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Messages - bambu.

Pages: 1 ... 453 454 [455] 456 457 ... 463
Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: August 09, 2019, 06:05:31 PM »
"Having kids would be wonderful, honey. But they might hack us to death and steal our money when they are older. We'd best not." I understimated the originality in your thinking, bambu.

We tried.
I wasn't keen...had just left the war of high school, the war of fighting with father with screaming matches in the living room most nights over the Vietnam war draft ["nuke em", "forcing me into the military is Nazi Germany", "all the way with LBJ, baaah"...I said], …..and a few short years later I was then gonna have to fight with toddlers, 9 yr olds, 12 yr olds, then head was hurting from the pain.
But as a dutiful Christian boy ["go forth and procreate" or whatever it is] and dutiful husband I went along with the idea.
Many miscarriages later [women in the family had lots of trouble ] I went off the idea.
I went totally off the idea when a man at work informed me that women die in pregnancy and childbirth.

More men die at work in many jobs.

But I think you made the right call - viewing it as you did as war would have made it hell for any offspring you might have had.

It is a war.
Supernanny Jo showed us that;
Supernanny | Mom Wants to Put Kids in a Boot Camp

Any offspring of mine would've been fine as children, and when they became adults they'd have been making their own decisions.
I would've been the wreck. lol
Tell you one thing, they would never have been allowed to speak to their mother like I see kids today [including adult children] speaking to theirs.
bambu the banker...not likely to get ripped off by family or anyone else.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: August 09, 2019, 06:00:50 PM »
Speaking of racism and White privilege....

All over talk shows etc in America, reportedly..."racist Australia in action again"

Green is ‘the only colour that matters’ at Crown

Sky News host Rita Panahi has slammed basketball star Ben Simmons’ “baseless claims of racism” after he posted a video condemning Crown casino staff for requesting his ID when his white friend was not asked.

Crown's security policy is to check the ID of anyone who could be under 25, and Ms Panahi noted Mr Simmons is under 25 and looks it.

As a regular at the Crown complex’s dining venues herself, Ms Panahi said walking through Crown you will see “the most ethnically diverse clientele and staff imaginable”.

She said it’s “bizarre” to think a venue full of people from all backgrounds “would indulge in racial profiling”, especially at a casino where “the only colour that matters is green”.

“Ben Simmons and his woke sister want you to check your privilege,” she said. “But what’s more privileged than a pampered 23-year-old earning more than $240 million to play basketball playing the victim because for a few minutes he was treated like everybody else?”


Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: August 09, 2019, 05:47:33 PM »
"Having kids would be wonderful, honey. But they might hack us to death and steal our money when they are older. We'd best not." I understimated the originality in your thinking, bambu.

We tried.
I wasn't keen...had just left the war of high school, the war of fighting with father with screaming matches in the living room most nights over the Vietnam war draft ["nuke em", "forcing me into the military is Nazi Germany", "all the way with LBJ, baaah"...I said], …..and a few short years later I was then gonna have to fight with toddlers, 9 yr olds, 12 yr olds, then head was hurting from the pain.
But as a dutiful Christian boy ["go forth and procreate" or whatever it is] and dutiful husband I went along with the idea.
Many miscarriages later [women in the family had lots of trouble ] I went off the idea.
I went totally off the idea when a man at work informed me that women die in pregnancy and childbirth.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: August 09, 2019, 06:51:31 AM »
Your life isn’t shit because you are a cowardly incapable fuckwad.

Your life is shit because you avoided all these dangerous choices.

Good job fuckwad.

P.s.  you’re not white.

My life is just good as can be expected for most people of my age in Australia.
I can still afford heating and cooling, have a comfortable home, and a warm bed...a lot more than many people in Australia today have.
Thanks to the climate change brigade, for how much longer is not known.

I'm White, for the point of the govt man's and society's exercise.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: August 09, 2019, 06:43:00 AM »
It's clear you don't have children.

If you're in a plane that's in trouble, they tell you to affix your mask first...look after yourself first, then you're in a position to help children/others.

From what I've seen of adult children lately, and the way they treat their older/elderly parents, I wouldn't advise putting adult children before yourself.
It's clear you don't have children. Good.

At least they can't abuse me now that I'm old;

How to stop elder financial abuse at the hands of loved ones

'Inheritance impatience' is one of the drivers of elder financial abuse, writes Christine Long.


And they looked so cute when they were 4.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: August 09, 2019, 06:34:24 AM »
It's clear you don't have children.

If you're in a plane that's in trouble, they tell you to affix your mask first...look after yourself first, then you're in a position to help children/others.

From what I've seen of adult children lately, and the way they treat their older/elderly parents, I wouldn't advise putting adult children before yourself.
It's clear you don't have children. Good.

At least my son can't hack me to death in my own home like one unfortunate father had happen to him the other day.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: August 08, 2019, 11:12:27 PM »
It's clear you don't have children.

If you're in a plane that's in trouble, they tell you to affix your mask first...look after yourself first, then you're in a position to help children/others.

From what I've seen of adult children lately, and the way they treat their older/elderly parents, I wouldn't advise putting adult children before yourself.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: August 08, 2019, 11:07:35 PM »
What Ms Arquette should be doing is saluting the flag, thanking all the people who've fought/fought and died under the flag so America can be free and she can have the opportunity to be who she is and make the money she does.

If she's feeling guilty and ashamed about being White ...maybe she could visit the homes/sleeping bags of lots of poor non-White folk and give them each $1000.

Wonder what the Twitterites backlash was that made her close her Twitter account?
My guess is that it wasn't pretty.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: August 08, 2019, 10:34:55 PM »
Like any forumites here look after others first before they look after themselves.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: August 08, 2019, 10:25:54 PM »

Hollywood Actress Rosanna Arquette apologized for being “born white,” saying she felt “shame” before locking down her Twitter account after a backlash.
“I’m sorry I was born white and privileged. It disgusts me. And I feel so much shame,” the Pulp Fiction actress tweeted on Wednesday.
Two days prior, Arquette tweeted an image of herself kneeling in front of American flags along with the words, “I’ll never stand for the flag again.”

Her version of the Kaepernicke ploy tailored to her;
Desperately Seeking Significance.

I'm not sorry I was "born White".
I'm not American, but it's much the same deal.
I wouldn't like to have been born Black...look how they were treated in Australia and America by their White masters.
I wouldn't like to have been born Asian on some garbage dump in Asia either...look how they were treated by their Asian masters.

"Look after yourself first in this world, son...because nobody else will."
Is that quote from the New Testament?

It's the advice my first boss [bank manager] gave me on my first day in the workforce aged 18.
It didn't mean much to me then, as at the time I thought 'everyone' in the world was a lovely person. [it was 1964]  LOL
It took me way too long to find out they weren't.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: August 08, 2019, 06:34:42 PM »

Hollywood Actress Rosanna Arquette apologized for being “born white,” saying she felt “shame” before locking down her Twitter account after a backlash.
“I’m sorry I was born white and privileged. It disgusts me. And I feel so much shame,” the Pulp Fiction actress tweeted on Wednesday.
Two days prior, Arquette tweeted an image of herself kneeling in front of American flags along with the words, “I’ll never stand for the flag again.”

Her version of the Kaepernicke ploy tailored to her;
Desperately Seeking Significance.

I'm not sorry I was "born White".
I'm not American, but it's much the same deal.
I wouldn't like to have been born Black...look how they were treated in Australia and America by their White masters.
I wouldn't like to have been born Asian on some garbage dump in Asia either...look how they were treated by their Asian masters.

"Look after yourself first in this world, son...because nobody else will."

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: August 08, 2019, 05:35:11 PM »
In a global sense, Bambi,

“You’re a rude bastard”...”you should get up earlier” (and stop listening to your #1 radio host).

Mrs. Bambi sounds alright. She can come back stateside any time.

Flute and harp? Is that what you learned in Aryan band camp?

Nah, the Orange and the Green;
The Irish Rovers - The Orange and the Green - Sung by the late, great Jimmy Ferguson [and band]

Oh it is the biggest mix-up that you have ever seen
My father he was orange and my mother she was green

Oh my father was an Ulsterman, proud Protestant was he
My mother was a Catholic girl, from County Cork was she
They were married in two churches, lived happily enough
Until the day that I was born and things got rather tough

Oh it is the biggest mix-up that you have ever seen
My father he was orange and my mother she was green

Baptised by father Reilly, I was rushed away by car
To be made a little orangeman, my father's shining star
I was christened David Anthony, but still in spite of that
To my father I was William while my mother called me Pat

Oh it is the biggest mix-up that you have ever seen
My father he was orange and my mother she was green

With mother every Sunday to mass I'd proudly stroll
Then after that the orange lads would try to save my soul
For both sides tried to claim me, but I was smart because
I played the flute or played the harp, depending where I was



An Orange lad... bambu floats gently around in the religious mix quite happily...playing the flute or the harp.

Substitute 'Right' for the 'Orange' and 'Left' for the 'Green' ...same deal.

Floatly gently around, friends on both sides of the religious, racial, and political divides...too busy eating the cake and drinking the Coke to "bash everyone in sight"...or "bash" anyone.

Should be interesting later this year when real live Americans come to visit and stay with bambu and friends, eh?

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: August 08, 2019, 03:27:53 AM »
I really think you should go to Texas, Bambu. I think you should start conversations with strangers all over the state. I think you should tell them what you think is really going on in their state and their country. I love to see what happens next.

I told mrs bambu to 'cool it' when she was in America, not to go declaring her ancestry [Irish Catholic, English Protestant, Australian Aborigine] to anyone...and not to go fighting with anyone.
I told her...told her.
I said..."be demure, be sweet, butter won't melt in your mouth sweet, charmingly sweet to all and you are most of the time, and can be all of the time if you want to be."
So what did she do, was in America for '5 minutes', in NYC a line in a shop to buy coffee, when a White guy about 40 in the line next to her started telling, in a very rude manner, the young Black girl behind the counter that she was too slow, useless, and to hurry up with his order".
Yes, mrs bambu went for him, told him to leave the young girl alone, that she was doing her best. Said to him "you're a rude bastard"..."you should get up earlier".
He ordered his coffee.
A large Black man then moved over to mrs bambu's side and stood there.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: August 08, 2019, 03:10:43 AM »
I really think you should go to Texas, Bambu. I think you should start conversations with strangers all over the state. I think you should tell them what you think is really going on in their state and their country. I love to see what happens next.

As if.  LOL
You gotta be kidding, man!

If I were ever to go there, which is likely never, I would 'never' speak with them about 'sex, religion or politics'...which just about leaves the weather, footy, their lives and pets.
bambu is very good at playing the flute or playing the harp, depending where he is. 

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: August 08, 2019, 01:52:05 AM »
No more 'sitting ducks' in Texas;

Texas, reeling after El Paso shooting, is about to loosen gun laws

But they’re not restrictions on firearms like those Ohio’s governor proposed days after Sunday’s mass shooting in Dayton. As the state mourns the 22 killed in a shooting in El Paso, 10 laws affirming Texans’ right to carry guns are set to take effect Sept. 1.

The new rules come as Democrats and some Republicans call for tighter regulations on firearms after two tragedies that shook the country this weekend. They reflect many Texans’ embrace of expanded access to guns even after several high-profile shootings in the state, as gun rights advocates argue that armed citizens can stop attackers.


That's one way.
Everyone in Walmart armed to the teeth.

As soon as a shooter fires the first shot, good people whip out their 'Colt 45s' and gun down the shooter.

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