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Messages - FlyingVProd

Pages: 1 ... 54 55 [56] 57 58 ... 307
Biden Administration / Re: News in General
« on: August 25, 2023, 03:57:53 PM »
Here is the full list of the top 10 most sustainable cities in the world.

    Melbourne, Australia
    Madrid, Spain
    Seville, Spain
    Stockholm, Sweden
    Tallinn, Estonia
    Toronto, Canada
    Palma De Mallorca, Spain
    Las Vegas, USA
    Lisbon, Portugal
    Munich, Germany


We need to send Kentucky Bourbon to the top sustainable tourist destinations, and we can send them wine from California, and we can send them the best food to serve to their tourists, etc.

Las Vegas, Nevada, is the only city in the USA in the top 10.


Tony V.

Biden Administration / Re: News in General
« on: August 24, 2023, 10:29:37 PM »
Bambu, Australia is the number one sustainable tourist destination, and I think that the Quantas planes need to be loaded with Bourbon from Kentucky to send to the Bars in Australia, many people believe that Kentucky makes the best Bourbon in the world, so if there is empty space on a plane or on a ship then they need to send Bourbon from Kentucky to Australia. Then the Bourbon companies of Kentucky can donate Libraries, and Schools, and Hospitals, etc. The Monks can run Bourbon companies in Kentucky to raise money to help the poor people of Kentucky. And remember to watch the movie "Cocktail" with Tom Cruise to see the best way to run a Bar.

And I recommend that you listen to what Condoleezza Rice has to say, she teaches at Stanford and her brain is very sharp.


Tony V.

Biden Administration / Re: Biden Administration
« on: August 24, 2023, 05:01:39 PM »
I have no idea, maybe some of the old people from the George W. Bush team might be worth considering, maybe Condoleezza Rice or someone.

I wish Arnold was born in the USA, he is a great American.

We need to keep exploring. Right now Joe is doing fine, but he is too old to be President, we need someone younger. I do not doubt the loyalty of Joe to the American people, I just wish he was younger.


Tony V.

Biden Administration / Re: News in General
« on: August 24, 2023, 04:28:15 PM »
Someone should write a new version of the song "Imagine" that is about all of the good things that would happen if we were all Christians and if we all obeyed the Golden Rule and the Ten Commandments and if we all loved our neighbors like the Bible asks us to do. We could have Heaven right here on Earth if we all loved and followed the Lord.

Bambu, Quantas Airlines for Australia made $1.6 Billion in profits last year, and they are expanding. Australia is doing great and you guys are the number one sustainable tourist destination now according to the KTLA Channel 5 News in Los Angeles.


Tony V.

Biden Administration / Re: News in General
« on: August 24, 2023, 01:22:05 AM »
Good food is part of the secret of world peace and feeding the hungry is a weapon of God.

Famine is a weapon of war, just like fire and the sword, and it is sad when people sell themselves out of simple hunger. In the Bible a guy sold his whole inheritance for a Bowl of Soup because he was starving. And watch the movie "The Grapes of Wrath" about the Great Depression here in California. Hunger is evil.

So, food is a weapon of God, when you feed the hungry people then you are fighting against the evil of hunger. When my dearly departed Buddy Tom used to help the homeless and feed the hungry and manage homeless shelters, etc, then he was doing it all for God, and Tom used to feed Steak and Lobster to shelters full of homeless people. I was with Tom when we fed a lavish 9 course meal to 14 homeless guys one year on Memorial Day. Tom was a warrior for Christ by feeding the homeless and by managing homeless shelters, etc.

And Lisa, and Rose, spent their whole lives feeding hungry people and helping the homeless. May they rest in peace. Lisa and Rose used to go to La Palma Park with a couple of roasted pigs and they would feed all of the people at the park. Also Lisa used to take 100 homeless people out to Hometown Buffet. They spent their lives fighting against hunger and they spent their lives serving God and helping people.

Hunger and extreme poverty does not need to happen, and sometimes hero warriors step up and help people.

Feeding people is a weapon of God against evil.

And Tom introduced me to a guy named Richard who founded and ran the local "Food Without Borders" and they used to feed the homeless in areas where it was against the law to feed the homeless such as in Hollywood, etc. They used to pass out sandwiches and bottles of water to the homeless people. Tom was a hero, and Richard was a hero too, they helped a lot of people, and also Lisa, and Rose, they helped a lot of people.


Tony V.

Biden Administration / Re: News in General
« on: August 23, 2023, 10:43:34 PM »
Same thing in San Salvador.

They said Don't come back here Yankee, but if I ever do, I will bring more money, because all she wants to do is dance.

"Salvador" by Oliver Stone is an interesting film, and El Salvador has been a complicated place. ( And Universal needs to give Oliver Stone a Green Light and a Budget to make movies for Universal. Stone has a lot of great ideas. )

We are not going to win in Latin America with violence, we need to use education like in Colombia, and food, and trade, etc. Colombia is a great ally now, and Colombia can help as we work on other relationships in Latin America, and Puerto Rico can be diplomatic between the USA and Latin America as well.

We need to invest in the ports in Mexico, and allow the Mexican truck drivers to join the Teamsters Union, etc, and we can import cheap goods from Mexico for the poorest towns in Kentucky, etc, we can send them Northgate Mexican Markets from Anaheim, and the Mexican truck drivers can transport goods to Kentucky. In return Kentucky can sell Bourbon to Latin America, etc, the Tiki Hut Bars on the coasts of Mexico can carry Kentucky Bourbon to serve to their guests.

Youth For Christ can help in Latin America too, and Kiwanis International, and the Catholic Church.

Elvis made a movie in Acapulco, Mexico, and it did a lot for public relations between Mexico and the USA.

You cannot drive out darkness with darkness, only light can do that. And you cannot drive out hate with hate, only love can do that. We need to win El Salvador over with love and kindness, and with good honest trade, and with cooperation. While at the same time we are strong adults, we are not weak children, and we can stop the bad people, and the good law abiding decent people can rule.

Schools, libraries, hospitals, orphanages, etc, can all help in Latin America, as well as in poor parts of the USA, and honest trade and good food can help, etc.


Tony V.

Biden Administration / Re: News in General
« on: August 23, 2023, 08:31:55 PM »
Back during the Great Depression they had Gambling Ships that were parked 30 miles off of the coast of Santa Monica, and they had 50 guards with Tommy Guns protecting the Gambling Ships while the people gambled and partied and had fun.

It kind of reminds me of the airport in Nice, France, the guards had machine guns, they had soldiers with machine guns at the airport.


Tony V.

Biden Administration / Re: News in General
« on: August 23, 2023, 08:23:18 PM »
Right now all of the stores are getting robbed by smash and grab robbers, and we had thieves to worry about when I worked at the Broadway Department Store, we had shoes that were $750 and miniskirts that were $600 and dresses for $8,000 and we had Armani and all of the best designers. We had the good expensive bed sheets. So, we had to worry about thieves, and so we had a woman who was a former prisoner who was in charge of security, it was like "Criminal Minds" because we had a former criminal in charge of security. We had cameras, and a good security team, but people still stole from us. There is always a battle to stop the thieves when you own a store.

When I worked at Universal Studios, we had our own Police Department, and our own security, etc, and we had cameras, etc. Universal is a very safe place. We had 25,000 people per day and it was always safe.

In Israel the bars and night clubs use the money from recycling bottles and cans to help to pay for Security, and they all have security.


Tony V.

Biden Administration / Re: News in General
« on: August 23, 2023, 05:52:25 PM »
Bambu, Melbourne, Australia, has been rated as the Number One Sustainable Tourist Destination, according to the KTLA Channel 5 News in Los Angeles. Gene Autry used to own KTLA Channel 5. Congrats to Australia, people need to remember to have fun as you are entertaining the tourists, etc, and as you feed them, etc. I enjoyed working as a cook at a casino, and we had beautiful waitresses and one of my waitresses was the daughter of the Vice President of the Bank of New York. The Tourism Industry is a great Industry, and the Hotel Business is great, and the Night Club Business is great, and the Restaurant Business is great, etc. You can rent them cars and mopeds and scooters and bicycles and surfboards, etc. For the bars, watch the movie "Cocktail" with Tom Cruise, the bars need to be fun for the tourists. And in Italy the Italians are loving people and you can feel the love as they serve the tourists, and Australia can have that same love for the tourists, the tourists can feel the love.

In Anaheim we receive 50,000 tourists per day.

And Mexico is building Trains and they are banking on Tourism. Expect a lot of nice Tiki Huts in Mexico with Margaritas and Pina Coladas on the Beach with fish tacos, etc.


Tony V.

Biden Administration / Re: News in General
« on: August 23, 2023, 05:21:49 PM »
Emilio Estevez shared in a Fast with Cesar Chavez for improved rights for Farm Workers. The Bosses who support Labor are the best Bosses. Emilio Estevez has always supported the workers. So, Emilio would be the perfect Boss to send to Orlando, Florida, to make television shows for Universal Studios. And they can hire all of the new Social Media Stars such as Marli Buccola, Aurelia Scheppers, and Mahlagha Jaberi, etc. And for Orlando right away we think of Cape Canaveral and NASA and "I Dream of Jeannie."


Tony V.

Biden Administration / Re: News in General
« on: August 23, 2023, 12:55:20 AM »
New Beach Blanket Bingo movies can be made in California using the new hot young talent from Tik Tok and Face Book and from You Tube, plus with the film students, and with the acting students.

Westerns can be made in Nevada at the new studios in Nevada, they can make the Slocum Westerns, etc.

Plus Bible movies can be made in the Desert, including in Lancaster, California.

And Florida can make "I Dream of Jeannie" with Marli Buccola, Aurelia Scheppers, and with Mahlagha Jaberi.

Oliver Stone has a few ideas on projects that he wants to make, Universal needs to give Oliver the money and the freedom to make some great projects. And Rob Zombie has some ideas on movies he wants to make, and he needs to be given the money and the freedom to make movies.

Plus people can bring back some of the Aaron Spelling projects, such as "Fantasy Island" and "Charlie's Angels" etc.

And lots of stars have movies and television shows that they want to make, we can make the movies and television shows in California, and in Florida, and in Nevada, etc. And in Rome, Italy, there is Cinecitta.


Tony V.

Biden Administration / Re: News in General
« on: August 22, 2023, 11:58:31 PM »
Here is a new show, Marli Buccola can play Jeannie and the "I Dream of Jeannie" show could be brought back, they can film the show at Universal in Orlando, Florida.

Emilio Estevez could direct the show.

And Aurelia Scheppers, and Mahlagha Jaberi could be on the show.

That is what the new future in Hollywood can look like as we expand into more filming in Florida, etc.


Tony V.

Biden Administration / Re: News in General
« on: August 22, 2023, 11:20:48 PM »
Hollywood does not kill dogs, nor are any animals injured in Hollywood movies.

And I support having our experienced Elders here in Hollywood running the show. Like Lucy. And I support giving more Women the opportunity to be the Boss like Lucy.

I worked for Suzanne Pleshette, she was a great Boss. And I wonder who is living in Empire West now? When I worked for Suzanne Pleshette then the whole building was full of stars. We had a few Playboy Playmates living there, and Jerry Vale, and Norby Walters, and Hal Needham, and lots of rich and famous people. I worked security, I watched the front door and parked the cars ( The cars were Rolls Royces, Bentleys, Lamborghinis, Ferraris, Porsches, and I got to drive Hal Needham's Maserati, I was able to drive some nice cars ).

More women need to rise to Leadership Positions in the New Hollywood. Women like Lucy, and like Suzanne Pleshette, make great Bosses.


Tony V.

Biden Administration / Re: News in General
« on: August 22, 2023, 10:55:37 PM »
TikTok has over 1.677 billion users globally out of which 1.1 billion are its monthly active users as of 2023. Aug 9, 2023


The stars of the future will be the hot young stars from Tik Tok and from Face Book, etc. Then their Bosses will be the Elders from Hollywood who have been here making movies for the last 20 years, etc. The studios are also growing with new studios in Florida that will be used for film and television, plus there will be new studios in Las Vegas, etc, plus there is Apple, and Amazon, etc, who are all making movies and television shows now. Hollywood will rise from the strikes with hot new stars from Social Media, with the Elders as the Bosses.

Plus we have the film schools, and the acting schools, etc.


Tony V.

Biden Administration / Re: News in General
« on: August 22, 2023, 10:20:38 PM »
It is hard for actresses because Hollywood has a youth focused culture, and the same with Paris, and Milan, etc. Some women feel like they are washed up when they are no longer young and beautiful, because of the Western culture, instead of glowing in their wisdom as Elders. We need for the women to Glow in their Wisdom as they age in Hollywood, and we need for them to write, direct, and produce, like Lucy, and they can own their own companies, etc. The women need to have Lucy as a Role Model, instead of worrying about lost youth, they can grow into world leaders in the Entertainment Industry, etc. When Hollywood emerges after the strike it will be different and there will be new people working. We need for our wise and talented people to grow into Leadership Positions and to lead in the New Hollywood that will emerge after the strikes.


Tony V.

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