The Fast Food Workers in California are going to earn $20 per hour... have changed, and Fast Food Jobs are no longer just for teens, and now a huge percentage of Fast Food Workers are parents with children who are Bread Winners for their families, so the Fast Food Workers are now going to earn $20 per hour.
The jobs for adults have always paid more than the jobs for teens, and now that adults are doing Fast Food then they need to be paid more.
There are no more jobs for teens, the jobs have all went to China, and then the Mexicans come here and do all of the labor, so there are not any jobs for the teens like there used to be. Adults are doing the jobs that the teens used to do, and so the wages are going up for the adults who are doing Fast Food.
In N Out Burger has always paid well, and the Managers at In N Out make $120,000 per year, and now the wages are going up at all of the Fast Food Restaurants.
The teens need to stay in school, and they need to become Leaders, and Bosses, and Professionals, etc.
Tony V.