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Messages - bambu.

Pages: 1 ... 459 460 [461] 462 463 ... 490
Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: December 30, 2019, 06:12:19 PM »

Jews escaping, only made possible by guns...handguns, rifles, machine guns.
They [including women] learnt to shoot.
Fought back.
Guns are great, for self defence.

Expect the unexpected...a machete-wielding psycho could appear at any moment to slash and kill.
Or a truckload of terrorists with guns.
Or 3 terrorists in a van.
Or 6 terrorists on foot with sweet smiles and big guns under their coats.
Or 7 women in a care group with handguns in their jackets.
Gotta be ready 24/7.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: December 30, 2019, 04:17:24 PM »

What needs to be done about anti-semitism, in one writer's eyes.

I find it very discouraging.


Seriously, in America Jews need to carry guns, and plenty of them, ready to fire at a moment's notice.
They also need to live, work, socialise in fortresses.
Absolute security protects absolutely.

The guy who committed the latest attack on them, with the machete, "has a history of mental illness and is not aligned with any hate group" according to my radio news today.

Maybe blend in...wear nothing in public to indicate 'race/religion'. Take special attire to private gatherings and change there.

Seems to me that there is a perception that Jewish people are rich, and control everything...which seems to evoke envy and blame.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: December 30, 2019, 04:03:40 PM »
Yesterday in my newspaper I saw a young British woman dressed lol in one of these latest fashion 'string bikinis'.

Which pretty much tells us about your taste in "news" papers.

Sunday Telegraph.
Nothing wrong with the newspaper.
How can one take their family to the beach when confronted by string swimwear.

Why is string swimwear a problem at the beach, but not in the paper?

Or are you suggesting it is okay for you to go to the beach, just not your family?

You think it's a problem for Mrs. Bambi to see such women?!

I'd prefer it hadn't been in the paper, supposed family-friendly paper.
People wanting to be at the public beach 'naked', should instead attend the legal nude beach or unofficial nude beach, which we have.
Nothing of this nature is a problem for mrs bambu, she more shows concern for what such behaviour could mean for women and girls who might become sex crime victims of men because of it.

Me, I'm offended by the presence of women and girls [yes, now teen girls under 18 are wearing this] 'undressed' in such a manner around me.
I should be able to go to the beach, anywhere in society without having to walk around looking at the ground 24/7 lest I be accused of leering[a crime], being a predator, pervert, creepy etc.

Several weeks ago, afternoon, while sitting at a table by myself on a beach promenade [walk down steps to the beach] while mrs bambu had an appointment nearby...I having purchased a drink, ice cream, and chocolate...was enjoying the view of the water and horizon, and listening to buskers singing cool music across the road.
Sunny day, cool sea breeze, ice cream, chocolate, drink, in the shade of trees.

When my paradise was suddenly shattered by the appearance from behind me of a small group of schoolkids, and in the group standing right in front of me to the side of my table a girl about 16 basically naked at the back. They stood there surveying the ocean etc....seeming not in any hurry to move along.
I, dressed in shorts, shirt, cap. sunglasses.
I had to move.
I cursed them under my breath as I moved further along the promenade to another table, and struck up a conversation with a seagull.
Not long after, the teen group came wandering along and stopped, where I was.
I cursed them again.
I had to move again....and went and sat on a seat in the sun back from where they had come.
They sauntered off along the promenade to the other end of the beach.

There are cameras everywhere today.
Photo of old, White, heterosexual, male, 'lurking' around the beach, not swimming, cap, sunglasses, and sitting right behind a 'naked' 16 yr old girl...would make for a nice ammunition photo for the "all men are predators and perverts" lot.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: December 29, 2019, 08:49:27 PM »
Yesterday in my newspaper I saw a young British woman dressed lol in one of these latest fashion 'string bikinis'.

Which pretty much tells us about your taste in "news" papers.

Sunday Telegraph.
Nothing wrong with the newspaper.
How can one take their family to the beach when confronted by string swimwear.

The British woman wasn't wearing a string swimsuit,  her whole-butt-revealing swimsuit had slightly more material around the waist...but the rest is correct, she was swimming where I stated.
Too many ample butts in my face as I read the paper.

The string swimwear article by journalist Katy Hall was several pages later, complete with photo;

Please, make the invisible bikini trend go away

Embracing an itsy bitsy teeny weeny bikini over summer is one thing, but committing public acts of indecency all in the name of Instagram fashion is another. Make it stop, writes Katy Hall.


Next thing you know, women wearing invisible bikinis and not wanting to be objectified might be complaining that people are looking at them, leering at them.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: December 29, 2019, 06:52:58 PM »

No blondes allowed’: 50 years after a junior high experiment, students say it had ‘a big impact’

As she walked to the building in her matching turquoise sweater and skirt, she saw the first of many signs of bias. “Blondes use the side door,” read a sign hung over the main entrance. Dark-haired student guards blocked those doors to make sure blond students didn’t use them. After entering through the side entrance, she saw a giant “No Blondes Allowed,” banner strung across the staircase leading to her home room. Hall monitors jeered at her, directing her to the blonds-only stairwell. In class, her teachers didn’t call on her. At lunch, she was forced to sit at a separate table from her brunette friends, segregated based on the color of her hair.

Then, on Monday, “the message that blondes are inferior, undesirable persons was broadcast over the school’s public address system and circulated in a one-sheet newspaper,” The Post story said.

The blond students were forced to use separate restrooms, doors and drinking fountains, relegated to separate tables in the lunchroom and library and shunned by teachers and brunettes, even their friends, as Brown and others in the junior high at the time described it.

Cooper, Brown and others who attended school that Monday and Tuesday say that some brunette hall monitors were overzealous about enforcing the rules, many times crossing the line into bullying.

“I remember some kids getting beaten up and pushed around because some kids took it as an opportunity to just act out,”.....

Mark Walston, another ninth-grader, also remembers that “the hall monitors became like neo-Nazis, they took their job just way too far and got physical with the kids.” He says as a result, some blond girls cried and went home early during the first two days of the exercise.

Most of the former students interviewed identified students who went overboard.


Another bright idea by academia.

Wonder where the blond guys are today?
Maybe they went off and started a blond nationalist group...and who could blame them...they having seen what could happen to them if/when the country turned dark-haired.


White males in Australia know what is happening, and is going to happen, to them;

Discrimination against white males will soon be encouraged


The first raft of changes to the Equal Opportunity Act were introduced into Parliament last week.

Originally published as White men can go jump


And the no-ideas now wonder why, and complain that there is, a gender war, and is a gender pay gap.
And that men are suing anyone who is trying to sack them from boards etc and replace them with women.
What did those marching guys say at 'Charlottesville'..."we will not be replaced"?

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: December 29, 2019, 05:27:38 PM »
I'm not surprised that there are some extra protections in place for detained minors since they are by definition a vulnerable population.  Also not surprising that these were agreed to only after extensive litigation alleging abuses and poor treatment.  And that the resulting Flores Agreement reportedly wasn't implemented properly or fairly for many years.  Or that the Trump Admin is trying to ditch these basic protections.

When I dealt with the INS, lawyers had to tread carefully since their clients and the other detained adults were not legally entitled to lawyers, but some lawyers/legal groups were permitted.  Such access and representation could be cut off at any time. 

We also learned that while the admin judges could order the guards to bring a detainee to a facility, if the guards failed to do so, the judge had no enforcement power and essentially no recourse.  The guards could just toss out any excuse -- they couldn't find him, he wasn't at that facility, might have been transferred, etc.  We had two Somalis that were lost in the system like that.  We had to resort to asking other detained Somalis if they saw or had heard of the two missing fellas.  For the most part the processing and admin centers were not the same as the holding/detention facilities.

The whole INS was poorly run, rights were granted in an ad hoc fashion, and a lot of the case resolutions were based on political considerations.

Makes you wonder just who is running America and why all that is allowed.
Doesn't surprise me though, the Black African  Aussie model has also 'disappeared'...can't afford a lawyer, might never be seen again.
'Equality Under The Law'...what law, one might ask.
Judges have no power, there is no law, there's just anarchy.
The wall must stay, but Trump has to go.

Waste of time having judges and courts in America, Trump govt's Immigration agents, well, you know...

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: December 29, 2019, 05:18:37 PM »
Yesterday in my newspaper I saw a young British woman dressed lol in one of these latest fashion 'string bikinis'. Literally a piece of string with 3 very small pieces of material attached, all at/for the front.
The back, nothing.
Obviously for women who don't want to be objectified.

Young seemingly White British woman was shown from the back, piece of string barely visible. $175 for this new 'swimsuit'. Why don't I ever think of these things.
Buy the string for $1 a yard and sell it as 'swimsuits' for almost $175 a yard. A nice addition to my pension.

Apparently she's an "influencer" on social media someone has paid to boost tourism to Australia.
The story with the photo stated that she was "swimming in Kakadu National Park in the Northern Territory".
Swimming in Kakadu National Park is lunacy!

Monster crocodiles that gobble up sharks live there.
Crocodiles have legs.
She keeps swimming there she might find herself minus her rather ample butt, or worse.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: December 28, 2019, 09:02:06 PM »
For whom, though?
The New Cotton Fields

The story of poultry work tracks closely with the 20th-century story of race relations in Mississippi.

“The chicken plant,” Dr. Stuesse quoted a civil rights veteran saying, “replaced the cotton field.”

But as American chicken consumption boomed in the 1980s, manufacturers went in search of “cheaper and more exploitable workers,” Dr. Stuesse wrote, chiefly Latin American immigrants.

At the time, the Koch plant in Morton was owned by a local company, B.C. Rogers Poultry, which organized efforts to recruit Hispanics from the Texas border as early as 1977. Soon, the company was operating a sizable effort it called “The Hispanic Project,” bringing in thousands of workers and housing them in trailers.

But “an eager pool of black labor did indeed exist,” she wrote, noting that a black labor force moved in when a large number of Hispanics were fired from a Carthage chicken plant in the mid-2000s.

And yet much of the outrage over the August raids has come from leaders in Mississippi’s black community. Constance Slaughter-Harvey, a renowned local lawyer and civil rights activist who was the first black woman to receive a law degree from the University of Mississippi, called the raids a “Gestapo action.”

Wesley Odom, 79, president of the Scott County N.A.A.C.P., spoke of the family members separated — the Hispanic mothers and fathers who remain in custody, as well as the moments, on the day of the raids, when some schoolchildren must have wondered whether they would walk into empty homes.

“The blacks were witness to that same thing as slaves,” he said.


Lots of victims.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: December 28, 2019, 08:48:00 PM »
Do you ever react with sympathy?

Sympathy for whom, though?
The separated children?  of course.
Their parents?  not so much.

Mr Grant?

Then there was Mr. Grant, only two years out of high school and still finding his way in the world. He said it felt good to be earning $11.23 an hour, even if the new job entailed cutting off necks and pulling out guts on a seemingly endless conveyor of carcasses. It was about $4 better, he said, than what he used to earn at a Madison County cookie factory.

But he also called the raids “cruel” and “mean.” There were moments when the necks and guts and ambivalence and guilt all mixed together so that he wondered whether he wanted to stick with the job.

“It’s like I stole it,” he said, “and I really don’t like what I stole.”

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: December 28, 2019, 08:36:11 PM »
Do you ever react with sympathy?


Tricky, is 'sympathy'.

Some believe that the undocumented workers had it coming. “If you’re somewhere you ain’t supposed to be, they’re going to come get you,” said a worker named Jamaal, who declined to give his full name because Koch Foods had not authorized him to speak. “That’s only right.”

But there was also Shelonda Davis, 35, a 17-year veteran of the plant. She has seen many workers — of all backgrounds — come and go. But she was horrified that so many of her Hispanic colleagues were rounded up. Some of them, she said, wanted to work so badly that they tried to return the next day.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: December 28, 2019, 08:26:18 PM »

Zac Efron’s life-or-death flight to Australia after falling ill in PNG

Hollywood A-lister Zac Efron was flown to Australia after suffering an extraordinary medical emergency while in Papua New Guinea, where he was filming his new TV documentary series Killing Zac Efron, The Sunday Telegraph can reveal.

The 32-year-old High School Musical star turned reality TV adventurer was transported from PNG to Australia by a local medevac crew last week after he fell ill to what is believed to be a form of ­typhoid or similar bacterial ­infection.

Sources say the Hollywood A-lister was initially flown to Brisbane Airport before being rushed to the private St Andrews War Memorial Hospital in Spring Hill where he was treated for several days.

Styled as a type of Man v Wild adventure series, the show sees The Greatest Showman star venturing “deep into the jungles of a remote, dangerous island to carve his own name in expedition history”.


Good way to get yourself killed!
Bad germs live in those jungles of PNG, deadly bacteria, as troops found out in WW2.
Hopefully he won't go back there...just run the series that's been filmed so far.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: December 28, 2019, 08:11:21 PM »
If we simply abolish golf courses and turn the land into low income housing, we’d be able to house most of our homeless without too much trouble.

And when the former golf courses are full?

Better idea...stop all immigration and lose 100m population [natural attrition].
America was a better place when the population was only 230m?

Several witnesses have today testified that the U.S. population size should stabilize at the current number of about 230 million.

Better for whom and in what way?

And yes, if the planet had a couple billion people fewer, that would not be a bad thing. But our population is not growing primarily from births.

Better overall. Existing roads, hospitals, schools, transport would be adequate.
As people kept dying they wouldn't be replaced...society would adjust.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: December 28, 2019, 07:32:21 PM »
Bambi, you do no work at all except to misinform yourself. I think you are nearly the least qualified person to weigh in on the topic. Since your cowardice and ignorance will keep you where you are, I’m confident most immigrants we get will be solid upgrades over Red and Kid, who are moldy and glitchy and well past their sell by dates.

Send me some white feathers, I'll make artwork out of them.

Whose fault is it that the parents are now in immigration detention, …..[they might meet the Black Aussie gal who was tossed in detention prison too even though she has a valid visa...ICE seemingly playing "judge, jury and 'executioner'"].....,and the kids are now alone at home?
Answer; the parents' fault for entering the country illegally/working illegally.

Maybe ICE thinks Australia is an African state full of terrorists....that could be it, why they grabbed the African-Australian girl.
It's time the Australian govt demanded answers as to what's going on.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: December 28, 2019, 05:44:04 PM »

After ICE Raids, a Reckoning in Mississippi’s Chicken Country

A series of federal immigration raids swept up nearly 700 undocumented workers, creating opportunities — and some ethical concerns — for American-born residents.

The Koch Foods chicken processing plant in Morton, Miss., was targeted by Immigrations and Customs Enforcement. Some Hispanic employees who were rounded up, a colleague said, wanted to work so badly that they tried to return the next day.Credit...Annie Flanagan for The New York Times

MORTON, Miss. — Juan Grant strode into the Koch Foods chicken processing plant for his new job on a Wednesday morning, joining many other African-Americans in a procession of rubber boots, hairnets and last cigarettes before the grind.

But Mr. Grant clearly remembered Aug. 7, the day the Trump administration performed sweeping immigration raids on seven chicken plants in central Mississippi. He remembered the news flashing on his phone: 680 Hispanic workers arrested. He remembers seeing an opportunity.

“I figured there should be some jobs,” he said.
He figured right.

The raids were believed to be the largest statewide immigration crackdown in recent history and a partial fulfillment of President Trump’s vow to remove millions of undocumented workers from the country. The impact on Mississippi’s immigrant community has been devastating. For non-immigrant workers, the aftermath has forced them into a personal reckoning with questions of morality and economic self-interest: The raids brought suffering, but they also created job openings.


In the country illegally?
Working illegally?
One day the reckoning could come.

Of course, employers should never have been able to hire undocumented workers in the first place.
There should be huge fines etc for doing so.
Employers should have to demand that anyone they hire is in the country legally and has the legal right to work in America...otherwise there's just anarchy, "Rafferty's rules", rorts a plenty.

Mrs bambu had her face scanned and fingerprints recorded...placed in the govt man's data bank...and she was only in the country for a few weeks as a tourist [with all the US govt approved documentation.]

If chicken processing plants etc can't find enough required workers, after extensive local/US wide advertising, then they should be able to hire legal workers from other countries on special work visas [thorough background/identification immigration checks, passports issued in the other countries].

'Sheriff Don' has replaced Sheriff Joe..."jobs for Americans first".

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: December 28, 2019, 04:57:53 PM »
If we simply abolish golf courses and turn the land into low income housing, we’d be able to house most of our homeless without too much trouble.

And when the former golf courses are full?

Better idea...stop all immigration and lose 100m population [natural attrition].
America was a better place when the population was only 230m?

Several witnesses have today testified that the U.S. population size should stabilize at the current number of about 230 million.

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