On the issue of housing, as I have stated, I think that high density apartments that are built and designed nice, with swimming pools, and tennis courts, etc, like in Santorini, Greece, built in cheap locations like Battle Mountain, Nevada, are the way of the future in America.
In the cities we can have towers with the poor people on the bottom floors and the rich people can live on the top floors, and there can be a swimming pool on the roof, etc, like Empire West in West Hollywood.
And HUD needs to build like crazy.
Of note, here in California housing is so expensive that people share housing because it is all that they can afford, there are people here in my apartment complex with the parents and 4 kids living in a 1 bedroom apartment, there are whole families living in a 1 bedroom apartment.
In Italy people are having multigenerational homes, and many Latinos here in California have multigenerational homes. Of note, for many people their Grandparents do childcare, there are many benefits of multigenrational homes.
Tony V.