Yes bambu, it is safe to walk in Anaheim, and we have a great bus system, and we have trains that go to Los Angeles, etc. And it is safe to walk in Hollywood. Just be careful when riding the trains and the subways, and you may have to get up and walk to a different car to get away from bad people. For instance, there may be a bunch of bad guys sitting there on the train talking about prison experiences, and for me in an experience like that I will get up and change cars and go sit with nicer people. The trains and subways and buses need to have security guards.
But yes, it is safe to walk in Anaheim. And City planners need to make cities walkable, cities need to be planned with everything that the people need right there within walking distance in their community. I can walk to the pharmacy, and to the grocery store, and to anywhere I need to go, and then for longer trips I have the buses and trains, and the trains also take me to the Los Angeles International Airport so I can go anywhere in the world from here without a car.
And Fac, the Mighty Ducks are expanding and they are investing, two billion dollars is going to be spent in the neighborhood around the area where the Ducks play. It is going to be nice. And they are building a bunch of retirement housing in that area, it is going to be a great area for retired people. And the area is also close to UCI medical school, and Chapman film school. And right now the Angels baseball team is up for sale, and we need for good new owners to buy the Angels, we need for someone cool like Gwen Stefani to buy the Angels, Gwen can get her buddies in Las Vegas to team up with her to buy the Angels baseball team. And Anaheim needs to keep investing, and we need to make this place nice like Saint Augustine, Florida, and like Rome, Italy. And we need to bring in the best master craftsmen as we build, and the best designers, and the best architects, and the best landscapers, etc.
Tony V.