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Author Topic: News in General  (Read 248486 times)


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Re: News in General
« Reply #4995 on: August 09, 2023, 12:49:33 PM »

A dog wrote the screen play to Greystoke?

I remember it being short on dialogue but that still seems highly improbable.
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Re: News in General
« Reply #4996 on: August 09, 2023, 12:51:02 PM »

I was terrified when mrs bambu announced that part of her travel as well as to Japan was to Hong Kong (Disneyland).
As luck would have it, that was before things in Hong Kong turned very bad.
...and she returned safely.

Overseas travel is not for me.
"Banged up abroad" I would be destroyed in my soul.
Not worth the risk.

You are going to Hell for your sins. Stay put till then if you want to. Nobody cares.
Republicans will deliver only poverty and world war

Hairy Lime

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Re: News in General
« Reply #4997 on: August 09, 2023, 01:36:48 PM »

A dog wrote the screen play to Greystoke?

I remember it being short on dialogue but that still seems highly improbable.
P. H. Vazak was the sole credited screenwriter for the movie. The Academy just goes with who gets the WGA credit. The great Robert Towne actually wrote it, but when the studio would not let him direct he took his name off the screenplay and credited to his dog. I really hope that fact leads his inevitable obituary, though I suspect winning an Oscar for writing one of the two or three greatest non-Billy Wilder screenplays of all time gets the lede.
A parrot bit me.

Hairy Lime

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Re: News in General
« Reply #4998 on: August 09, 2023, 01:49:27 PM »

Greystoke is of course also famous for having all of the female lead's dialogue overdubbed in post.production by Glenn Close. And for starring Christopher Lambert, a nice looking block of wood who later starred as a Scot with a French accent for some reason in Highlander, a movie about immortals who are being killed, A PLOT POINT THAT STILL PISSES ME THE FUCK OFF TO THIS DAY AND ALWAYS WILL.
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Re: News in General
« Reply #4999 on: August 09, 2023, 02:03:46 PM »

I was terrified when mrs bambu announced that part of her travel as well as to Japan was to Hong Kong (Disneyland).
As luck would have it, that was before things in Hong Kong turned very bad.
...and she returned safely.

Overseas travel is not for me.
"Banged up abroad" I would be destroyed in my soul.
Not worth the risk.

You are going to Hell for your sins. Stay put till then if you want to. Nobody cares.

Do you repent your sins?
The bad people lurk in the shadows, waiting to pounce...the moment you get security careless.

Hairy Lime

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Re: News in General
« Reply #5000 on: August 09, 2023, 02:23:30 PM »

I was terrified when mrs bambu announced that part of her travel as well as to Japan was to Hong Kong (Disneyland).
As luck would have it, that was before things in Hong Kong turned very bad.
...and she returned safely.

Overseas travel is not for me.
"Banged up abroad" I would be destroyed in my soul.
Not worth the risk.

You are going to Hell for your sins. Stay put till then if you want to. Nobody cares.
Yes, bambu should never travel. He should not even leave his basement. Keep the noxious infection localized.
A parrot bit me.


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Re: News in General
« Reply #5001 on: August 09, 2023, 03:12:33 PM »

I was terrified when mrs bambu announced that part of her travel as well as to Japan was to Hong Kong (Disneyland).
As luck would have it, that was before things in Hong Kong turned very bad.
...and she returned safely.

Overseas travel is not for me.
"Banged up abroad" I would be destroyed in my soul.
Not worth the risk.

You are going to Hell for your sins. Stay put till then if you want to. Nobody cares.
Yes, bambu should never travel. He should not even leave his basement. Keep the noxious infection localized.

Bali bombings
What happened to British nurse David Chell in Malaysia
NZ volcano eruption
Hurricanes/Tornadoes/Twisters [all confusing]
Bears, big cats
Planes shot down
Plane crashes, bus crashes, car crashes, kidnappings [some cabs are fake]
Crowds, lines a 'mile' long.
Diseases...malaria etc
Food problems...I wouldn't like most of it.
Airports closed, flights delayed, flights overbooked [should be banned]...horrible, totally destroy the travel experience.
Travel..only for the brave.
I travel the world, on Youtube...the quality of videos from drones etc these days is superb.

« Last Edit: August 09, 2023, 03:15:26 PM by bambu. »
The bad people lurk in the shadows, waiting to pounce...the moment you get security careless.


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Re: News in General
« Reply #5002 on: August 09, 2023, 03:22:01 PM »

Atop the Sydney Harbour Bridge fly two giant on each side of the arch.

The Aboriginal flag...representing Black people, on one side, ....and....the National flag containing the British Union Jack, 7 point Federation Star, and stars of the Southern Cross...representing 'White/Everyone else' people on the other side.
Please tell me how that is not 'segregation' and 'division'.
Please tell me how that is "We are ONE".
I wonder which of the two flags you approve of.

A word in the national anthem was changed recently...
Hopefully, from "jumbuck" to "sheep". Speak English, fools.
Oh, and around Sydney now they're putting up, in bright letters 2'6" and 3' high, at the entrance to suburbs...



Gotta love assimilation.  lol

Coming to America soon?
Yeah, like maybe in 1850. Forget it bambu its Chinatown, Korea Town,, Little Italy, Slavic Village, Little Warsaw and the like and they have been around the US for decades. And their people get assimilated just fine in a generation. No reason to think that will change.

Jumbuck, tucker bag etc are in song Waltzing Matilda.
Maybe the swagman had killed the sheep and just had some of the meat in his tucker bag.
Who knows.
Poetic licence is a wonderful thing.  lol

Advance Australia Fair is the National anthem.

Liar. If it is not Waltzing Matilda, it is Tie Me Kangaroo Down Sport, which also bothers me because it talks, or rather sings, of a "platypus duck." A platypus is not a duck. Or any bird. That is just a foul mistake.
In it you might not like the word 'girt'

"We've golden soil and wealth for toil
Our home is girt by sea".
I take it "girt" is slang for "penal colony".

 girt = framed
"Our land is framed by sea"

America was a British penal colony long before Australia was. lol
Only when Britain was kicked out of America did it start a penal colony in Australia instead, in 1788.


 It Matilda...the swagman, billabong, jumbuck, tucker bag, Squatter (rancher).

Tie Me Kangaroo Down Sport...totally weird song...never liked it or the singer.


Two flags?
Imagine the US flag, and another flag, one representing say Black people, or some other race, always flying together everywhere, with equality.
Do not have to imagine it. I have a neighbor who also flies a Marines flag. Routinely pass by a MIA flag, and a pride flag on my way to work. Since they are on the same pole, flown below the US flag per regulation. I am guessing you would only have a problem with one of them.

Below the US flag, not beside it in equality!
People wanna have their own flags, fine by me, but they should not be flown as equal to the national flag.
The bad people lurk in the shadows, waiting to pounce...the moment you get security careless.

Hairy Lime

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Re: News in General
« Reply #5003 on: August 09, 2023, 03:49:48 PM »

There is no flag protocol requiring the US flag to be higher, unless flying on the same pole. In fact, other national flags are always flown at the same height. For state, city, localities, or "penants of societies" are flown adjacent the only requirements are the US flag on the right, and the other flag cannot be higher. Well, also the US flag is raised first and lowered last. When they are not adjacent or on the same pole, like, oh, on opposite sides of a large arch that spans a bridge, there are no rules. ANARCHY!
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Re: News in General
« Reply #5004 on: August 09, 2023, 04:44:28 PM »

I was terrified when mrs bambu announced that part of her travel as well as to Japan was to Hong Kong (Disneyland).
As luck would have it, that was before things in Hong Kong turned very bad.
...and she returned safely.

Overseas travel is not for me.
"Banged up abroad" I would be destroyed in my soul.
Not worth the risk.

You are going to Hell for your sins. Stay put till then if you want to. Nobody cares.

Do you repent your sins?

All the time.

That is why I manage to commit new and interesting ones instead of repeating the same tired old few over and over again. 
Republicans will deliver only poverty and world war


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Re: News in General
« Reply #5005 on: August 09, 2023, 05:26:06 PM »

People love to break people up into groups and then fight the groups against each other.

And it is easy to start a fight.

Blessed are the peacemakers. We need to raise kind gentle geniuses who are expert peacemakers.

And in America we need to all be equal, we will destroy ourselves if we fight against each other. More Americans were killed in our Civil War than in any other war that we have been in. We have our Declaration of Independence where we declare that ALL men are created equal with the same human rights. It took a war to free the slaves, but we did it. And then people fought and marched to get the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and the Civil Rights Act of 1968. We need to all be equal, and we need to all have the same human rights. And we must refuse to kill each other, we must not let them divide us up and fight us against each other.

In my hometown they had race riots in the public high schools, and that is unacceptable. The high schools need to all be safe like the Catholic high school is safe.

And 2 children were fighting on a playground, and one child hit his head on concrete when he fell and he died. The child who died was Black, and the other child was White, so Louis Farrakhan came to my hometown and called out for a race war to get justice for the Black child who died on the playground. Instead of wanting to raise society up, Louis Farrakhan wanted to lower us all down to the level of children fighting on the playground. Luckily we have good people in the Antelope Valley, and an Italian businessman from Sicily, Frank Visco, pulled Louis Farrakhan into a private room and had a personal conversation with him, no one knows what was said in their private meeting, but after the meeting Louis Farrakhan left town and the race war never happened. Frank Visco is a good man of peace, and blessed are the Peacemakers.

Pope Francis is a good man of peace.

We need peace, and we need to teach our children peace. And our schools need to be safe places for our children, they need to be able to learn, and in the best case scenario then the children can actually love school, and they can love to learn, and they can love to make new friends, and they can have good fun teachers, etc.

In the Democratic Republic of the Congo they are always fighting among themselves, so they never have positive growth, they are wasting their energy on internal conflicts. If they worked together as a team then they could make great strides, if they give everyone equal rights and if they all worked together then they could have good lives. People win with peace, everyone wins.

With peace our energy can go towards good food for our people, and education, and health care, and science, and we can build libraries, etc, etc, etc.

Our diversity is a blessing if we are all equal and if we work together as a team, but if we dwell on our differences and if we fight against each other then we will destroy ourselves.


Tony V.


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Re: News in General
« Reply #5006 on: August 09, 2023, 05:51:49 PM »

I was terrified when mrs bambu announced that part of her travel as well as to Japan was to Hong Kong (Disneyland).
As luck would have it, that was before things in Hong Kong turned very bad.
...and she returned safely.

Overseas travel is not for me.
"Banged up abroad" I would be destroyed in my soul.
Not worth the risk.

You are going to Hell for your sins. Stay put till then if you want to. Nobody cares.
Yes, bambu should never travel. He should not even leave his basement. Keep the noxious infection localized.

Bali bombings
What happened to British nurse David Chell in Malaysia
NZ volcano eruption
Hurricanes/Tornadoes/Twisters [all confusing]
Bears, big cats
Planes shot down
Plane crashes, bus crashes, car crashes, kidnappings [some cabs are fake]
Crowds, lines a 'mile' long.
Diseases...malaria etc
Food problems...I wouldn't like most of it.
Airports closed, flights delayed, flights overbooked [should be banned]...horrible, totally destroy the travel experience.
Travel..only for the brave.
I travel the world, on Youtube...the quality of videos from drones etc these days is superb.


Im on the pavement

Thinking about the government


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Re: News in General
« Reply #5007 on: August 09, 2023, 06:10:22 PM »

Right now we need to teach the youth of the Antelope Valley how to respond when people try to start the inevitable race riots in the public high schools. The new school year is getting ready to start, and for sure people will try to start race riots, so we need to neutralize that and teach the youth how to remain peaceful.

Imagine in the play "Othello" if an angel came to teach him to beware of Iago, everything would have been different.

Our schools can be safe, fun places where the children can learn and where they can enrich their lives. We are blessed to be a rich nation where we can educate all of our children, and they need safe schools.


Tony V.

Hairy Lime

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Re: News in General
« Reply #5008 on: August 09, 2023, 06:16:48 PM »

Inevitable race riots? What in God's Holy Name are you babbling about?
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Re: News in General
« Reply #5009 on: August 09, 2023, 09:26:07 PM »

Inevitable race riots? What in God's Holy Name are you babbling about?

Helter Skelter!
"There you go givin a fuck when it's not your turn to give a fuck"
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