Cuba became poor once they aligned with Russia. The Cubans are good, smart, beautiful people, but the minute that Cuba fell to Castro and Communism then progress stopped in Cuba, they are still driving old cars from the 1950s. And the same with Venezuela, they will fall into poverty. Venezuela was once very wealthy with the most beautiful people in Latin America. And Russia will just continue to fall further and further into poverty until they choose peace and democracy and world trade, etc.
And we can teach them how to get honest money for education from companies like Coca Cola, etc, Cuba can have tariffs on imports, which means they can charge Coca Cola tariffs to import and sell Coca Cola in Cuba, and then Cuba can use the money for education, and for hospitals, etc, and to house the elderly, etc. Plus the workers in Cuba can have Medi-Cal and Social Security like in California, for housing and medical care for the elderly and for the disabled, etc. We can teach Cuba about Unions also, and Labor Laws, etc. We can teach Cuba and Venezuela and Russia how to have peace and prosperity and democracy and good human rights, etc.
Tony V.