I hope Santa Joe got the message, enough with the illegal aliens please. Vets and the poor are sleeping in the streets. No inexpensive housing, no funds for social programs, inflation running rampant. Poor Kamala should have distanced herself instead of being a blind loyalist. So disastrous. Now the narcissist prez to be is going to raise tariffs and lower taxes for the wealthy. Now if he can at least send back 5 million or so.
Vets and the poor are so fucked right now.
I am bringing in the San Miguel Corporation from the Philippines to help here in Hollywood, and in Oakland, San Francisco, and in San Bernardino. Members of the Arroyo Clan helped me when I came out of the hospital homeless, rich people from the Philippines helped me, and I watched Lisa and Rose help thousands of people, they spent their whole lives helping the homeless.
Also, we have the Mental Health Association in Santa Ana that will help anyone with anything, they love people and they want to help, they will gladly help the homeless and the mentally ill, etc. And we have the Wellness Center in Orange.
I would love to make movies and television shows right here in Anaheim, and it would create opportunities here, we need a Film and Television Office at Anaheim City Hall, etc. The Coors Beer Company can make movies here, and the San Miguel Corporation could make movies and television shows here, etc. We also have Chapman film school 15 miles away from Anaheim City Hall. The Soap Operas used to be funded by Soap Companies to sell soap to housewives. "The Young and the Restless" pays their actors $30,000 per week, starting, and then it goes up from there, I had 3 teachers on Y&R, I used to watch Karen Hensel on Y&R in the morning and then go to school in the afternoon and have her as my teacher, but this was a long time ago. Anyhow, maybe we can bring film and television jobs to Anaheim.
The Catholic Church can also help our poor, and the Catholic Church and the Knights of Columbus are selling Insurance to people in California who cannot get Insurance from anywhere else. Then the profits from the Insurance can go to building Catholic Schools, Catholic Hospitals, and Catholic Orphanages, etc, and to Catholic Charities, etc.
Disney is spending $2 Billion right now here in Anaheim on community improvements.
Of note, as people build then the Cities need to own their own Power Companies like we do in Anaheim, and we sell electricity to Disneyland, etc, and some of the money goes into a General Fund to be used however we want, and also some of the money goes to help the Homeless People, etc, we built a new Train Station with the money from the General Fund, etc.
We also need cheap Hostels with a bed and a shower for $15 per night, and we need Sober Living Homes for $450 per month, etc.
The poor need to organize and we need to help each other, and we have the Philippines to help us, and we have Italy and the Pope, etc. The King of Spain is a good guy, etc.
We need for local people to own the local companies, and we need for people to be altruistic and to help their communities.
We also need to support NASA more, and Musk much less. We need to reduce interaction with Musk. NASA is for everyone.
I also support Lockheed, and Northrop. And people need to work hard to save Boeing.
We also need to teach people how to read when they are very young, I learned how to read when I was 4 years old, we need to support early childhood education. It is vital to be able to read.
And maybe Shakira and Sofia Vergara will come to New Orleans and open restaurants, etc, and maybe they will help the poor and the immigrants in New Orleans.
We need to help each other, and being a Christian is all about loving our neighbors.
The Basques can also run herds of sheep, cattle, and goats, etc, to reduce fire danger, etc.
Tony V.