People are gathered in Mexico waiting to enter the USA, and many new immigrants will follow. We need to create honest jobs for the immigrants, and we need to build housing. We have the United Farm Workers and other unions for the workers, which can tell the workers where the jobs are, so the workers can just ride a Greyhound bus to where the job is.
The USA has our Statue of Liberty, and we will always have new immigrants arriving, the best that we can do is try to create good new jobs and housing for our new immigrants.
When Hollywood was growing during the Golden years of Hollywood, the people brought the best architects from around the world to build housing in Hollywood. Even the public housing for welfare was designed by a world renowned architect, Hollywood had the best of everything.
Some of the old hotels in Hollywood are fantastic old hotels, and the Park Plaza Hotel is a beautiful old hotel which will be perfect for the homeless people, and they have MacArthur Park, it is a great spot to help the homeless.
Canada needs to remember the movie "Field of Dreams" when it is said "If You Build It Then They Will Come" the immigrants will come, but you need to bring in the great architects and designers and builders to build it, like we did in Hollywood.
We still need to do a lot of building here in the USA and in California, and we need to keep it fun, with the best architects, etc.
Tony V.