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Messages - Hairy Lime

Pages: 1 ... 478 479 [480] 481 482 ... 494
Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: August 21, 2019, 02:17:58 PM »
Danish PM says she is SHOCKED that US is not coming

heh - really?
Well, yes, she should not be shocked that current President a.petulant whining spoiled brat when someone tells him no, but really is still objectively shocking.

Football / Re: College Football
« on: August 21, 2019, 02:11:57 PM »
My Top 11:

6. Alabama

Because I have them losing to Georgia and being the best team not in the CFP.  They lost a lof of talent in the draft, sure, but they are strong and deep everywhere.  Alabama is one of the handful of “reload” teams in CFB, so even if I did not know who was taking Quinnen Williams’s place (Phidarian Mathis?  D J Dale?) I know it is a talent.  Yhere is two, three deep talent all through the defense. Taglovailoa is one of the top returning quarterbacks, Najee Harris and Trey Sanders should become the top RB options without missing a beat, and Judge Jeudy gives Taglovailoa the top target in the NCAA.  So why do I Have them missing the playoffs? Is it because the odds against Bama/ClemSIN V make me want to keep one out, and it isn’t going to be the only really good team in the South Atlantic League?  Is it because I actually hate Nick Satan that much?  Is it a hunch?  Was Alabama tails? I’ll never tell.

You don't have to tell us. We already know which one it is.

Nice list, but it's like trying to hide a shit sandwich amidst among all the over dishes at the family reunion picnic table.
1. If you know which one it is you are ahead of me. I just know I didn't flip a coin.

2. That is the last time I invite Octavia Spencer to my family reunion.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: August 21, 2019, 11:17:12 AM »
Harvard Law had an affirmative action program at the time that Obama applied but nobody except the admissions office personnel knows whether they used those criteria in his case, and those people aren't saying. We do know that before Harvard and other Law schools started to admit people of color and women, white men got into those Law schools through affirmative-action programs over black people and other people of color and women who were more qualified than they were. Once again, we do not know whether this was true in any particular case, that is, whether a particular white man would have been admitted independently of his race and sex.

Get that from your white supremicist web site? Harvard Law never had an Affirmitive Action policy because they did not need one to establish diversity. They get all of the best applicants in the country and can have a diverse student body without changing admissions standards.

Once.again, other than his race, why do you think Obama was an Affirmitive Action candidate?

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: August 21, 2019, 03:32:08 AM »

Wasn't he AFFIRMATIVE ACTION at Harvard?

If so, you have just cited the most compelling single case for AA ever cited.
Harvard Law does not have an Affirmative Action program. Harvard does not need to to obtain diversity.
They use diversity as a factor in selection among people who meet admissions standards, but that is not Affirmative Action. It does not mean Obama was an Affirmative Action candidate any more than, say, the child of an autoworker would be. And he was probably helped more by his community organizer work.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: August 21, 2019, 03:25:53 AM »
Why? He's just a different kind of ex-President.


Not yet anyway

Has to talk his wife into running if they want their legacy to be grand

Stay tuned.

Addendum - some would say Michelle is letting down her nation by being content to just lay in her millions

Like Joe not running in 2016.......
Obama did not let Joe run in 2016.
According to YankGuy Obama is a genius.
Obama gave Beau Biden brain cancer?

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: August 21, 2019, 03:22:13 AM »
"Obama got outsmarted"!
Dog bites man.
I'm confident that Obama could match intellects with you, let alone President Nitwit, any day of the week.
Proving what?
That, like Trump, you criticizing Obama's intellect demonstrates even further your lack of one.

Wasn't he AFFIRMATIVE ACTION at Harvard?
No. Other than his being black, what makes you think that?

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: August 20, 2019, 05:18:18 PM »

Trump foreign policy work unpopular but proper
Russia has withdrawn from Crimea and eastern Ukraine? Great news!

Putin is getting what he paid for. A mindless puppet doing his bidding.

Football / Re: College Football
« on: August 20, 2019, 04:09:16 PM »
Cap -

You misspelled Michigan State as "Alabama".

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: August 20, 2019, 12:29:13 PM »
Zero hyperbole from me.  The US destabilized the ME by invading Iraq, and overthrowing the Saddam/Baathist regime.  The war and aftermath/mess in Afghanistan similarly destabilized Central Asia.

Thanks Bo-Its helpful to understand your agenda when you place Ground Zero of Middle-East instability at 1991. That provides me another prism to understand your POV.

Zero hypocrisy.  No idea even what you might be referring to.  Make arguments not assertions.

I was mocking Boz, and his intentional and inaccurate hyperbole, and his almost immediate 180 spin from an earlier post regarding shared responsibilities.
I eagerly await your next post about shared responsibilities for the situation in Israel. It will be your first.
I could care less if you do not understand a conversation I'm having with another poster.

As to "Adolph" that was an intended TIC reference meant in part to trigger clueless humorless moron(s) who would make far more of it than was intended.
You were trolling yourself? I thought you were just being an asshole.

You didn't originally agree with my post about the shared failure, regarding your post which assigned fault as "Israel failure"?

Sorry I hurt your feeling Eva

Let me point out something I noticed earlier in WP's posts:  he said the discussion was about Israel's role in ME instability, etc.  That does not imply or argue that other actors have not also failed in various ways.  It just means that Israel, backed as it is by an extremely powerful ally who gives it billions of dollars, is deserving of some focused discussion that trains the lens on its particular policies and actions.
That obvious reading would not comport with his agenda.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: August 20, 2019, 12:00:11 PM »
Takeaway here is that bankshot1 is definitely someone who readily admits when he is wrong.

Which is fine, thats his right, but it remains a prism from which I will view his posts (including those from last night) on the subject.
He also never, ever, argument go. Ever.

True. But his default setting, unlike yours, isn't to label anyone who disagrees with him as a racist.

You hypocritical mass of self-righteous idiocy.
No, not.everyone who disagrees with me is a racist. YOU are.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: August 20, 2019, 11:00:51 AM »
Takeaway here is that bankshot1 is definitely someone who readily admits when he is wrong.

Which is fine, thats his right, but it remains a prism from which I will view his posts (including those from last night) on the subject.
He also never, ever, argument go. Ever.

I didn't realize you were still so butt hurt all these years.

I thought we had made decent progress, my bad.
I do not know what you are referring to. But I offer the entire American League forum as evidence of my point.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: August 20, 2019, 10:54:01 AM »
Takeaway here is that bankshot1 is definitely someone who readily admits when he is wrong.

Which is fine, thats his right, but it remains a prism from which I will view his posts (including those from last night) on the subject.
He also never, ever, argument go. Ever.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: August 20, 2019, 10:49:08 AM »
Zero hyperbole from me.  The US destabilized the ME by invading Iraq, and overthrowing the Saddam/Baathist regime.  The war and aftermath/mess in Afghanistan similarly destabilized Central Asia.

Thanks Bo-Its helpful to understand your agenda when you place Ground Zero of Middle-East instability at 1991. That provides me another prism to understand your POV.

Zero hypocrisy.  No idea even what you might be referring to.  Make arguments not assertions.

I was mocking Boz, and his intentional and inaccurate hyperbole, and his almost immediate 180 spin from an earlier post regarding shared responsibilities.
I eagerly await your next post about shared responsibilities for the situation in Israel. It will be your first.
I could care less if you do not understand a conversation I'm having with another poster.

As to "Adolph" that was an intended TIC reference meant in part to trigger clueless humorless moron(s) who would make far more of it than was intended.
You were trolling yourself? I thought you were just being an asshole.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: August 20, 2019, 10:44:41 AM »
Iran is the threat to stabilization in the region, and in Central Asia. Wake the fuck up.

Your post is Orwellian.
The US attacked and waged war on Afghanistan and Iraq, the neighbors on either side of Iran.  Destroying their gov'ts, killing and displacing large chunks of their population, unleashing sectarian violence, while unable to secure any kind of stable gov't in the war's aftermath.  Indeed fighting and insurgency have been their post-war fates for the past decade and a half.  Yet you claim it's Iran that is the threat to regional stabilization.  Unbelievable.

You think Israel is destabilizing?  You're lost on this issue, child.

Totally fucking lost.
Sorry but under the banks.rule if you criticize one side you must.also criticize the other or you are an anti-Palestinian bigot.

poor boz employs a little hyperbole when his hypocrisy was exposed.

Goodnight Adolph

The hypocrisy is yours. You react this way to every criticism of Israel.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: August 20, 2019, 12:11:41 AM »
Iran is the threat to stabilization in the region, and in Central Asia. Wake the fuck up.

Your post is Orwellian.
The US attacked and waged war on Afghanistan and Iraq, the neighbors on either side of Iran.  Destroying their gov'ts, killing and displacing large chunks of their population, unleashing sectarian violence, while unable to secure any kind of stable gov't in the war's aftermath.  Indeed fighting and insurgency have been their post-war fates for the past decade and a half.  Yet you claim it's Iran that is the threat to regional stabilization.  Unbelievable.

You think Israel is destabilizing?  You're lost on this issue, child.

Totally fucking lost.
Sorry but under the banks.rule if you criticize one side you must.also criticize the other or you are an anti-Palestinian bigot.

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