On the issue of gentrification, and quickly rising rents, the renters can form unions, and they can negotiate with the owners as one unit, instead of trickling out when they can no longer afford to live in their apartments. And the housing authorities can work together with the renters union, to fight for fair rent prices for people, and to help people to be able to stay in their apartments instead of ending up homeless. We have record numbers of homeless people right now. Forming unions and using collective bargaining can help some people to be able to stay in their apartments.
Also, like with a local trailer park, the city council stepped in and did a rent freeze while they negotiated in order to keep the people in their homes.
The best way to stop homelessness is to stop people from being homeless in the first place.
Prevention is what is needed, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
Forming renters unions, working together with housing authorities, and working together with the Mayor and the City Council, can help to keep people in their homes, and off of the streets.
Tony V.