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Messages - Hairy Lime

Pages: 1 ... 488 489 [490] 491 492 ... 525
Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: October 24, 2019, 01:00:11 PM »
Tim Ryan has stunningly dropped out of the race. Shock waves will reverberate for seconds.

Football / Re: College Football
« on: October 24, 2019, 12:37:57 PM »
I think Methchicken winds up with at least four losses this year, but I do not think he is in any danger of getting fired. His out is the NFL, if he wants it.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: October 24, 2019, 12:35:33 PM »
If the evidence against Trump is so damning, then why not make it all public now ?
Didn't read Schiff's letter?
Adam Schiff has a big credibility problem.
For the record, not one of the Republicans on the relevant committees has taken issue with Schiff's description of the process.
Pelosi obviously has.
No she has not. Try reading and responding rationally rather than as if you were in a schoolyard.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: October 24, 2019, 11:31:23 AM »
If the evidence against Trump is so damning, then why not make it all public now ?
Didn't read Schiff's letter?
Adam Schiff has a big credibility problem.
For the record, not one of the Republicans on the relevant committees has taken issue with Schiff's description of the process.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: October 24, 2019, 09:25:35 AM »
So, do the Democrats prefer Trump out of office and to run against Pence?

Is that behind it all?

Fess up.

I realize you find the idea that it is not Trump's conduct.and abuse of office but partisan politics that is driving impeachment to be a comforting myth, but it is a myth.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: October 24, 2019, 01:40:07 AM »
If the evidence against Trump is so damning, then why not make it all public now ?
Didn't read Schiff's letter? Here is the relevant.part:

"The reasons for conducting interviews in private are sound and based on the best interests of a thorough and fair investigation. Unlike in past impeachment proceedings in which Congress had the benefit of an investigation conducted in secret by an independent prosecutor, we must conduct the initial investigation ourselves. This is the case, because the Department of Justice under Bill Barr expressly declined to investigate this matter, after a criminal referral had been made.

“The special counsels in the Nixon and Clinton impeachments conducted their investigations in private and we must initially do the same. It is of paramount importance to ensure that witnesses cannot coordinate their testimony with one another to match their description of events, or potentially conceal the truth.”

Football / Re: College Football
« on: October 23, 2019, 04:24:21 PM »
“*,” funny whisk, Tlaw not Jlaw, bit of a stretch.

There are a lot of fans who are like “he’s awesum, but I just wish he’d cut that hair...”

I do not care, and fear how the gods of football might judge him.

JB,  remind the Tiger fans what happened to Samson when his hair was cut.

I had hair halfway down my back when I played. Never made me play better.
I still have hair all the way down my back. Top of my head, on the other hand....

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: October 23, 2019, 04:22:36 PM »

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: October 23, 2019, 02:02:14 PM »
Can you smell the desperation?

GOP actually trying to run the old Florida 2000 ‘Brooks Brothers Riot’  play at the Capitol...
They need to get over it.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: October 23, 2019, 11:41:16 AM »
And as to why in private, remember that there are legitimate national security issues that need to be vetted before information can be made public.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: October 23, 2019, 11:39:31 AM »
Inquiry phase is not the trial phase, KC.  Graham, cracker, knows that. 

If I'm not mistaken, a legal professional, Mr. Lime, already explained that.  Too many letters?
For the.record, former.

Witnesses are being deposed in private by staffers from both parties, in the presence of committee members from both parties. It is fact finding. This will give both parties an opportunity to prepare for the resulting public hearings. And I will go out on a limb and predict those hearings will give Republicans a fairer opportunity than Graham affords Democrats in his committee.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: October 23, 2019, 08:52:17 AM »
Thank you, Mr Graham

“We cannot allow future presidents and this president to be impeached based on an inquiry in the House that’s never been voted upon that does not allow the president to confront the witnesses against him, to call witnesses on his behalf, and cross-examine people who are accusing him of misdeeds,” he added.

I am guessing the piece of shit is fully aware that there will be hearings and an opportunity for Republicans in the House and later the Senate and that what is happening now is staff fact finding. He has a law degree and he knows about discovery. But whinging about process is Trump's only defense at this point.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: October 23, 2019, 08:43:10 AM »
Thank you, Mr Graham

“We cannot allow future presidents and this president to be impeached based on an inquiry in the House that’s never been voted upon that does not allow the president to confront the witnesses against him, to call witnesses on his behalf, and cross-examine people who are accusing him of misdeeds,” he added.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: October 23, 2019, 08:38:24 AM »
But it has nothing to do with keeping the Kurds alive.

They can choose to keep themselves alive
The Fuck they can.

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