The general we, you CPH. American employers, public and private, etc. Why no cry of "preposterous" when 79% of civilian workers get paid sick leave?
Good for them.
But the Railroads made a generous offer to the unions, which most of them accepted.
A minority of union workers were willing to strike and decimate our economy over an issue that did not resonate with the majority of fellow workers.
And the Senate (and the President) agreed.
Having Congress renegotiating labor contracts is stupid.
They just did exactly that.
No Congress enforced the National Railroad Act giving it the power to enforce the contract negotiated by the National Mediation Board. Attempts by some members to add a new provision was defeated in the Senate.
A benefit 80% of American workers have is hardly idiotic.
The contract awarded back pay that far surpasses any future loss of pay due to sick days over the ENTIRE four years remaining in the contract.