Biden should begin the debate by addressing trump
It is amazing to think that you had every advantage in this country from your very first day because the federal government entrusted your household with funds to fairly house American people, our workers and our soldiers back from war, American families, with contracts which were dishonored with violations of law and principle from day one. Thats how your family got rich. You cheated on inheritance, defrauded more people including many you took in as students, failed with casinos, were too gross for the pageant industry, defrauded your own charity among others, interfered or more plainly cheated to win an election of which you now stand convicted. Yes, you are a con and a con. You used that result to head up the worst administration in American history, an epic failure and an epic of failures never before seen. My god man, it is amazing to see one person go so horribly wrong. That is what you have to offer the American people and we say no more. Never again. No to you donald trump or anything like you. You are poison and perversion everywhere you go. The nation will be better for it the day you leave the stage.
Now that I have gotten that off my chest, let me answer your question