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Messages - bambu.

Pages: 1 ... 457 458 [459] 460 461 ... 468
Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: August 11, 2019, 01:31:10 AM »

You are lucky to have a good wife Bambu.

I have always wanted a good woman to share my life with. I would love to have a woman who shares my dreams and goals and to share my life with.

I would love to find a good woman who supports my goals of making movies, and making wine, and owning a night club, and publishing my books, and I will support her on her dreams and goals and I will be there to share her life.

Princess Charlotte Casiraghi is taken now, she got married, so she is no longer available. So, that ends my dream of marrying a princess. But, the world is full of awesome women, I will find one.Salute,

Tony V.

Good wife?...I know. Luck's a fortune.
I would never have found another like her...girls like her, jewels of the 'farmers and graziers' set were usually 'reserved' for people at a higher station in life than I was.
Exactly why I didn't want to risk her life in pregnancy/childbirth.

Miley Cyrus, movie star, is now available...although she's now 'F--king sick of men", reportedly.

Rumours of a split have been swirling for weeks, intensifying when Miley declared at Glastonbury in July that she was "f--king sick of men".
Just days later, Hunger Games star Liam removed his wedding ring. The Aussie hunk, 29, was spotted looking glum – and his ring finger noticeably bare – while on a coffee run in LA.


Are there no rich heiresses in LA you could talk into a relationship?

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: August 11, 2019, 01:15:04 AM »

Taking a knee for social justice.

Disrespecting the national anthem/flag, he stands condemned.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: August 11, 2019, 01:10:50 AM »
"Everything is Trump's fault" seemingly sayeth the Left.

Sounds a lot like "Everything is the Jews' fault" from Naziland long ago.
More solid analysis from a non-Harvard graduate.

No degree needed for this one either.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: August 10, 2019, 11:35:38 PM »
"Everything is Trump's fault" seemingly sayeth the Left.

Sounds a lot like "Everything is the Jews' fault" from Naziland long ago.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: August 10, 2019, 11:31:29 PM »
Nazi Goering was on suicide watch, still managed to cheat the hangman by committing suicide.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: August 10, 2019, 04:50:08 AM »
Supporting Antifa, the ACLU, the SPLC, the SRA, and the Democrats is how they keep the next holocaust from picking up more steam in the face of republican, NRA, Core Civic, Geo Group, stormfront, KKK, and Liberty University’s efforts to unleash a new holocaust on the world starting in the United States.

That's a lot of a stretch.

Guns are great, and needed by Americans to protect themselves from home invaders, killers, rapists, armed murderers on the highways [as happened in Canada to the Aussie guy and his American girlfriend...unarmed and sitting ducks for the 'thrill killers'.]
If Aussie guy had been armed, with serious guns ready to fire at the flick of the safety's notice, he and his girlfriend would likely be alive today.

On my tv tonite was shown...a guy at a different Walmart store...vest full of ammo, serious rifle slung over his shoulder, walked into the store...walked around with his hands in the air for no apparent reason.
As far as I could gather he never removed the gun from his shoulder, and never threatened anyone.
He probably could've killed 20+ people if he'd started shooting as soon as he entered. He sure frightened people once they all realised what was happening.

Ahem, Walmart security?
Physical barriers?
Good people need guns.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: August 09, 2019, 06:37:07 PM »
"Having kids would be wonderful, honey. But they might hack us to death and steal our money when they are older. We'd best not." I understimated the originality in your thinking, bambu.

We tried.
I wasn't keen...had just left the war of high school, the war of fighting with father with screaming matches in the living room most nights over the Vietnam war draft ["nuke em", "forcing me into the military is Nazi Germany", "all the way with LBJ, baaah"...I said], …..and a few short years later I was then gonna have to fight with toddlers, 9 yr olds, 12 yr olds, then head was hurting from the pain.
But as a dutiful Christian boy ["go forth and procreate" or whatever it is] and dutiful husband I went along with the idea.
Many miscarriages later [women in the family had lots of trouble ] I went off the idea.
I went totally off the idea when a man at work informed me that women die in pregnancy and childbirth.

More men die at work in many jobs.

But I think you made the right call - viewing it as you did as war would have made it hell for any offspring you might have had.

I wasn't married to a man.
The thought of losing my wife in pregnancy and childbirth was too much to I suggested adoption.
Local adoption...long waiting list.
Overseas...not encouraged, and made far too difficult.
So we 'raised' the neighbours' children instead.
Always had children in the home.
"Your soup is much nicer than mommy's soup".
Little dogs to play with, ice cream, extra food for dinner if still hungry from dinners at their homes.
Shopping with mrs bambu…"now you must be good"...good with mrs up merry hell when with own mother/s.

Only could visit inside when mrs bambu was home.
I played games out in the front yards with them … wouldn't want people getting the wrong idea, would we.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: August 09, 2019, 06:05:31 PM »
"Having kids would be wonderful, honey. But they might hack us to death and steal our money when they are older. We'd best not." I understimated the originality in your thinking, bambu.

We tried.
I wasn't keen...had just left the war of high school, the war of fighting with father with screaming matches in the living room most nights over the Vietnam war draft ["nuke em", "forcing me into the military is Nazi Germany", "all the way with LBJ, baaah"...I said], …..and a few short years later I was then gonna have to fight with toddlers, 9 yr olds, 12 yr olds, then head was hurting from the pain.
But as a dutiful Christian boy ["go forth and procreate" or whatever it is] and dutiful husband I went along with the idea.
Many miscarriages later [women in the family had lots of trouble ] I went off the idea.
I went totally off the idea when a man at work informed me that women die in pregnancy and childbirth.

More men die at work in many jobs.

But I think you made the right call - viewing it as you did as war would have made it hell for any offspring you might have had.

It is a war.
Supernanny Jo showed us that;
Supernanny | Mom Wants to Put Kids in a Boot Camp

Any offspring of mine would've been fine as children, and when they became adults they'd have been making their own decisions.
I would've been the wreck. lol
Tell you one thing, they would never have been allowed to speak to their mother like I see kids today [including adult children] speaking to theirs.
bambu the banker...not likely to get ripped off by family or anyone else.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: August 09, 2019, 06:00:50 PM »
Speaking of racism and White privilege....

All over talk shows etc in America, reportedly..."racist Australia in action again"

Green is ‘the only colour that matters’ at Crown

Sky News host Rita Panahi has slammed basketball star Ben Simmons’ “baseless claims of racism” after he posted a video condemning Crown casino staff for requesting his ID when his white friend was not asked.

Crown's security policy is to check the ID of anyone who could be under 25, and Ms Panahi noted Mr Simmons is under 25 and looks it.

As a regular at the Crown complex’s dining venues herself, Ms Panahi said walking through Crown you will see “the most ethnically diverse clientele and staff imaginable”.

She said it’s “bizarre” to think a venue full of people from all backgrounds “would indulge in racial profiling”, especially at a casino where “the only colour that matters is green”.

“Ben Simmons and his woke sister want you to check your privilege,” she said. “But what’s more privileged than a pampered 23-year-old earning more than $240 million to play basketball playing the victim because for a few minutes he was treated like everybody else?”


Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: August 09, 2019, 05:47:33 PM »
"Having kids would be wonderful, honey. But they might hack us to death and steal our money when they are older. We'd best not." I understimated the originality in your thinking, bambu.

We tried.
I wasn't keen...had just left the war of high school, the war of fighting with father with screaming matches in the living room most nights over the Vietnam war draft ["nuke em", "forcing me into the military is Nazi Germany", "all the way with LBJ, baaah"...I said], …..and a few short years later I was then gonna have to fight with toddlers, 9 yr olds, 12 yr olds, then head was hurting from the pain.
But as a dutiful Christian boy ["go forth and procreate" or whatever it is] and dutiful husband I went along with the idea.
Many miscarriages later [women in the family had lots of trouble ] I went off the idea.
I went totally off the idea when a man at work informed me that women die in pregnancy and childbirth.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: August 09, 2019, 06:51:31 AM »
Your life isn’t shit because you are a cowardly incapable fuckwad.

Your life is shit because you avoided all these dangerous choices.

Good job fuckwad.

P.s.  you’re not white.

My life is just good as can be expected for most people of my age in Australia.
I can still afford heating and cooling, have a comfortable home, and a warm bed...a lot more than many people in Australia today have.
Thanks to the climate change brigade, for how much longer is not known.

I'm White, for the point of the govt man's and society's exercise.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: August 09, 2019, 06:43:00 AM »
It's clear you don't have children.

If you're in a plane that's in trouble, they tell you to affix your mask first...look after yourself first, then you're in a position to help children/others.

From what I've seen of adult children lately, and the way they treat their older/elderly parents, I wouldn't advise putting adult children before yourself.
It's clear you don't have children. Good.

At least they can't abuse me now that I'm old;

How to stop elder financial abuse at the hands of loved ones

'Inheritance impatience' is one of the drivers of elder financial abuse, writes Christine Long.


And they looked so cute when they were 4.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: August 09, 2019, 06:34:24 AM »
It's clear you don't have children.

If you're in a plane that's in trouble, they tell you to affix your mask first...look after yourself first, then you're in a position to help children/others.

From what I've seen of adult children lately, and the way they treat their older/elderly parents, I wouldn't advise putting adult children before yourself.
It's clear you don't have children. Good.

At least my son can't hack me to death in my own home like one unfortunate father had happen to him the other day.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: August 08, 2019, 11:12:27 PM »
It's clear you don't have children.

If you're in a plane that's in trouble, they tell you to affix your mask first...look after yourself first, then you're in a position to help children/others.

From what I've seen of adult children lately, and the way they treat their older/elderly parents, I wouldn't advise putting adult children before yourself.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: August 08, 2019, 11:07:35 PM »
What Ms Arquette should be doing is saluting the flag, thanking all the people who've fought/fought and died under the flag so America can be free and she can have the opportunity to be who she is and make the money she does.

If she's feeling guilty and ashamed about being White ...maybe she could visit the homes/sleeping bags of lots of poor non-White folk and give them each $1000.

Wonder what the Twitterites backlash was that made her close her Twitter account?
My guess is that it wasn't pretty.

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