The new generals love Mark
The old generals loved Fizz.
Ever hear that old expression about being too smart by half?
Or you can't always get what you want? But if you try real hard, you might get what you need?
Consider this.
Allan Houston has quietly done a nice job with Westchester.
Mike Miller was his call.
Somehow, AH has kept his head, kept his powder dry, maintaining a presence through successive administrations, while not getting plastered in MSG Fecal Matter and keeping Dolan's ear with his consul.
Remains to be seen what Dolan has learned from his pursuit of shiny abjects.
Perhaps I overstate my disdainful attitude towards Mark Jackson.
His foul ups in GS were not a matter of hoops so much as...HUBRIS.
He was not a team player.
That is good AND bad.
What I like about Miller is sense of calm, a purposeful approach, and HE DOES NOT DRAW ATTENTION TO HIMSELF.
We need steady foundational pieces going forward.
Holzman was, like Miller, an obscure lifer.
Anyway, unlike Fisher, Rambis, Hornacek, who were ALL Jackson's I bitches, Miller is not so much beholden to Mills or Perry or even Houston....but to THE TEAM.
Color me impressed.
PS: Continuity would be nice. Eh?