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Messages - Hairy Lime

Pages: 1 ... 493 494 [495] 496 497
Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: June 28, 2019, 03:09:00 PM »
Next.debate at the end of July has the same rules for qualifying. Meaning there could be even more on stage. Time.for Sethmania!

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: June 28, 2019, 02:07:57 PM »
I like there are so many out there competing to get their message out. Dismissing folks who aren’t considered “Heavyweights” ignores the ideas these folks have that inspired their supporters to give them enough money and effort to get them on the stage.

Time will winnow down the field so what’s the rush to throw away passionate segments of the Democratic coalition?

We don’t have to push them off the stage,just let them quietly drop out over the next few weeks and keep their followers engaged through the rest of the process.

Notice not many folks talking about Bernie... the Bros won’t like that. I expect them to go HAM on every woman in the race...

All the "debates" have shown is how disorganized the Democratic party is, and it has a lot of work to do in crafting a coherent message to the American people.

Not disorganized, it is inclusive. Why not spend a few months passing around the megaphone and spreading Democratic ideals for a wide variety of policies from border to border and sea to Sea?
Giving these candidates their space will make it easier for their supporters to move their energy to a smaller and smaller group of candidates.

Chance are these voters won’t become the “or Bust” Bernie bros or the idiots who literally pissed away their votes on Jill Stein.
I thought the debates were precisely as organized and had precisely the coherent message that you would expect from 20 candidates competing against each other for attention, air time, and votes. Slightly better than the 2015 first Repo debates because the responses seemed more issue and policy focused (Ms. Williamson self confessedly excepted), less personal (both each other and opponents) and no one has referred to the size of his penis. Yet.

If there are still double figures in candidates when New Hamphire rolls around, that is different.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: June 28, 2019, 12:43:58 PM »
Yes.  Because "flyers" show how you handle pressure and time constraints, express yourself publicly and think on your feet.

As for resume's - I don't consider them while watching debates.
Time constraints? Thinking on your feet? What do you think a flyer is?

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: June 28, 2019, 12:42:18 PM »
Keisha Bottoms endorses Biden

Take that, Senator Harris.

Yeah, so?

You support Harris?

Yeah. I like Harris and I think she has barely scratched the surface.

I like, in no particular order at this point:

Biden (There’s uncle Joe he’s a movin kind of slow...)
E. Warren
Mayor Pete
K. Gillibrand
A. Klobuchar
J. Castro
K. Harris

I thought Bennett had the most powerful moment last night when he compared the separation of families at the border with his family separation during the Holocaust.
I thought there’d be a bigger uproar over his comments in light of the reaction to Ocasio-Cortez’ concentration camp statement.
I like Delaney, though only for his sexy hair style. I would look like him if I could get rid of this second person who has inexplicably grown around me these last 15 years.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: June 28, 2019, 11:39:50 AM »
OK did some research, when and why did the democratic party become the defender of chain migration. Two words; Ted Kennedy. Guilt over Mary Jo?
That is six words, fool.

Family based migration works.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: June 28, 2019, 10:28:11 AM »
These "debates" could have been held in my basement and I wouldn't have watched. Consider it a protest.

I will consider you uninformed, if that's ok.

Considering that not watching a dog and pony show makes you uninformed is a product of the same thinking that concludes you can learn a lot from flyers.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: June 28, 2019, 10:25:11 AM »
I watched about half of each. Mostly to figure out who is dropping out in the next few.weeks, and to see who can work carefully crafted comments into their responses while making it look spontaneous.  Hello President Harris. So long Rep..Salwell, if only for attributing "the torch is passed" to Biden.

Football / Re: College Football
« on: June 27, 2019, 10:42:44 PM »
My Top 11:

11. Utah

The PAWCP South is a mess right now, which is an opportunity for a well-constructed, well coached team like Utah.  I like their defense; even with a couple departures in the secondary, the core of the group remains, and should improve.  Offensively, reasonable health for Huntley should help provide enough offense.  They do not have a power conference OOC opponent, and miss out on both Oregon and Stanford. Weak schedule, mucked up South means Utah should be in the PAWCP final.

10. Meatchicken

I think you all know how painful it was for me to even write that much.  

9. Texas

Texas may be, for me, the team that replaces the Mark Richt era Georgia Bulldogs as the team I consistently overrate, year in, year out.  Ehlinger couldn’t beat Lake Travis, sure, but he is a good college quarterback, and Herman is a fine coach who has been recruiting well.  It may take them a while to get the defense sorted out, with only 2 returning starters.  Fortunately, defense is irrelevant in the Pure Prairie League.  Unfortunately, they have LSU in week 2.  They look to be the second best team in the PPL.

8. Louisiana State University

Amazing what a merely competent quarterback can do for an offense.  After years of watching stellar defenses lose out on glory because of the inability to achieve mere competence at One. Specific. Position., Just OK Joe Burrow is just OK enough to win any time LSU is not playing a team whose name rhymes with Malabama. They have some holes to fill on Defense, including replacing 2019 NFL Defensive Rookie of the Year Greedy Williams, but they have a lot of depth to replace anyone with.  I just don’t think they get over Sabin Mountain.

7. Oregon

Someone is winning the PAWCP, and missing the Playoffs. I like Washington’s coach, and new portal quarterback, but do not trust them to make good on the defensive losses.  Herbert did not impress me when I saw them, albeit a lot of that was against one of the NCAA’s better defenses in the most snooze inducing bowl game of last winter, but he has all the tools, and good running backs and line to lean on.  Defensively, they have a good but not great defense, but it should be enough.  They have to survive Auburn early, and Washington on the road, to be a CFP team, and I do not think they do that.

6. Alabama

Because I have them losing to Georgia and being the best team not in the CFP.  They lost a lof of talent in the draft, sure, but they are strong and deep everywhere.  Alabama is one of the handful of “reload” teams in CFB, so even if I did not know who was taking Quinnen Williams’s place (Phidarian Mathis?  D J Dale?) I know it is a talent.  Yhere is two, three deep talent all through the defense. Taglovailoa is one of the top returning quarterbacks, Najee Harris and Trey Sanders should become the top RB options without missing a beat, and Judge Jeudy gives Taglovailoa the top target in the NCAA.  So why do I Have them missing the playoffs?  Is it because the odds against Bama/ClemSIN V make me want to keep one out, and it isn’t going to be the only really good team in the South Atlantic League?  Is it because I actually hate Nick Satan that much?  Is it a hunch?  Was Alabama tails? I’ll never tell.

5. Oklahoma

Nine starters return on Defense, which is only kind of good news. They could not stop the running game, and had an even worse pass defense.  Part of it is the culture of the Pure Prairie League, where every team tries to out-offense each other, and offense wins championships. But without improvements, they are not going to get through Alaborgia or ClemSIN.  Offensively, Hurts has a lot of the skills Murray had, but Murray was a better controlled passer.  Still, there is so much talent on the line and receiving that Hurts should be able to come close to the Heisman level performance Oklahoma has had for years.

4. the Ohio State

If Alabama gets in over a conference champ – in addition to the PAWCP – it is here.  The Buckeyes have one of their periodic “between home and home” cupcake OOC schedules – the best team they play is Cinci - but there are a handful of games that they could lose on their schedule. The Big Whatever’s West may lack a stellar team, but it is deep and OSU has three of the contenders on its schedule, in addition to whoever wins in the Big Whatever championship game.  They get two of the three strong East teams – PSU, MSU – at home, and get to suck the life out of Jim “OSU’s Your Daddy” Harbaugh in Ann Arbor. I do not think the Committee would put a one loss non-champ in against a one loss conference champ, but they sure as hell are willing to put a one loss non-champ in over a two loss champ, particularly if the one loss non champ is Alabama. I am putting some trust in tOSU’s ability to restock after losses, and for New Guy QB to be able to seamlessly integrate into the offense, run by New Guy Head Coach, but the returning talent is strong on both sides of the ball, everywhere.

3. Georgia

Because Jake Fromm, a strong offensive line – one of the nation’s best – a bevy of running backs and a supremely talented defense that only needs to get a little better against the run.  The schedule is tough – the OOC includes Our Lady of the Perpetual Tie and while God’s Conference East is still the weaker half, they draw Auburn on the road and TAMU – but doable.

2. ClemSIN

Trevor Lawrence may have Jennifer Lawrence’s hair, but he also has Justin Ross, Travis Etienne and 4/5 of last year’s great o line to support him.  Defensively, you’d think losing your entire defensive line to the NFL would indicate that there is some work to be done, but they have experienced depth waiting to come in.  The South Atlantic League is weak again, but ClemSIN does have a tough OOC game against TAMU.  Still, the toughest league game looks like an early season matchup with the Cuse, and in the old days the chance that they would Clemson away an easy win would always be there.  I think they are past that.  Only one team has ever repeated since the BCS era started, but there is no reason that they cannot be the second.


Well, we should have a tough defense that can keep us in every game – 8 returning starters including potential first round choice Kenny Willekes, who heads up one of the better D Lines in the country.  Bachie and Scott are also possible All Americans.  We can hold any offense in check, for a while at least.  I am placing a lot of trust in the idea that the arm injury to Eventual 2019 Heisman Trophy Winner Brian Lewerke, and not regression to the mean, was the reason he was so much worse in 2018 than 2017.  We also have to figure out the running back position, and need improvement on the O Line.  The schedule has a really tough stretch – OSU, Wisky on the road, PSU at home, and then at Michigan (granted, with two off days – three if you count Illinois – mixed in).  But revenge against the Fightin’ Edwards’s in East Lansing highlights a very doable OOC schedule.  I am thinking this year is like 2013, where we followed up a 7-6 year that featured some very close losses with a Rose Bowl win.  

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: June 27, 2019, 06:48:45 PM »
"These flyers depict Australia's policy on Illegal Immigration. Much can be learned!" Mr Trump tweeted on Thursday morning local time.[/I]
Trump thinks much can be learned from a series of flyers....

Much can be learnt from flyers..
...if you have the attention span of a toddler.

A long attention span is not required to understand the flyers;



'Australia's borders are closed to illegal migration'


Short and sweet.
Finally they got the message.
Navy had to tow some boats back to Indonesia, but the cost was well worth it.
Some still tried it on...they're the ones now stuck on Nauru and Manus Island PNG.[some have gone to America, some have taken the govt's money and gone home, some are still there].

No degree from Harvard needed for this one either.
Jesus you are an idiot.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: June 27, 2019, 06:47:29 PM »
Coal is still needed for when the sun doesn't shine and the wind doesn't blow.
For the same reason you can only use coal power when you plug your extension cord directly into the power generating plant. Jesus you are an idiot.

Idiocy is believing that at present coal is not needed in the world to supply the base-load power the population an affordable price.
Jesus you are an idiot.

Which part of this statement don't you agree with?

at present coal is needed in the world to supply the base-load power the population an affordable price.
Jesus you are an idiot.

Baseball / Re: Major League Baseball
« on: June 27, 2019, 05:04:53 PM »

troll -you're nothing but a cancer on this forum

About 10-20% of the time, he manages to forget either antipathy for all things Boston or to attack one or another of us personally.

On those occasions, he makes useful comments, posts thoughtful observations, and shares worthwhile links. He's even been known to do so for months at a time.
Yeah but since 80 - 90% of the time he is being a racist ass hat, it is just not worth the effort anymore.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: June 27, 2019, 05:03:07 PM »
Coal is still needed for when the sun doesn't shine and the wind doesn't blow.
For the same reason you can only use coal power when you plug your extension cord directly into the power generating plant. Jesus you are an idiot.

Idiocy is believing that at present coal is not needed in the world to supply the base-load power the population an affordable price.
Jesus you are an idiot.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: June 27, 2019, 05:02:10 PM »
"These flyers depict Australia's policy on Illegal Immigration. Much can be learned!" Mr Trump tweeted on Thursday morning local time.[/I]
Trump thinks much can be learned from a series of flyers....

Much can be learnt from flyers..
...if you have the attention span of a toddler.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: June 27, 2019, 04:59:20 PM »
Note the ass hat cannot even tell California from Arizona.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: June 27, 2019, 10:39:20 AM »
You guessed wrong. Then you wrote a lot of horseshit.

Both extreme partisans are using pictures of dead babies to advance their cause. That's disgusting on many levels. Guess you don't see it that way.

Looks like I guessed right (hint, I wasn't really guessing) and then you promptly ignored or did not understand the points that followed.

Shorter version; pointing to dead babies to advance your cause isn't disgusting (on any level) if your cause is ending policies that lead to dead babies.

Maybe what you want to argue is that family separations, metering and otherwise making border conditions appreciably crueler (such as arguing that you do not need to provide beds or soap or toothpaste) as a mater of policy does not actually lead to higher risk of death for migrants.  Then make that argument. 

Otherwise, your post is virtue signaling without merit or substance.

If only you were msn enough to admit you fucked up.

You fucked up.

You are the 2nd-to-last person (after Ward) who should be lecturing others here on admitting fucking up.

Joshie butts in, beard caked with donut crumbs, glasses fogged, as the illiberal Leftists circle the wagons, trying to defend exploiting pics of dead children to advance the cause.
While asshat Hamilton continues to exploit pics of dead children to advance his own personal vendettas.

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