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Author Topic: News in General  (Read 243459 times)


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Re: News in General
« Reply #9870 on: August 29, 2024, 06:54:16 PM »

Richard Branson is building a high speed train between Southern California and Las Vegas, that is wonderful, and jobs are easy to get in Las Vegas, the homeless from Los Angeles can clean themselves up and then go get a job in Las Vegas, and housing is cheaper in Las Vegas, and Vegas can also have cheap hostels for $15 per night, etc.

Vegas has jobs for dish washers, cooks, maids, valets, door men, clerks, house cleaners, car washes, landscapers, lawn mowers, bar tenders, waitresses, security guards, construction workers, taxi cab drivers, limousine drivers, and many other jobs that would be accessible for the homeless people from Los Angeles.

And right now jobs are being created as people build the High Speed Trains, etc.


Tony V.


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Re: News in General
« Reply #9871 on: August 29, 2024, 08:40:57 PM »

Father Boyle and Homeboy Industries can help to train and send homeless workers from Los Angeles to Las Vegas for jobs, and also for Train jobs, etc.


Tony V.


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Re: News in General
« Reply #9872 on: August 29, 2024, 10:03:24 PM »

Southern California has several new arenas and some have been built in some very hardcore areas, where the murder rates are high, and a criminal has been walking around with a machete, and they asked a guy from their neighborhood what he would do, and the guy said it would be a "Case of Wrong Place at the Wrong Time" which is what the cops say when murders happen in the bad areas, my advice is to be careful in the bad areas. Go in teams, etc, and do not go walking around the bad neighborhoods.

Meanwhile, the locals can sell hotdogs and beer to the tourists at the stadiums, etc, and they can sell Soul Food to Tourists, etc. The Golden Bird in Inglewood is awesome and it is where Bill Cosby ate when he was in town there. The Black neighborhoods have great chicken, and barbecue, etc. But you need to be respectful and careful, you learn to be grateful for a friendly smile, when people are friendly instead of evil. You have to be careful in Inglewood and in Compton, but the Soul Food is fantastic.

It is like Harlem, the criminals do not last long, eventually they come upon disaster when they meet someone crazier and meaner, I try to just stay out of the way and I just ignore mean people and I just keep moving on in Peace.

When you see Bullet Proof Glass at the fast food restaurants then you need to know that you need to be careful in that neighborhood.


Tony V.
« Last Edit: August 29, 2024, 10:09:45 PM by FlyingVProd »


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Re: News in General
« Reply #9873 on: August 30, 2024, 01:13:35 AM »

What a boring and mindlessly repetitive shitload of drivel you put up here.  Yes, some of it is true.  But rambling on and on with endless inane garbage about Battle fucking Mountain and Rome and Persian pinups and pipedreams about making movies or wine or giving the hobos Chef Boyardee or Kiwanis feeding pancakes to Gaza children or whatever your latest idiot solution to the world's problems is, or preaching your pious brand of Christianity, or living in some distant past where you hang with Hollywood Illuminati or at least open doors and clean their cats litter boxes for them...yeah, I can scroll past, but I also have the right to say it brings this forum down to the level of a group home where one has to watch some poor slob drooling and tugging away in his pants all day.   You aren't actually doing any of these things you think are so important, so your ramble seems hollow and kind of pathetic.  If you want to make a film, fucking get on with it or figure out something you actually can do.  If you want to help the homeless, fucking get on with it, I'm sure there are volunteer opportunities in your area.  Just go do it and STFU about it.
Im on the pavement

Thinking about the government


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Re: News in General
« Reply #9874 on: August 30, 2024, 02:36:02 AM »

I am teaching Bambu how to save Los Angeles. And I am a master of rhetoric, like the Abolitionist Poets.


Tony V.


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Re: News in General
« Reply #9875 on: August 30, 2024, 02:56:10 AM »

I am teaching Bambu how to save Los Angeles. And I am a master of rhetoric, like the Abolitionist Poets.


Tony V.

I was wondering how an unemployed and homeless person in America might be able to get themselves out of their predicament and live a better life.
Now I know.
The bad people lurk in the shadows, waiting to pounce...the moment you get security careless.


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Re: News in General
« Reply #9876 on: August 30, 2024, 03:13:00 AM »

The other afternoon I spent several hours watching dash cam footage of road rage incidents globally, but mainly in America.
Are there any people in America who don't have baseball bats in their cars with which to bash other motorists and/or their cars?
The bad people lurk in the shadows, waiting to pounce...the moment you get security careless.


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Re: News in General
« Reply #9877 on: August 30, 2024, 03:25:55 AM »

Trump is a sick and fucked up guy, with his Trump Tower, and Private Jet, and Mira Lago in Florida, flaunting his wealth, while we have homeless people all over the streets and while the average life expectancy is falling in the US. If fucking Trump wanted to help the poor, then he could do it right now, for $1 Billion he could send everyone in Kentucky to Community College, but Trump uses his wealth to fuck porn stars and to pay hush money. Trump is not the kind of person who we want to run America.

The best world leader right now is Pope Francis, and he made a vow of poverty. Trump could learn a lot from Pope Francis. The most powerful man in the world, Pope Francis, is poor and alone, and I love Pope Francis.

Of note, we need for our companies to be locally owned and to be altruistic, and we need for the companies to spend money helping the homeless in America instead of being foreign companies that send the wealth home to Japan, etc. Instead of helping the people of Japan, then instead we need to help our own people who are homeless on the streets here. If the companies were Christians then they would all donate 10% at least to help the poor.

George W. Bush seems way more humble and better than Trump, Bush was a way better leader than Trump.

We have Musk and the Japanese trying to buy all of our companies, while we have homeless people all over the streets, and while Bill Gates and others send all of the new jobs to Asia. We need real Americans to own our companies who are altruistic and who care about America.

We have foreign companies buying all of our real estate and raising rents in order to increase profits while we have 175,000 homeless on the streets of California. People are using real estate to get rich, and they do not give a fuck about the people, it is just business they say. It sucks. Our families have been in the USA since the beginning, and they expect us to pay high rent to foreign owned corporations, while we have 175,000 people homeless on the streets in California. I should not be paying rent to the fucking Japanese corporations, they want for us to work 90 hours per week to live in poverty while we pay rent to a Japanese corporation, it is all Bullshit. I would rather have an acre of land in Battle Mountain, Nevada, for $1,000 per acre and live in a travel trailer than pay rent to a fucking Japanese corporation. And I like China more than I like Japan, and I love the Philippines.

Rich people from the Philippines have been coming to America and they have been helping the homeless here. One person was Rose, who was a cousin of Gloria Arroyo who was the President of the Philippines, they helped to house and feed and take care of a lot of homeless people here in America. And I invited the San Miguel Corporation from the Philippines to come do Business here in California and to be altruistic and to help the poor, they are a good Christian corporation.

Trump is an asshole, and if I was starving then he would not feed me, he does not care about the poor, he exploits the poor and he turns the women into prostitutes, and he short-changes the workers who work for him, Trump is an asshole.

I do not like Trump.

But, I do like George W. Bush, and we will see if Bush supports Kamala Harris.


Tony V.

Saw an official of LA on my tv speaking about the homeless crisis in LA.
She said that they could spend billions building housing, and nothing would change.
Why not?
I forget the word she used, but she meant migratory homeless arriving in LA from elsewhere.
Simple solution, build a wall around LA, with checkpoints.
Only authorised persons allowed in.
Must show your papers or you can't get in.
Which is not really practical.
She said, basically, that the situation is they're going to clear the streets of encampments, and the homeless will just have to do their best with what the city can provide financially, or move on to somewhere else.

The problem in California with homelessness is GREED, they want to charge people high rent, they want for you to work 90 hours per week and to pay high prices for rent, instead of being like Rome where you can get a bed and a shower for $15 per night at a cheap hostel. We also need to have cheap Sober Living Homes for $450 per month, etc.

And we have people here in Los Angeles who are NOT Christians, they only worship MONEY, and that is what the problem is here. If we all helped the homeless and the poor like Jesus asked us to do in Matthew 25; 31-46, then everything would be cool, and if everyone donated 10% to the church to help the poor, etc.

Rome does not have homeless people all over.

And we need to make people legal so that we can bring them out of the shadows, and so that they can join Labor Unions and we can connect all of the refugees up with jobs working at a Union job.

Of note too, Los Angeles is expensive, while Battle Mountain, Nevada, is cheap, so we can build nice high density housing in Battle Mountain like in Santorini, Greece, complete with swimming pools, and libraries, and tennis courts, etc, and we can send the poor people to Battle Mountain, and they can do trade with San Francisco to create jobs, etc.

It is not hopeless here in California, we just need to learn from Rome, Italy, and have cheap hostels for $15 per night for a bed and a shower, etc, and we need to allow the churches to help, etc. And we need to make our immigrants legal and put them to work with the United Farm Workers and with the Teamsters, etc.

Mayor Bass is doing a good job, and at least people are taking action. And we need to train lots of Psychiatrists, and San Diego State University is the best at training Psychiatrists, etc. We also need to train doctors, and nurses, and pharmacists, etc.

Kiwanis International can also help, and others can help. And the San Miguel Corporation and the people from the Philippines can help, etc, they are good Christians. The French, Italians, Spaniards, and Greeks, can all help too, etc. And we can improve education in Latin America, etc. Los Angeles is a Global City, and people from all around the world can help to save Los Angeles.

Also, we need for our movie studios to be locally owned and operated so that we can be altruistic and help the people here locally in Hollywood.

Education is also vital, etc, and job training, etc. And we could build new Space Shuttles in the desert, etc, and we can build new water dropping aircraft in the desert to fight fires, and we can build new high speed supersonic passenger planes in the desert, etc. We can create a lot of new jobs.

And the Basques can have herds of sheep, cattle, and goats, etc, all over grazing to control fire dangers, and to produce Filet Mignon and Mexican Goat Cheese Tamales, etc.

It was so much better back in the 1980s when Reagan was President. The desert had the Space Shuttle Program which was an over $100 Billion program, and California was rich, Reagan made all of the immigrants legal, and the economy was great.

Now, the jobs have left, and we have homeless people all over the sidewalks. We need to bring the jobs back, and we need to help the homeless, and we need cheap hostels for a bed and shower for $15, and cheap Sober Living Homes, etc. And we need to fund education and job training, etc.

It can get better.


Tony V.

With Ms Harris now chasing and seemingly going to get the Gen Z and young Millennials votes, can't see it getting better anytime soon.
They seem to love 'open borders', 'massive unlimited immigration', think 'everyone in the world is a lovely person, and can't seem to understand that rents are increasing and they can't afford a home because of it.

The bad people lurk in the shadows, waiting to pounce...the moment you get security careless.


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Re: News in General
« Reply #9878 on: August 30, 2024, 03:35:19 AM »

You are a pure pile of wet turd, Bambi.

Fortunately you are too slow to victimize anyone but yourself.
Republicans will deliver only poverty and world war


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Re: News in General
« Reply #9879 on: August 30, 2024, 04:11:41 AM »

It is going to get better Bambu.

And President Claudia Sheinbaum is great, and the Mexicans are working hard to make Mexico nice. Kamala needs to work together as a team with Claudia.

As far as the Youth, Kamala can win them over with free college and tax breaks for first time home buyers, etc. And with new housing projects with affordable housing, etc. ( We need to bring in the best architects from Greece, Spain, Italy, France, etc, as we build, we need to bring in fun creative architects, and we need swimming pools and tennis courts, and libraries, etc. )

The Youth in Kentucky want to believe in a better future, and they need schools and libraries, etc, and coffee shops, etc. And the Youth love NASA and stuff like that.

Child care is also important to the Youth.

The Italian Men all love their Moms, so if Kamala promises to take good care of our Moms then Kamala will win the support of all Men who love their Moms who are in retirement, etc.

And the Youth want opportunities, etc.

We also need to give free college to the Foster Children.

There are many things that Kamala can do to win the votes of the Youth.


Tony V.
« Last Edit: August 30, 2024, 04:13:14 AM by FlyingVProd »


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Re: News in General
« Reply #9880 on: August 30, 2024, 05:23:39 AM »

Kamala can gain traction by going on "60 Minutes" and by doing an in depth interview.

She can also do a tour of California and she can visit the Francis Ford Coppola Winery and other Vineyards and Wineries, and she can meet with the leaders of the United Farm Workers, and with the leaders of Sunkist, etc. And it would be great if Kamala can meet with the leaders from the Entertainment Industry, etc. And Bakersfield has Farms and Oil, etc. And California has NASA and aerospace and defense, etc, and great schools, etc. It would also be good if Kamala could meet with Father Boyle and Homeboy Industries. Maybe Kamala can do a Bus Trip in California.

Kamala can also meet with the Democratic Governor of Arizona, etc, and Kamala can visit a few Cities in Nevada, such as Elko, Carson City, Reno, Lake Tahoe, Battle Mountain, etc. And Kamala needs to visit Denver, and Aspen, and a few cities in Colorado, etc. Kamala can also tour Kentucky and can meet with Governor Beshear. It would also be good if Kamala could tour Tennessee, and Arkansas, etc, and Louisiana, it would be good if she does a lot of traveling on the campaign trail.

It would also be good if Kamala could get the support of the Pope.


Tony V.
« Last Edit: August 30, 2024, 05:36:21 AM by FlyingVProd »

Hairy Lime

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Re: News in General
« Reply #9881 on: August 30, 2024, 10:14:41 AM »

The other afternoon I spent several hours watching dash cam footage of road rage incidents globally, but mainly in America.
Are there any people in America who don't have baseball bats in their cars with which to bash other motorists and/or their cars?
Ah! I found the video on YouTube. Those were not Americans, they were tourists from Australia.
A parrot bit me.

Hairy Lime

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Re: News in General
« Reply #9882 on: August 30, 2024, 10:15:59 AM »

Trump is a sick and fucked up guy, with his Trump Tower, and Private Jet, and Mira Lago in Florida, flaunting his wealth, while we have homeless people all over the streets and while the average life expectancy is falling in the US. If fucking Trump wanted to help the poor, then he could do it right now, for $1 Billion he could send everyone in Kentucky to Community College, but Trump uses his wealth to fuck porn stars and to pay hush money. Trump is not the kind of person who we want to run America.

The best world leader right now is Pope Francis, and he made a vow of poverty. Trump could learn a lot from Pope Francis. The most powerful man in the world, Pope Francis, is poor and alone, and I love Pope Francis.

Of note, we need for our companies to be locally owned and to be altruistic, and we need for the companies to spend money helping the homeless in America instead of being foreign companies that send the wealth home to Japan, etc. Instead of helping the people of Japan, then instead we need to help our own people who are homeless on the streets here. If the companies were Christians then they would all donate 10% at least to help the poor.

George W. Bush seems way more humble and better than Trump, Bush was a way better leader than Trump.

We have Musk and the Japanese trying to buy all of our companies, while we have homeless people all over the streets, and while Bill Gates and others send all of the new jobs to Asia. We need real Americans to own our companies who are altruistic and who care about America.

We have foreign companies buying all of our real estate and raising rents in order to increase profits while we have 175,000 homeless on the streets of California. People are using real estate to get rich, and they do not give a fuck about the people, it is just business they say. It sucks. Our families have been in the USA since the beginning, and they expect us to pay high rent to foreign owned corporations, while we have 175,000 people homeless on the streets in California. I should not be paying rent to the fucking Japanese corporations, they want for us to work 90 hours per week to live in poverty while we pay rent to a Japanese corporation, it is all Bullshit. I would rather have an acre of land in Battle Mountain, Nevada, for $1,000 per acre and live in a travel trailer than pay rent to a fucking Japanese corporation. And I like China more than I like Japan, and I love the Philippines.

Rich people from the Philippines have been coming to America and they have been helping the homeless here. One person was Rose, who was a cousin of Gloria Arroyo who was the President of the Philippines, they helped to house and feed and take care of a lot of homeless people here in America. And I invited the San Miguel Corporation from the Philippines to come do Business here in California and to be altruistic and to help the poor, they are a good Christian corporation.

Trump is an asshole, and if I was starving then he would not feed me, he does not care about the poor, he exploits the poor and he turns the women into prostitutes, and he short-changes the workers who work for him, Trump is an asshole.

I do not like Trump.

But, I do like George W. Bush, and we will see if Bush supports Kamala Harris.


Tony V.

Saw an official of LA on my tv speaking about the homeless crisis in LA.
She said that they could spend billions building housing, and nothing would change.
Why not?
I forget the word she used, but she meant migratory homeless arriving in LA from elsewhere.
Simple solution, build a wall around LA, with checkpoints.
Only authorised persons allowed in.
Must show your papers or you can't get in.
Which is not really practical.
She said, basically, that the situation is they're going to clear the streets of encampments, and the homeless will just have to do their best with what the city can provide financially, or move on to somewhere else.

The problem in California with homelessness is GREED, they want to charge people high rent, they want for you to work 90 hours per week and to pay high prices for rent, instead of being like Rome where you can get a bed and a shower for $15 per night at a cheap hostel. We also need to have cheap Sober Living Homes for $450 per month, etc.

And we have people here in Los Angeles who are NOT Christians, they only worship MONEY, and that is what the problem is here. If we all helped the homeless and the poor like Jesus asked us to do in Matthew 25; 31-46, then everything would be cool, and if everyone donated 10% to the church to help the poor, etc.

Rome does not have homeless people all over.

And we need to make people legal so that we can bring them out of the shadows, and so that they can join Labor Unions and we can connect all of the refugees up with jobs working at a Union job.

Of note too, Los Angeles is expensive, while Battle Mountain, Nevada, is cheap, so we can build nice high density housing in Battle Mountain like in Santorini, Greece, complete with swimming pools, and libraries, and tennis courts, etc, and we can send the poor people to Battle Mountain, and they can do trade with San Francisco to create jobs, etc.

It is not hopeless here in California, we just need to learn from Rome, Italy, and have cheap hostels for $15 per night for a bed and a shower, etc, and we need to allow the churches to help, etc. And we need to make our immigrants legal and put them to work with the United Farm Workers and with the Teamsters, etc.

Mayor Bass is doing a good job, and at least people are taking action. And we need to train lots of Psychiatrists, and San Diego State University is the best at training Psychiatrists, etc. We also need to train doctors, and nurses, and pharmacists, etc.

Kiwanis International can also help, and others can help. And the San Miguel Corporation and the people from the Philippines can help, etc, they are good Christians. The French, Italians, Spaniards, and Greeks, can all help too, etc. And we can improve education in Latin America, etc. Los Angeles is a Global City, and people from all around the world can help to save Los Angeles.

Also, we need for our movie studios to be locally owned and operated so that we can be altruistic and help the people here locally in Hollywood.

Education is also vital, etc, and job training, etc. And we could build new Space Shuttles in the desert, etc, and we can build new water dropping aircraft in the desert to fight fires, and we can build new high speed supersonic passenger planes in the desert, etc. We can create a lot of new jobs.

And the Basques can have herds of sheep, cattle, and goats, etc, all over grazing to control fire dangers, and to produce Filet Mignon and Mexican Goat Cheese Tamales, etc.

It was so much better back in the 1980s when Reagan was President. The desert had the Space Shuttle Program which was an over $100 Billion program, and California was rich, Reagan made all of the immigrants legal, and the economy was great.

Now, the jobs have left, and we have homeless people all over the sidewalks. We need to bring the jobs back, and we need to help the homeless, and we need cheap hostels for a bed and shower for $15, and cheap Sober Living Homes, etc. And we need to fund education and job training, etc.

It can get better.


Tony V.

With Ms Harris now chasing and seemingly going to get the Gen Z and young Millennials votes, can't see it getting better anytime soon.
They seem to love 'open borders', 'massive unlimited immigration', think 'everyone in the world is a lovely person, and can't seem to understand that rents are increasing and they can't afford a home because of it.
You are an idiot and have no idea what you are talking about.
A parrot bit me.


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Re: News in General
« Reply #9883 on: August 30, 2024, 02:12:41 PM »

Trump is a sick and fucked up guy, with his Trump Tower, and Private Jet, and Mira Lago in Florida, flaunting his wealth, while we have homeless people all over the streets and while the average life expectancy is falling in the US. If fucking Trump wanted to help the poor, then he could do it right now, for $1 Billion he could send everyone in Kentucky to Community College, but Trump uses his wealth to fuck porn stars and to pay hush money. Trump is not the kind of person who we want to run America.

The best world leader right now is Pope Francis, and he made a vow of poverty. Trump could learn a lot from Pope Francis. The most powerful man in the world, Pope Francis, is poor and alone, and I love Pope Francis.

Of note, we need for our companies to be locally owned and to be altruistic, and we need for the companies to spend money helping the homeless in America instead of being foreign companies that send the wealth home to Japan, etc. Instead of helping the people of Japan, then instead we need to help our own people who are homeless on the streets here. If the companies were Christians then they would all donate 10% at least to help the poor.

George W. Bush seems way more humble and better than Trump, Bush was a way better leader than Trump.

We have Musk and the Japanese trying to buy all of our companies, while we have homeless people all over the streets, and while Bill Gates and others send all of the new jobs to Asia. We need real Americans to own our companies who are altruistic and who care about America.

We have foreign companies buying all of our real estate and raising rents in order to increase profits while we have 175,000 homeless on the streets of California. People are using real estate to get rich, and they do not give a fuck about the people, it is just business they say. It sucks. Our families have been in the USA since the beginning, and they expect us to pay high rent to foreign owned corporations, while we have 175,000 people homeless on the streets in California. I should not be paying rent to the fucking Japanese corporations, they want for us to work 90 hours per week to live in poverty while we pay rent to a Japanese corporation, it is all Bullshit. I would rather have an acre of land in Battle Mountain, Nevada, for $1,000 per acre and live in a travel trailer than pay rent to a fucking Japanese corporation. And I like China more than I like Japan, and I love the Philippines.

Rich people from the Philippines have been coming to America and they have been helping the homeless here. One person was Rose, who was a cousin of Gloria Arroyo who was the President of the Philippines, they helped to house and feed and take care of a lot of homeless people here in America. And I invited the San Miguel Corporation from the Philippines to come do Business here in California and to be altruistic and to help the poor, they are a good Christian corporation.

Trump is an asshole, and if I was starving then he would not feed me, he does not care about the poor, he exploits the poor and he turns the women into prostitutes, and he short-changes the workers who work for him, Trump is an asshole.

I do not like Trump.

But, I do like George W. Bush, and we will see if Bush supports Kamala Harris.


Tony V.

Saw an official of LA on my tv speaking about the homeless crisis in LA.
She said that they could spend billions building housing, and nothing would change.
Why not?
I forget the word she used, but she meant migratory homeless arriving in LA from elsewhere.
Simple solution, build a wall around LA, with checkpoints.
Only authorised persons allowed in.
Must show your papers or you can't get in.
Which is not really practical.
She said, basically, that the situation is they're going to clear the streets of encampments, and the homeless will just have to do their best with what the city can provide financially, or move on to somewhere else.

The problem in California with homelessness is GREED, they want to charge people high rent, they want for you to work 90 hours per week and to pay high prices for rent, instead of being like Rome where you can get a bed and a shower for $15 per night at a cheap hostel. We also need to have cheap Sober Living Homes for $450 per month, etc.

And we have people here in Los Angeles who are NOT Christians, they only worship MONEY, and that is what the problem is here. If we all helped the homeless and the poor like Jesus asked us to do in Matthew 25; 31-46, then everything would be cool, and if everyone donated 10% to the church to help the poor, etc.

Rome does not have homeless people all over.

And we need to make people legal so that we can bring them out of the shadows, and so that they can join Labor Unions and we can connect all of the refugees up with jobs working at a Union job.

Of note too, Los Angeles is expensive, while Battle Mountain, Nevada, is cheap, so we can build nice high density housing in Battle Mountain like in Santorini, Greece, complete with swimming pools, and libraries, and tennis courts, etc, and we can send the poor people to Battle Mountain, and they can do trade with San Francisco to create jobs, etc.

It is not hopeless here in California, we just need to learn from Rome, Italy, and have cheap hostels for $15 per night for a bed and a shower, etc, and we need to allow the churches to help, etc. And we need to make our immigrants legal and put them to work with the United Farm Workers and with the Teamsters, etc.

Mayor Bass is doing a good job, and at least people are taking action. And we need to train lots of Psychiatrists, and San Diego State University is the best at training Psychiatrists, etc. We also need to train doctors, and nurses, and pharmacists, etc.

Kiwanis International can also help, and others can help. And the San Miguel Corporation and the people from the Philippines can help, etc, they are good Christians. The French, Italians, Spaniards, and Greeks, can all help too, etc. And we can improve education in Latin America, etc. Los Angeles is a Global City, and people from all around the world can help to save Los Angeles.

Also, we need for our movie studios to be locally owned and operated so that we can be altruistic and help the people here locally in Hollywood.

Education is also vital, etc, and job training, etc. And we could build new Space Shuttles in the desert, etc, and we can build new water dropping aircraft in the desert to fight fires, and we can build new high speed supersonic passenger planes in the desert, etc. We can create a lot of new jobs.

And the Basques can have herds of sheep, cattle, and goats, etc, all over grazing to control fire dangers, and to produce Filet Mignon and Mexican Goat Cheese Tamales, etc.

It was so much better back in the 1980s when Reagan was President. The desert had the Space Shuttle Program which was an over $100 Billion program, and California was rich, Reagan made all of the immigrants legal, and the economy was great.

Now, the jobs have left, and we have homeless people all over the sidewalks. We need to bring the jobs back, and we need to help the homeless, and we need cheap hostels for a bed and shower for $15, and cheap Sober Living Homes, etc. And we need to fund education and job training, etc.

It can get better.


Tony V.

With Ms Harris now chasing and seemingly going to get the Gen Z and young Millennials votes, can't see it getting better anytime soon.
They seem to love 'open borders', 'massive unlimited immigration', think 'everyone in the world is a lovely person, and can't seem to understand that rents are increasing and they can't afford a home because of it.
You are an idiot and have no idea what you are talking about.

Oh yes I do...same thing is happening in Britain, and Australia.
Nigel Farage in Britain explained it to a Gen Z/ Young Millennial basically attacking him over 'immigration'.
He basically told her (and the others cheering her question) that immigration in Britain post war had been very successful, but now with 2.5 million immigrants in 2's a disaster and why 'she' can't afford a home and rents are skyrocketing.
The bad people lurk in the shadows, waiting to pounce...the moment you get security careless.


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Re: News in General
« Reply #9884 on: August 30, 2024, 02:45:11 PM »

There were no deathless days on Texas roadways in 2022.

Video shows Texas roadways are riddled with deadly and horrific injury crashes.
Excessive speed and little policing the cause, allegedly.
Simple solutions...RBT (random breath testing) and RDT (random drug testing)...cops can stop motorists anywhere at any time.
Speed cameras, fixed and mobile...cell phone use by drivers cameras, sealt belt non-wearing car occupants (drivers liable) cameras, hefty fines received in mail...loss of demerit points, lose 12 points you lose your licence to drive.
Don't pay the fines, your licence to drive is suspended and you end up in court.

Look how quickly motorists change their bad habits.
« Last Edit: August 30, 2024, 02:47:36 PM by bambu. »
The bad people lurk in the shadows, waiting to pounce...the moment you get security careless.
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