Okay this is just brain storming...
What if Ukraine offered to buy the contested land from Russia? They can pay Russia for the land in exchange for peace.
When we made our border with Canada, we set our terms, and we made them an offer they could not refuse, it was either they accept our border or it was war. Fortunately they chose peace, and we have our border with Canada. ( We had the War of 1812 in which we fought against Canada and England, but that is another story. )
With our border with Mexico, our border was made after war. Maybe Mexico should have just sold the land to the USA peacefully. What if Ukraine was willing to sell Crimea to Russia in exchange for peace?
We bought Alaska from Russia peacefully.
We need to explore ways that we can help peace to happen. We can look at the outcome of wars, and thus maybe we can see if we can have the ends happen peacefully without the means being war and death and destruction. Maybe we can achieve the ends and avoid the death and destruction.
There are a lot of things to think about.
And as the Russians get hungry from the sanctions, maybe we can buy peace with money. ( Although I do not approve of rewarding Putin for his actions, he is a war criminal and deserves to be held accountable. ) Maybe we can find people in Russia who we support and maybe we can make peace happen with money. Money has power when the people are poor and hungry.
Tony V.