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Messages - FlyingVProd

Pages: 1 ... 57 58 [59] 60 61 ... 302
Biden Administration / Re: News in General
« on: July 26, 2023, 06:41:15 PM »
We can use campgrounds for our refugees, like Bambu suggested, we have lots of great campgrounds in the USA, here is one link...

The Unions can work together with our Public Campgrounds to help our refugees and immigrants. The Campgrounds can provide emergency housing, while the Unions help the immigrants to find a good union job.

( It is 414 miles from Tijuana, Mexico, to Merced, California. There are jobs in Merced. )


Tony V.

Biden Administration / Re: News in General
« on: July 26, 2023, 05:32:33 PM »
Jon Bon Jovi is awesome, he donated an apartment complex with 55 apartments for homeless adults in Philadelphia, the JBJ Soul Homes.

The apartment complex also has services to help the homeless people to get back into life.


Tony V.

Biden Administration / Re: Biden Administration
« on: July 23, 2023, 09:06:52 PM »
Since private equity was allowed into the real estate market houses are not for people anymore.

The housing shortage has a lot more to do with bad business practices than it does with the number of people needing a place to stay.

If we tax wealth and appropriately tax the highest incomes along with certain kinds of transactions, we can break the housing crunch.

LBJs comments on race perfectly describe the Luee stance on immigration.
Huh! Viet nam was evil and detrimental at every level. Mass migration is detrimental at every level. Both are based on false doctored facts. Vietnam the Domino effect and the Gulf of Tonkin. Banana aliens and oppressive governments for the later.

Kids in bambuworld are going on school excursions to Vietnam!
No kids of mine, or grandkids of mine (if I had anything to do with it) would be going to Vietnam on school excursions.

After the war we brought all of the refugees from Vietnam to Camp Pendleton here in San Diego, California, and we let them choose for themselves where they wanted to live. They chose Westminster, California, and Westminster has the largest Vietnamese population outside of Vietnam.The people in Westminster are good Americans, and they are all training to be doctors and psychiatrists here, etc. The Asians are smart and many Asians are becoming doctors, etc.

And everything will be fine as long as we remain good friends with China, Nixon was smart, we need China on our team and then everything will be fine.

Meanwhile, as we have peace then we can use this time to build libraries, and to educate the poor, and to better establish trade routes, and to invest in the ports in Mexico, etc.

And it is great that we are sending Winter Vegetables from Arizona to New York City, Detroit, Chicago, Cincinnati, Saint Louis, etc, so our people are eating good fresh vegetables, that is important, our people need to eat good healthy food. Spinach is very healthy, etc.

Anyhow, we need to stop Putin, and we need to have peace, so that we can educate the poor and so we can feed everyone good healthy food.


Tony V.

Movies / Re: Movies
« on: July 23, 2023, 07:02:21 PM »
I have a friend who is in the music industry here in Hollywood, and we were talking, and he does not think that Hollywood will ever be the same after it comes back from the strikes, it will come back different.

He thinks that Hollywood is going to do more of the independent films like "The Jesus Revolution" and "The Sound of Freedom."

Emilio Estevez just made a new movie "The Way" with his Father, and Emilio may be a big new producer and filmmaker in the future, and he can hire actresses like Aurelia Scheppers, Mahlagha Jaberi, and Marli Buccola, and he can hire the best acting coaches to teach the unknown actresses, so that he can make great movies for a low budget in order to get started, like he did with "The Way" that he made with his Father, he made it on a very low budget.

At the same time, Apple is a big new player in the Entertainment Industry. So, we will have a lot going on after the strikes are over.

And new studios are being built in Nevada.

Universal also wants to shoot more films and television shows in Orlando, Florida.


Tony V.

Biden Administration / Re: Biden Administration
« on: July 23, 2023, 06:30:18 PM »
We can put our new immigrants to work, they can build housing, and they can build high speed trains, and they can drive trucks, and they can grow food, etc, etc, etc.

We need to make our immigrants legal, and we need to put our immigrants to work.

Our unions can help to tell our new immigrants where the jobs are, the Teamsters, and the United Farm Workers, etc, can all help our new immigrants to find jobs.


Tony V.

Biden Administration / Re: Biden Administration
« on: July 23, 2023, 06:06:28 AM »
Texas is about 170 million acres, and earth's population is 7.4 billion. Now, you could give everyone in the United States a half acre in Texas, in theory. In fact, you could, in theory, house the entire population of earth into Texas, at a population density of 27,000 people per square mile.


The USA is huge. I urge you to get out and see America, I rode a Greyhound Bus across the USA and back, it was great, the bus zig zagged all over going across America and back. We have a lot of wide open land in the USA, we have plenty of room for whoever wants to live here.


Tony V.

Biden Administration / Re: News in General
« on: July 22, 2023, 04:51:55 PM »
Like it or today's world a man is judged by the car he owns/drives.
, among other things.
Other things, like job/career, income, looks, height, attire etc.
Gonna own a truck for work/play, might as well go big and beautiful.
The day I saw that new Tundra '1794' on Youtube I fell in love with it.
So roomy, so country, so me.
Wouldn't fit in my garage, would cost too much to buy and run, and wouldn't fit within the car spaces at the mall, I'll just have to make do with a Corolla sedan or hatch if ever I need a new car.
But if I were a tradie, on tradie income, I'd buy one in a heartbeat.

When I worked for Suzanne Pleshette then I got to see how all of the rich people lived, and Suzanne had a Rolls Royce, and a Bentley, but for everyday driving she drove a Jeep. All of the stars were driving Jeeps, Jerry Vale could drive whatever he wanted but he drove a Jeep.

What I learned from the rich people is that TIME is the most important thing you will ever have, and how you spend your time, and who you spend your time with, etc. The most valuable thing that we have is our time.

And if I was rich, I kind of like the new electric VW Bus. I have a friend who does custom sound systems and he could put a sound system in it for me.

But, I am fine with walking. In Europe they all walk. I am grateful to be able to walk. I love to get out and walk on a nice day, and we have a nice park close by, etc.

However, I think the women are going to respect me more after my poetry book is a best seller, and after my movie is winning Oscars. Then I am going to pick out the woman of my dreams, and then I will remain loyal to her until the end. I want true love, and then I want to be loyal. I want a wife to grow old with, and I want to have at least one child.


Tony V.

Biden Administration / Re: News in General
« on: July 22, 2023, 04:16:35 PM »
Vice President Harris just commented on the importance of teaching American History to all Americans, and I agree.

I had a wonderful History Professor at AVC, Dr Marks Ellis, she now teaches at Columbia University in New York City, and she could teach History on television on Saturdays, there can be shows about Science, and about History, etc, on Public Broadcasting on Saturdays, etc.

Dr Marks Ellis is a Black woman from Haiti, and she is an expert on American History, her specialty is the Great Depression, she studied what caused the Great Depression, and she studied about the Great Depression itself, and she studied what America did after the Great Depression to make sure that another Great Depression never happens again. She is an expert on all of American History, but Professor Marks Ellis is especially well educated on the issue of the Great Depression.

We need to put our great professors onto Public Broadcasting on Saturdays, including having wonderful History professors such as Dr Marks Ellis.


Tony V.

Biden Administration / Re: News in General
« on: July 19, 2023, 06:17:30 PM »
At first when Gustavo Petro was elected as President of Colombia I was worried, as he is a Leftist, and a former Leftist Guerilla, but so far he is doing a great job.

The United States has been very close with Colombia at least since the time of President George W. Bush, and Colombia has had a long string of fantastic presidents, some of whom even studied at Harvard, and we have been supporting education in Colombia, and we have been expanding trade, and Colombia is a wonderful success story.

I am happy that President Gustavo Petro is doing a good job, and may God bless Colombia.


Tony V.

Biden Administration / Re: Biden Administration
« on: July 19, 2023, 02:09:43 AM »
Recently some areas in Africa which had food insecurity started getting an influx of Prickly Pear Cactus, and at first they complained about this invasive species of cactus, but then they learned that you can eat the cactus, and that you can have cactus with scrambled eggs, salsa, and tortillas, and you can make candy out of the cactus, etc. The Mexicans have been eating the Prickly Pear Cactus for a long time, and they sell it at the Mexican markets here in Anaheim. So, that is a step in the right direction, the cactus is not invasive, it is FOOD.

And we need to send food from California to China, etc, and we need to support and teach the farmers in India, and we can all work together to make sure that the world has enough food, and we have UNICEF which feeds the children, etc.

Sending Winter Vegetables from Arizona to New York and Chicago and Detroit, and Cincinnati, etc, is a step in the right direction.

Food, and running water, are important issues, then also is helping to elevate society by having libraries and schools.

And on how many people the world can hold? I heard that you can fit the whole population of the world in Texas alone with room to spare. We have plenty of room, we just need food, peace, teamwork, schools, libraries, and we need to train teachers, and doctors, and scientists, etc. And people need housing, etc.


Tony V.

Biden Administration / Re: News in General
« on: July 18, 2023, 08:57:22 AM »
My wealthiest friend spent her whole life doing charity work to help the homeless, she was my hero, she was worth over 100 million dollars but she still helped the homeless everyday until she died. She was a special person, and she made other people feel special.

She was part of the ruling class from the Philippines, and her best friend was a cousin of President Gloria Arroyo. They came to the USA and opened many successful businesses, while at the same time doing charity work and helping the homeless.

The Philippines is a good Christian country, and they are good allies. Japan attacked the Philippines during World War II and was extremely brutal and evil to the people of the Philippines. General Douglas MacArthur helped to save the Philippines, and the people of the Philippines love the USA very much.

San Francisco needs to welcome people from the Philippines to help to save San Francisco. There are people who want to kill America, and there are wonderful people who want to save America, and the good Christians from the Philippines love America and they want to save America.

And the people from the Philippines can open cheap hostels in San Francisco where people can shower and sleep in a bed for $15 per night.

My friend was amazing, she was rich, but she was a servant for the poor. She was truly a servant of God. And that is what California needs.


Tony V.

Biden Administration / Re: News in General
« on: July 18, 2023, 05:41:41 AM »
Florida is a beautiful state, I wish Jeb Bush was in charge still instead of the scumbags who are running Florida now.

I would love to own a little night club on the sand in Florida, built cheaply so that if a hurricane destroys it then it will be cheap to rebuild, it can be like a tiki bar in Hawaii. And I love the women in Florida, they are more down to earth and less greedy than the women in California.

I could serve pina coladas to women in bikinis all night, while live bands play.

I applied for a job at a great little night club on the sand in Cocoa Beach, if I would have gotten the job then I would have stayed there.


Tony V.

Biden Administration / Re: News in General
« on: July 18, 2023, 05:32:51 AM »
I do not know how Newsom thinks that California is doing so great, our whole state is in a crisis, and Los Angeles and San Bernardino both declared a state of emergency. Our state is in a crisis.

The workers here are all fighting for fair pay and good treatment so that they do not have to work full time to live in their cars, etc. It is important for the hard working people to be able to earn a fair living, and hard work must pay off. And we have a huge gap between the poor and the rich in America. Of note as well is that many employers here in California are heartless foreign corporations which only care about money and not about people, so the Unions must fight for fair pay and good treatment, and we can force the heartless foreign corporations to be altruistic because it is in our best interest to do so. Collective bargaining is the only way we can make the corporations treat people fair.

We need to decide that it is not acceptable to have homeless people all over our streets, and workers living in their cars. If you work, you need to at least be able to get a shower and a bed at a hostel for $15.


Tony V.

Biden Administration / Re: News in General
« on: July 16, 2023, 06:04:32 PM »
China would soon turn a desert into a lush green wonderland.

The Chinese helped to build our railroads here in the USA.

We can do great things if we have peace, and if we work together, and we can feed the hungry, and we can house the homeless, etc.

Israel is growing eggplant in Israel the size of watermelons, Israel can teach a lot to the Chinese and to the world on the issue of growing food in the desert.

If we are wise, and if we have peace and teamwork, then we can grow gardens in the desert, and we can feed and house all of our people.

And even just having good people open HOSTELS for $15 per night where the homeless people can take a nice hot shower and sleep in a bed. We need for people to provide a shower and a bed without making huge profits, there needs to be cheap hostels like in Rome. Maybe the Chinese can help to open Hostels, and the Filipinos can help, etc.

We can do great things if we have peace and teamwork.


Tony V.

Biden Administration / Re: News in General
« on: July 15, 2023, 06:51:31 PM »
In Italy they built acquaducts, and they cut tunnels through solid stone to run water through the tunnels, and in Rome they had running water in their homes, and they had indoor toilets with plumbing, etc. The Italians were way ahead of everyone on the issue of water and development.

In Peru they have puquios which are underground canals for water to run and they turned a desert into a garden, there is debate about if the Natives built the puquios with the help of the Spaniards or if the Natives built the puquios on their own.

We can put our unemployed people and our new immigrants and refugees, etc, to work building things which benefit all of us, instead of just giving the people money to be on welfare and to not do anything, then we should pay them to build acquaducts, and dams, etc, etc, etc. The USA built a lot of dams during the Great Depression, and we built the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco during the Great Depression. Public Works Projects are good for humanity and they are good for America. We can turn the desert into a garden, and we can have plentiful Winter Vegetables, etc. Instead of turning people away at our Southern Border then we need to put them to work on Public Works Projects. And along with water issues, we can also work on clean transportation issues such as High Speed Trains, and Subways, etc, we can put the people to work instead of paying them to sit around and do nothing, or instead of turning people away at the Southern Border then we can invite them in and we can put them to work. And we can put the homeless people to work on Public Works Projects, etc.

And it makes one feel good to contribute to the construction of America. My Grandfather helped to build an acquaduct here in California for water, and my Father worked for the Los Angeles County Road Department when I was born and he helped to build our Highway System, and the Road Department sent my Father to Pepperdine for free to study Business and Management because they wanted for him to be a leader at the Road Department, it was a good job and he should have kept it and he might still be alive, instead of getting struck by lightning while loading Hay into a Rancher's barn in Oregon and dying way back in 1977. But anyhow, when I drive on the Highway then I know my Father helped to build that Highway, and when I drink water I know my Grandfather did work to help to supply our water. There is a satisfaction that comes with getting to be a part of our community and working on Public Works Projects. And I helped to build a Public School for children, and I helped to build a Laboratory at China Lake Navy Weapon Center, and I helped to build the Visitor Reception Area at NASA at Edwards Air Force Base, etc, it feels good to be a part of something bigger than myself, and to contribute to the USA. Like President Kennedy said, ask what you can do for America and not what America can do for you. Instead of just giving free money and housing to healthy people then we need to put them to work instead on Public Works Projects.


Tony V.

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