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Messages - Oilcan

Pages: 1 ... 175 176 [177] 178 179 ... 210
Biden Administration / Re: Biden Administration
« on: November 18, 2021, 04:59:53 PM »
Must read for many of you:

Paywall,  Hamster.  You need to use the site.   Here it is

I respect Kasparov as a supporter of democracy and free discourse.  Like many Russians he knows what the absence looks like.

Biden Administration / Re: Biden Administration
« on: November 16, 2021, 01:12:15 PM »
I would agree with Bart in blaming the media, which I take to include social media, because it doesn't just amplify but also isolates.  The hoi polloi that Hamster would like to choose a middle path - many have trouble even conceiving what a middle path would be while their feeds bristle with imminent threats of some barbarian horde rolling in and shooting them or mindfucking them and their children.  Either communist barbarians or RW fascist barbarians or white supremacist ethnic cleansers, depending on the feed. 

When Fac starts saying that moderates are equivalent to good German Nazi-enablers, then I suggest that is sort of a barbarians at the gate mentality. 

Biden Administration / Re: Biden Administration
« on: November 15, 2021, 12:40:29 PM »
America will always be a conservative nation so long as North Dakota gets the same number of Senators as California.  And the Electoral College keeps to a winner takes all system in 47 states.  Our only hope is to reach out to moderate Republicans and form coalitions with more socially sane conservatives.  Scorched earth approaches will fail. 

Biden Administration / Re: Biden Administration
« on: November 15, 2021, 12:29:21 PM »
Jury instructions are supposed to be the antidote to any gallery distractions.  Hard to see how there would be any legal basis for a mistrial.  It also would turn any prominent spectator into a scapegoat, an awful consequence for our legal system. 

Biden Administration / Re: Biden Administration
« on: November 13, 2021, 10:36:29 AM »
Real journalists quote in context,  partisan hacks play deceptive games.

Biden Administration / Re: Biden Administration
« on: November 12, 2021, 09:22:27 PM »
Britney is free!!!

Biden Administration / Re: Biden Administration
« on: November 12, 2021, 01:06:24 PM »
Most forums I have joined, the mods do not ban nearly as much as they delete offtopic posts.  Seemed like a good approach -does not find any major fault, just removes whatever is not somewhere around the thread topic.  Personal tiffs could be handled by PM.  Nobody cares, when a couple posters get into a dispute and start yelling slander and backstabbing.  Nobody cares who is Right or Justified or the Holder of Truth, the bulk of members just want the pages cleared of grievance wars.

We could just call this thread Politics and Ideology, so it is nice and broad and covers what everyone is posting. 


Biden Administration / Re: Biden Administration
« on: November 11, 2021, 08:07:15 PM »

Jen Rubin.   If there is a way to get this on the archive website that Josh used for the bookburner piece,  I would be happy to post it there.   Excellent breakdown on what democracy needs right now.   No time to pull quotes and pick all the apostros etc  out of them.

Biden Administration / Re: Biden Administration
« on: November 11, 2021, 03:05:43 PM »
While I recognize inequitable delivery of healthcare or workplace protection to minorities can increase mortality from many things, including Covid,  I do not think this woeful situation which existed long before Trump is on the same level as rounding up six million people and shoving them into gas chambers.

So I think hyperbole is a fair term for that.   Another term is overheated rhetoric.   Because I do not think Trump admin officials were actually thinking,  gosh,  how can we exterminate brown people.   The reason I push back against such rhetoric,  sorry Larry,  is that it seems to either polarize or end a real discussion.   

Biden Administration / Re: Biden Administration
« on: November 10, 2021, 12:33:55 PM »
Good post,  Hamster.   You are all over the political left/right spectrum,  like many of us.

I doubt the old spectrum means that much.   Each issue has its own range,  and sometimes facts dont agreeably fit with old political categories. 

I was surprised to discover that "toad construction" is an option for young people.   As long as you dont get warts,  im down with it.

Television / Re: Television
« on: November 10, 2021, 12:22:29 PM »

This is pretty great.   Carole,  CJs righthand woman,  left the WW and went to real politics.   

Biden Administration / Re: Biden Administration
« on: November 09, 2021, 01:20:12 PM »
I do not believe disagreeing with a black person makes a white person racist but I do think that defining the scope of racism in our country to a black person is like a cis male defining the experience of menstruation or childbirth to a woman.  Why is it so hard to just STFU and listen to someone who has a direct experience of something you do not?

(and why is Laurence Olivier playing a Jew?  a related question, but not really a serious one, so ignore...)

Music / Re: Music
« on: November 08, 2021, 09:45:57 AM »
Ahhh ,  that is the name of the song.   

Meanwhile Irish moondancing idiot gives shit opinions on public health....

Biden Administration / Re: Biden Administration
« on: November 08, 2021, 09:33:05 AM »
From AP, on the New Jersey Senate winner...

(quoted passages indicated by parentheses, to evade Elba glitch)

In a screenshot of a 2019 Twitter post captured by a WNYC reporter, Durr wrote, (Mohammed was a pedophile! Islam is a false religion! Only fools follow Muslim teachings! It is a cult of hate!)

(I support everybodys right to worship in any manner they choose and to worship the God of their choice,) Durr said in his statement to the media outlets. (I support all people and I support everybodys rights. Thats what I am here to do, work for the people and support their rights.)

Durr did not respond to phone and email messages from The Associated Press seeking comment Friday. A spokesperson for New Jersey Senate Republicans declined comment Friday, referring a reporter to Durrs statement.

Also on Friday, the New Jersey chapter of the Council on American Islamic Relations called on Durr to meet with Muslim leaders and renounce hate.

In other posts, Durr seemed to equate not opposing COVID-19 vaccination mandates to remaining silent during the Holocaust, including with the post a photo of a yellow star that the National Socialist party forced Jewish people to wear.

He also said on Facebook that the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol was not an insurrection but (an unauthorized entry by undocumented federal employers.)


Biden Administration / Re: Biden Administration
« on: November 08, 2021, 09:25:52 AM »
Lets give em Australia.   Mostly worthless desert anyway.

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