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Messages - Hairy Lime

Pages: 1 ... 476 477 [478] 479 480 ... 525
Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: November 21, 2019, 06:25:11 PM »
Trump was making Ukraine corrupt again in order to serve his domestic political interests.  He is "of course" in favor of ending corruption there?  You are totally and completely lost.



“I ran one election and I won, happened to be for president,” said Trump. “I don’t care politically. I’m going to run another election, I think I’m winning based on polls that we see. Whether I win or not, I have to do the right thing. I don’t do things for political reasons...”
Who cares.what he says publicly. Look at what he says and does privately.

Football / Re: College Football
« on: November 21, 2019, 06:19:11 PM »
Do not underestimate the chance of chaos. All it takes is for Texas to beat Baylor and Oklahoma to lose the championship game

Big 12 equivalent of beating a dead horse. That conference can’t make it with a one loss champion.
Not over another one loss Conference champ,  but if Wisky wins out and there are four one loss Conference champs? Independent OLotPT aside, the Committee has never elevated a one loss non-champ over a one loss champ. The champs they have passed over have all had a second loss, and the rationale has always focused on a one loss resume being better than a two loss resume, so the whole conference champs thing is not in play. A one loss Oklahoma with that extra data point should have an advantage over Alabama, or in my scenario THE.

Football / Re: College Football
« on: November 21, 2019, 01:22:56 PM »
Do not underestimate the chance of chaos. All it takes is for Texas to beat Baylor and Oklahoma to lose the championship game, Wisky to win out and we have two conferences with two loss champions. Oregon losing to ASU might give us a third.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: November 21, 2019, 09:50:18 AM »
Impeachment wont continue without bipartisan House approval, remember?
And then Ukraine happened.

Football / Re: College Football
« on: November 20, 2019, 06:53:51 PM »
It is irrelevant to how the Committee treats the Tua injury, which is why I didn't think of the reference. Different process, different rule.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: November 20, 2019, 02:24:26 PM »
Seems another very good day for the Trumps
Kevin Bacon in Animal House.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: November 20, 2019, 02:21:49 PM »
So...who helped Sondland craft his opener - or had final approval on it?
His lawyer.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: November 20, 2019, 02:05:07 PM »
Trump has frequently shown his disdain for WaPo, and seemingly shifted a huge contract away from Amazon in order to punish the owner of a major newspaper he doesn't like.

Res ipsa.

Baseball / Re: Major League Baseball
« on: November 19, 2019, 05:08:39 PM »
The minute he left Cleveland.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: November 19, 2019, 03:13:01 PM »
Good day for Trump, it appears
Because insulting a decorated serving Officer is perfectly OK for conservatives, in the right cause.

Baseball / Re: Major League Baseball
« on: November 19, 2019, 03:07:24 PM »
I let in the 'roid guys who were generational HoF worthy talents when supposedly clean - Clemens and Bonds, Manny waits a bit - along with the two HoF worthy short stops,  Vizquel and Rafael Furcal.

Football / Re: College Football
« on: November 19, 2019, 11:40:09 AM »
Eventual 2020 National Champion Michigan State University 23, Rutgers 3

There is “suck” and then there is “Lose to Rutgers suck”. I do not buy the Dantonio hot seat comments I have been reading. These last two weeks are… not good.  But I think everyone at MSU knows full well that building a consistent winner in East Lansing is hard, especially when Methchicken is not coached by someone whose name rhymes with Grady Joke. This has been our best run of success since southern schools started allowing black athletes to play, and I think Dantonio is given the opportunity to straighten the mess out.  Frankly, it is the defense that concerns me.  I expected offensive issues, but the way the defense has played the last couple weeks is troubling.  I blame Joe Bachie.

the Louisiana State 56, Arkansas 10

Really, what is with God’s Conference scheduling cupcake games the week before their regular season rivalry games?  I am not sure if there is any real difference between scheduling a joke team in your second game and doing so in your penultimate game, but it sure seems like it. Of course, to be fair ClemSIN is taking a week off before its rivalry game.

THE 31, the Pennsylvania State 17

I have vacillated, or perhaps oscillated, between thinking this will be a close game and thinking it will be a blow out. I have essentially landed in the middle. PSU has not looked like a team to challenge THE in their last two games, but I still respect that defense.  THE has too many weapons, and their defense is the real edge for me. On the other hand, it would be interesting to see how they react to getting punched in the nose, rather than just rolling.  I would like a PSU win - it would be nice to see teams that have never made the playoffs make the playoffs – especially since the PSU got jacked out of a spot in favor of THE in 2016.  I just don’t see it.

Georgia 27, Texas A&M 17

TAMU has lost to every good team they have played.  Offensively, except for a couple walk overs, Georgia has been stuck in the 20s all year. I thought their offense would be better.  They are already in the God’s Conference Championship game, but they have had their sights set higher all year, and I expect no let down.

Alabama 49, Western Carolina 0

Is Western Carolina even a state? No.  Is “Catamite” a really bizarre name for a football team?  Yes.  Is that actually their team name?  No. 

Oregon 35, the Arizona State University 21

The Fightin’ Herms are riding a four game losing streak, needing this or a win in the Territorial Cup to be playoff eligible.  The highlight of their season was probably beating us, which is sad.  Oregon’s defense looked shaky in the three games leading up to last Saturday, but Herbert seems to be clicking offensively.

Utah 38, UArizona 6

Both of the PAWCP leaders head to the Sonoran Desert this week.  Not that home field really matters. Utah and Oregon should take care of business this week and next, which could very well get the PAWCP a ticket to the playoffs and would virtually eliminate a non-champ team like Alabama – or, if they lose in the championship game, LSU.  I will root for Utah – again, I would love to see a team that has not been in the playoffs in. Which applies to LSU also.   

Oklahoma 42, Texas Christian 31

Oklahoma has given up 27 points or more in four of their last five games, which calls into question the idea that their defense has reversed course from last year.  They have also come within a hare’s breath of losing the last two weeks.  I always wondered, as a kid, how big a hare’s breath is.  Such an odd measurement.  I still think that way even after learning what the phrase actually is.  Anyway, TCU can get their bowl eligibility next week.

Minnesota 27, Northwestern 7

Northwestern had an offensive explosion last week – more points than they had scored in all their games in October and (11/16 excepted) November combined.  And more points than they will score in the rest of the year. Minnesota/Wisky next week will be for the Big Whatever West slot, regardless of what happens here, but while I respect NU’s defense, I think Fleck’s team rows the boat one more week.

Indiana 27, Methchicken 21

Trap game check list: Emotional rivalry game the week before?  Check.  Looking forward to another one next week?  Check.  Key players making stupid comments about the next game?  Check.  Quality team they should beat but capable of beating them?  Check.  On the road?  Check.  Do I hate them?  Check check check check check.

Our Lady of the Perpetual Tie 21, Boston College 17

BC is just not that good.  5 – 5 in the South Atlantic League? Bad.  Loss to Kansfuckingass?  Worse.

Virginia Tech 24, Pittsburgh 21

Someone is winning the South Atlantic League Coastal [sic], right?  A showdown with Virginia looms for VTU.  I am letting the home field call this one.

Cincinnati 27, Temple 13

Cinci is still the unfortunate decision to schedule THE for a paycheck away from unbeaten.  That 11/29 showdown with Memphis should be an entertaining game that will go a long way to determining the Gang of Five bowl rep.  But Temple is good, good enough to take down Cinci like they did Memphis.

University of California* 35, University of California** 24

I am sorry, but who came up with the bright idea of letting the Bruins play a game after this one?  And why is this not played on the last regular season Saturday?  THE v. Methchicken at noon, Nebraska v. Oklahoma in the midafternoon, USC v. UCLA at night, drinking cocoa and roasting hot dogs in the fireplace with my dad.  Both teams in their home unis, a packed Coliseum, John McKay on the sidelines, Rose Bowl in the line, lots of student body rights… and now get off my lawn whippersnappers.

*             Southern

**           Los Angeles

Nebraska 23, Maryland 14

The last time either of these teams won a game was October 5.  One of these teams wins its last game of the year Saturday.  The other wins next in Sept… wait, Maryland still has us to play.  Never mind.

Football / Re: College Football
« on: November 19, 2019, 11:18:17 AM »

Or years ago when a team from Ohio went to the Rose Bowl and not the better team from Michigan.

Apropos of the current conversation about key injuries.
Ohio State and Michigan tied for the Big Ten Championship and head-to-head they deadlocked 10-10  in 1973.
But the Wolverine QB, Dennis Franklin, dislocated his shoulder in the game. The Conference AD’s  selected OSU for the Rose Bowl because of the Franklin injury.
Michigan coach Bo Schembechler bitterly disagreed but OSU went on to win the Rose Bowl in a romp over USC 42-21.

To the utter disgrace of the Big Ten.
Uh... THE won the Rose Bowl behind a healthy Cornelius Greene, with Archie Griffin and Pete Johnson. Given Franklin's broken collarbone and UM's historically inept kicker the then aptly named Big 10 put the team with the best chance to win in the Conference's only bowl game. Hardly a disgrace.

Deciding vote to send OSU reportedly cast by MSU athletic director Burt Smith, which supposedly cost us a law school for 25 years.

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