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Messages - LarryB!

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Biden Administration / Re: News in General
« on: June 04, 2024, 12:57:39 AM »

Biden Administration / Re: Biden Administration
« on: June 02, 2024, 11:28:39 PM »
That's more than one person's opinion and if your research "skills" are so great that you could find that, you could find the opinions of many more people who believe the same thing.  And to buttress your obvious opinion that he didn't.
Then why did not you cite them? Why lift a nearly year old OPINION piece without citing the source! I remind you that using an opinion without credit is intellectual dishonesty.
Bibi was under heavy second guessing in Israel in early October, 2023.
Not so today. 
Why is that?

More recent REPORTING

The payments were part of a string of decisions by Israeli political leaders, military officers and intelligence officials - all based on the fundamentally flawed assessment that Hamas was neither interested in nor capable of a large-scale attack. The Times has previously reported on intelligence failures and other faulty assumptions that preceded the attacks.

Even as the Israeli military obtained battle plans for a Hamas invasion and analysts observed significant terrorism exercises just over the border in Gaza, the payments continued. For years, Israeli intelligence officers even escorted a Qatari official into Gaza, where he doled out money from suitcases filled with millions of dollars.

REPORTING from yesterday

A huge demonstration in Israel on Saturday night, led by families of hostages held by Hamas, urged the government to act now. Mediators the U.S., Egypt and Qatar pressed Israel and Hamas, saying the proposed deal offers a road map for a permanent cease-fire and ending the crisis and gives immediate relief to both hostages and Gaza residents.

But far-right Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich and Minister of National Security Itamar Ben Gvir said they would break up the government if it takes the deal. That could expose Netanyahu to new elections, scrutiny over security failures that led to the war and-if he loses the prime minister post-prosecution on longstanding corruption charges.

Biden Administration / Re: Biden Administration
« on: June 02, 2024, 11:05:59 PM »
Balanced view of how both Biden and Trump have inflationary policies. 
Joe is the one with the 3/12 year current record of controlling inflation and the nation knows he sucks at it.
One of the hardest hit demographics is Blacks.
Hence he is rifling through his deck of race cards to play every one he can.

Joe Manchin was the culprit when it came to hurting the demographics that include Black People

Biden Administration / Re: Biden Administration
« on: May 31, 2024, 11:22:29 PM »
  While we strongly support the right of every American to exercise free speech and participate in civic engagement, it is clear that Mr. De Niros recent high-profile activities will create a distraction from the philanthropic work that we were hoping to recognize, said NAB spokesman Alex Siciliano in a statement, confirming that the award has been rescinded.

Wow that is breathtaking in its dishonesty.  They strongly support free speech?  DeNiro has been making high profile political comments for years, all while engaged in the philanthropy they were going to recognize.  Apparently it wasnt distracting until a few days ago.
Also, nice that RedDick supports silencing people for being critical of Trump.
This from a guy who supports jailing political opponents .

I am glad Trump supporters are tak8ng this so well

Biden Administration / Re: Biden Administration
« on: May 31, 2024, 11:09:40 PM »

Republican senators signed a public letter to the White House on Friday, vowing to prevent the upper chamber from accomplishing anything  from appropriations to confirmations in the wake of former in wake of the Trump guilty verdict.

As a Senate Republican conference, we are unwilling to aid and abet this White House in its project to tear this country apart
Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah.

The lawmakers laid out that they will no longer allow the Senate to run smoothly, by confirming Biden nominees or allowing Congress to move forward with funding for the next fiscal year.

So much for the party of law and order and for placing country before party.

What a fucking bunch of spoiled little babies.

Trump is a convict. He was tried in open court and judged by a jury of his peers.

Biden Administration / Re: Biden Administration
« on: May 31, 2024, 11:04:22 PM »
  While we strongly support the right of every American to exercise free speech and participate in civic engagement, it is clear that Mr. De Niros recent high-profile activities will create a distraction from the philanthropic work that we were hoping to recognize, said NAB spokesman Alex Siciliano in a statement, confirming that the award has been rescinded.

Wow that is breathtaking in its dishonesty.  They strongly support free speech?  DeNiro has been making high profile political comments for years, all while engaged in the philanthropy they were going to recognize.  Apparently it wasnt distracting until a few days ago.
Also, nice that RedDick supports silencing people for being critical of Trump.
This from a guy who supports jailing political opponents .

No. Trump is not going to jail even though he is a CONVICTED CRIMINAL.

Biden Administration / Re: News in General
« on: May 31, 2024, 09:59:05 PM »
Australians do not have a say on the matter.

Australians can have their say (opinion) on any and every matter, still...or has that been banned?
Mind you, given the way the free world in trending these days it wouldn't surprise me if a ban on them had been introduced...or will be soon.

You can say what you want but no one here gives a shit.

Biden Administration / Re: News in General
« on: May 31, 2024, 09:58:09 PM »
Taking hush money but not hushing should be a crime.

She hushed. She got outed.

Biden Administration / Re: Biden Administration
« on: May 31, 2024, 01:42:09 PM »
This iteration of the Republican Party needs to go the way of Carthage. Battered into rubble with the rubble burned to ash and the ash sown into the soil with salt.

Then several other parties spanning the political spectrum can grow to join the Democrats and challenge for leadership by forming cooperative coalitions.

Biden Administration / Re: Biden Administration
« on: May 31, 2024, 01:37:02 PM »
Truly time for a third party. Made up of anti-Bidens and anti-Trumpists. Should be a large majority.

You want a viable third party? Start by electing dog catchers otherwise you are nothing but grifting spoilers.

Biden Administration / Re: Biden Administration
« on: May 31, 2024, 01:35:32 PM »
Whatever jail he winds up in, he'll likely pass the time writing a book about his struggle. It wouldn't be the first time a prisoner did that.

Biden Administration / Re: Biden Administration
« on: May 31, 2024, 01:34:44 PM »
He and Rudy would make a good squeegee team by the foot of the Queensborough Bridge. They could talk about girls together during their breaks.


My mom used to say if he was not Fred Trumps kid he would be a squeegee guy at the off-ramp of the Queensborough Bridge!

Biden Administration / Re: Biden Administration
« on: May 31, 2024, 01:32:07 PM »
MAGA out here acting like Trump is Nelson Fucking Mandela!

That's funny, I was just saying to my spouse that Trump is going to pretend he's Mandela. 

I saw a guy on the news holding a sign that said FREE FATHER THERESA.  Heh.



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