciary to serve and resemble the country that supports it.

Good job Georgia.

Let the judicial appointments commence with alacrity!

Biden Administration / Re: News in General
« on: December 06, 2022, 11:24:57 PM »

Biden Administration / Re: News in General
« on: December 06, 2022, 05:42:26 PM »
Ah yes, cowboys, horses, ponies, six guns and the West.
Yound mrs bambu was a cowgirl, raised on a cattle, sheep, wheat and other crops farm.
She was 16 when she moved to the big city to find work/career as her father, brother and his family friend could run the farm/ranch by themselves.
At 17 and 20 she and I would go *riding* on the farm when on vacation.
She rode her 'paint' pony and I rode the "feminist' white mare.
One day said mare bolted (didn't like the pony ever getting in front of it), bambu...whose riding skills were basically non-existent, the jockey.
Past the farm house bolting horse went, taking absolutely no notice of my instructions, to the amusement of the gathered family.
Down the slight hill she ran, 100metres away a fence and closed gate.
I thought to myself:
"Horse baulks at gate, over the gate I get thrown, broken neck, dead.
Horse crashes into gate, goes down, my leg gets crushed.
What to do."
I decided I was not getting thrown off under any circumstances, so I dug my legs and heels in, put my head at the side of its neck, my arms around it neck.
The gated loomed, I waited then yanked hard on left rein, horse ran left along the fence, then stopped.
Horse was then happy to walk very slowly back to the farm house.
Cured bambu of horse riding forever.
Quad bikes have replaced horses on the farm.

Learnt to shoot on said farm.
Spotlighting at night, shooting foxes, rabbits, roos, wild pigs
Don't kill them, the foxes eat the tongues out of lambs, torturing them to death.
Crows peck out the eyes of lambs.
Roos, rabbits and pigs eat the crops and wreck the soil in paddocks.
Farmer goes income, no hope.

Ranching and farming is a good life, and we need the food that they grow and raise. Many of my ancestors farmed and ranched here in America. And my family owned a 360 acre cattle ranch in Battle Mountain, Nevada, but we made more money from the pigs than we did from the cattle, people love bacon, we made a lot of money from bacon.

And we need to support programs to teach the youth how to farm and ranch, such as programs such as 4-H. In Lancaster the 4-H people provide meat for Grace Resources to feed the homeless people. So no one complains because the meat is going to feed the homeless people. The animal rights people do not complain when you are feeding the homeless people.

And we need to expand the Future Farmers of America program.

Also did you know that we are getting a lot of our mustard from Montana? Montana is growing mustard now. I bet Battle Mountain, Nevada, could grow mustard too if they wanted. They could make the good stone ground mustard.

And I just paid one dollar for one onion, it is crazy. In the Antelope Valley in California there are farmers who grow onions, and they are making a fortune right now if they are still growing onions.

My Grandma and Grandpa had a garden in Battle Mountain, Nevada, so I know stuff will grow in Battle Mountain, and they can sell food to San Francisco, etc.

We need to teach our youth how to farm and how to ranch.

Also, the hippies can have communes where they grow food to sell to San Francisco, etc. And the refugees, and homeless people, etc, can live with the hippies on the communes and they can help to grow food.


Tony V.

Many young Americans are leaving the family farms to go to college and are never returning to  the farms to work.
More money in marketing, modelling, lawyering etc...and a more comfortable life, in general, in the big cities.

How ya gonna keep em down on the farm
After theyve  seen Paree
How ya gonna keep em away from Broadway
Jazzin around and paintin the town
How ya gonna keep em away from harm, thats a mystery
Theyll never want to see a rake or plow
And who the heck can parleyvous a cow?
How ya gonna keep em down on the farm
After theyve seen Paree?

Just ask Judy Garland

Biden Administration / Re: News in General
« on: December 06, 2022, 12:19:44 PM »
Step by step. Inch by inch.

Before all is said and done those who sought preemptive pardons are gonna get swept up with the rest of trash.

Biden Administration / Re: Biden Administration
« on: December 06, 2022, 12:17:03 PM »

The general we, you CPH.  American employers, public and private, etc.  Why no cry of "preposterous" when 79% of civilian workers get paid sick leave?
Good for them.
But the Railroads made a generous offer to the unions, which most of them accepted.
A minority of union workers were willing to strike and decimate our economy over an issue that did not resonate with the majority of fellow workers.

And the Senate (and the President) agreed.

Having Congress renegotiating labor contracts is stupid. 
They just did exactly that.
No Congress enforced the National Railroad Act giving it the power to enforce the contract negotiated by the National Mediation Board. Attempts by some members to add a new provision was defeated in the Senate.

A benefit 80% of American workers have is hardly idiotic.
The contract awarded back pay that far surpasses any future loss of pay due to sick days over the ENTIRE four years remaining in the contract.

With the amount of profits raked in RR they could hire more workers and get rid of skeleton crews that require such stringent rules concerning sick pay.

Biden Administration / Re: News in General
« on: December 06, 2022, 10:17:18 AM »
We are in the midst of a right wing white supremacist insurgency.

No surprise to many, I would say.
"Mexican language" is taking over America, according to one American guy on Youtube.

Biden Administration / Re: Russia's Invasion of Ukraine
« on: December 05, 2022, 09:58:16 PM »
Indonesia has introduced jail terms for anyone having sex outside marriage.

Good luck with that

Biden Administration / Re: News in General
« on: December 05, 2022, 09:22:35 PM »
We are in the midst of a right wing white supremacist insurgency.

Biden Administration / Re: Biden Administration
« on: December 03, 2022, 12:08:04 PM »
What they think is ok:

Law firm employing Hunter Biden gets 10 mil PPP loan, which is later forgiven by Biden administration.

Same law firm gave 1 mil to Democrat candidates election funds.

Yeah, and?

Rep. Katie Porter is investigating an alleged bribery scheme involving Donald Trump and a real estate developer who allegedly donated to a super PAC in exchange for Trump pardons.

Biden Administration / Re: News in General
« on: December 02, 2022, 10:01:18 PM »
GOP coalesces behind nameless, faceless Thing that is not McCarthy

Alexandra Petri

Alex is amazing. She was whip smart and brilliant as a high schooler.

Biden Administration / Re: Biden Administration
« on: December 02, 2022, 07:35:08 PM »
I would of course yap about them voting no on sick leave, but they were mostly behaving as expected.  I wanted more from Biden, who promised to deliver for working people.  Sometimes he needs to be more adversarial and not just have some people superficially holding hands.  The railroads certainly would not want supply chain collapses around Christmas and possibly losing huge chunks to trucking and shipping...they would have come to the table on sick leave if they had to.

GOP did not want to take a hit on the strike but said no in the time off and somehow that is on Biden?

I guess Obama did not pass on his Green Lantern Ring of Power to Biden so he could just make legislation through sheer will.

Just saying Biden shouldn't applaud this deal.  He should send it back unsigned, ask legislators to come up with something better, and point out the barbarity of zero days sick leave in no uncertain terms.  I'm not saying that the sick leave debacle isn't on Manchin and GOP callousness.  Biden needs to point that out.
Over 20 per cent of Americans get no sick leave. And most of them are paid far less than railroad workers.
The demand for seven was outrageous given the raises and payouts negotiated by Biden.

To your first sentence:  logical fallacy.  Just because others lack an important workplace protection, doesn't mean unions should capitulate on fighting for such protections when they can. 
3/4ths of the unions agreed on negotiations without the added sick days.

To your second comment:  Good pay does not displace the need for sick days.
They are getting one full year of back pay which will more than cover 7 sick days per each of  the four years of the new contract.


What? You have to put in a request for a sick day in May? What happens if your appendix blows out next Wednesday?

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