As cleaner forms of energy generation become more affordable, then there is no reason for people not to go with clean energy production.
And in Anaheim our public utilities are owned by we the citizens, so we get cheap electricity, plus some of the money goes into a general fund to be spent however we choose. Thus, some of the money from the sale of energy is going to help the homeless people, and for other social programs. The only danger about the electric company being owned by the City is that we have so much money that the money attracts corruption, we had a Mayor who was so corrupt that he tried to sell Angel Stadium and get a million dollar kick-back. When you have a lot of money going to companies which are owned by the people then you have to be careful of corrupt people who try to steal and divert the money that is supposed to help the people. If you have corrupt leaders then the money does not make it to help the poor citizens. The people at the top are stealing the money that rightfully belongs to the people, while the poor people suffer and do not even know that they are getting ripped off and that we have blessings as citizens of Anaheim, and that we have help available and money available to help the citizens of Anaheim. We own the public utilities, and we own Angel Stadium, and we own the Convention Center, and we own lots of other assets, and it is great if we have honest Nuns running our City government, we need the most honest and sincere people in City government, we have a lot of money coming into our City, and we need to make sure that the money makes it to improve the lives of the Citizens of Anaheim and the poor and homeless people of Anaheim. Anaheim is rich, but we must guard ourselves against corruption, otherwise the corrupt people will benefit instead of the good people of Anaheim who our City was built to serve. The money needs to go to the Citizens and not to corrupt politicians and their special interests.
Of note too, an energy that few people discuss is Geo-Thermal, and I had a friend who drilled for Geo-Thermal energy production as a job, Geo-Thermal is viable, and people are using Geo-Thermal as I type this, and Geo-Thermal is growing in popularity.
Tony V.