Owners reportedly pissed that the players countered with 70 games to their 60-game proposal.
uhhhh, yeah
10 games poorer
But if these games (70) fit into the time frame MLB was OK with from the start - let's go.
Anything making the playoffs end after 10/27 is problematic.
maybe, maybe not.
No one other than the owners have seen the books and sources of income so taking their word on the magnitude of financial damage done is problematic.
There could be a single season impact (loss or lower profitability) but to perhaps if the owners extend themselves this year and save the baseball season, futire years may rebound/recover. There's also the PR fall-out that has been mostly in the favor of the players that they could squelch.
And they could recapture a sports starved public rather than just flip them the finger.
if the owners can play 60 games they can probably afford 70, seeing as most have billions in baseball-related equity to call upon to protect their investments.
And playing 70 rather than 60 gives them 10 more games to build excitement for the post-season.
not my money though.