Real quick...
Van Vogh Immersion in NYC.
My over all is Don't go.
Expensive. Difficult (Three Industrial stories high by steep steps!) Interesting. Semi Immersive. Designed for crowds as though it were a World's Fair Exhibition. First is gift shop along side a collection room that explains the paucity of pictures as feature; not bug. Because it echoes Vinnie's relentless repainting of the same goddamned subjects again and again! (they didn't use those words.) But you know and I know that they got the cheapest license that they could. (or maybe the most expensive one they could, but they didn't have much of an art budget).
That room leads to the next bladder room... Then it's through the curtain into the immersion. You step into infinity as there are stars and lights coming at you from inside a vast chamber.
Then your eyes adjust to the dark. You see that you are in a room that might be the better part of a quarter block of NYC. Walls are (judging by the stairs) 20-30 high. On the walls are projected, a collage of Van Gogh imagery and Iconography. Did I mention that they wanted to highlight Vincent's stay at the Asylum in Arles? So the primary image which frames the other images, is the asylum walls and turrets!
You feel like you're in the asylum. You can debate whether this is the effect of the art and therefore valid. I tend the other way.
Your newly acclimated eyes catch the concept, there is a thin rug on the industrial floor and there are mats spread out like so many blankets for lovers out to view the starry nights in each other's eyes. Except, the ground is concrete. And my bones are cranky from a day of sight seeing. But, ok fine. lay down and look up at the sky. Except there are no images on the ceiling. You have to crank yourself into some semblance of upright to see the walls. The floor is... Who the living fuck cares about the floor? Stars are on the floor, ooh!
The dozen or some image they had license to are chopped and "animated". The music is thunderous, it runs with the choreography of the film, but it has fuckall to do with Van Gogh, or Arles or the era, or anything other than the display.
Who are we here to celebrate? The technology that utilizes digital projectors? The Artis who cut and pasted the images? The music? The Asylum? Because it sure wasn't doing much for Van Gogh.
The prodders came along to move us along now. The next room is the play room where we were given a mammograph of Vince and some crayons! Color him in and hang it on the wall (I guess you can then say you work hung in the Van Gogh exhibition!)
For an extra fee you can be reimmersed in VR Goggles. No thank you.
Then comes the treacherous decent of mount NoSpaceWasted stairs.
This place is a no...
One more NY story in Non Fiction.