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Author Topic: News in General  (Read 248971 times)


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Re: News in General
« Reply #4755 on: July 26, 2023, 06:47:45 PM »

I went to a page for Architects from Santorini, Greece, on Facebook, and I invited the Architects to design and build the student housing at the college in Elko, Nevada, and I told them to include swimming pools and tennis courts. That would be awesome. I hope the college in Elko is smart enough to embrace the Greek architects when they show up and submit plans to build student housing there. Ha ha. I put the idea out there for them, we will see what happens.

Building new housing can be fun, we do not need to build boring housing, we can bring in the Greeks and we can tell them to let their imaginations go wild in Elko, Nevada, for the student housing.

The college in Elko is a great bargain for students, and it is a great place of higher learning. And it would be fun if they could bring in the Greek architects to build student housing and swimming pools and tennis courts.


Tony V.

« Last Edit: July 26, 2023, 06:57:09 PM by FlyingVProd »


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Re: News in General
« Reply #4756 on: July 26, 2023, 06:55:37 PM »

Because what the Crimea Khanate did in Europe or the Romans did with conquered peoples is absolutely and utterly irrelevant to the experience of.race based slavery in the US, and the lasting effects of that on African Americans in the country.

Slavery has a world wide history  but only in America does it have lasting effects on African Americans?
In a country of immigrants there has never been a coalition of shared non white victimhood. a necessary concept behind  the premise of white  supremacy.

Census figures alone destroy that myth with dozens of ethnic demographics earning more per capita than do whites.

How is it that the US has assimilated millions of foreigners, including a huge chunk of those with old world class bigotry, and linked everything to the concept of all are equated equal, yet somehow African Americans are excluded? Even though our Constitution was amended twice to atone for the evils of slavery?
Fortunately we have discovered that Affirmative Action was destroying meritocracy.
It took way too long to figure that out.
The effects of slavery are long gone.

That sounds about white

Red is auditioning for the part of secret love child of Uncle Tom and Scarlet OHarah.
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Re: News in General
« Reply #4757 on: July 26, 2023, 07:09:47 PM »

Some people see mobile home parks as being a solution for housing, but many trailer parks are horrible places. I had a friend who was murdered at a trailer park. The only nice trailer park I know of is at Paradise Cove in Malibu, where they have 24 hour security. It is much better to have custom high density housing like in Santorini, Greece.

And when I posted a picture of an apartment complex in Santorini, Greece, Bambu thought it was a place for rich people. You could build that same style of housing for cheap in Battle Mountain, Nevada. So the poor people can live like the rich people, they can live in a location where they feel like they live in a resort. Instead of trailer parks, there can be high density Santorini, Greece, style apartments.

We can have communities where all of the people feel blessed and grateful.

Right now we have homeless people sleeping on the sidewalks, imagine if they had Greece style apartments in Nevada, they would be so much better off. There is no life being out there on the sidewalk.

Also, the poor people can work on farms and vineyards, so housing can be directed in that direction as well. And they can do trade with San Francisco, etc.


Tony V.

You would have to ...give...the said "poor people" those apartments in they could feel like they live in resorts.

No 1 radio host says that "if you're standing on the street corner giving away pies for free, everyone will take one".

Leftist govt in bambuworld was letting in so many asylum seekers who arrived on people-smuggling boats [mostly from the Middle East etc via Indonesia] that there wasn't enough housing for them [after all the "free houses" were gone], so the govt was housing them in actual resort hotels. 50,000 came on 800 boats, 1000+ drowning at sea..the screams of the dying women and children heard as one boat crashed on the rocks at Christmas Island.
Of course what happened when that was made public, 'everyone' then demanded that they also should be housed free in resort hotels by the govt.
Public outrage there was.

By 2006 the Rightist govt had stopped the boats...but as is their want in the good times, the People's minds went fuzzy with promises from the Left of more of the same only better, and they fell for the Left's "Kevin 07" "Me Too" election promises campaign, fancy T shirts "Kevin 07".
First thing Kevin [Rudd, now Australian Ambassador to the US, he of the threw a tantrum in Iraq warzone because there was no hairdryer for him, and verbally abused a female on an RAAF plane because his meal was not hot enough or something]. He of the "robust language" [profanity-central at all and sundry].

Kevin-Labor govt then said of the Right's immigration policy..."racist and too harsh", and the floodgates were re-opened and the people-smugglers were back in business.
He became a liability, so the Left replaced him as Prime Minister with Julia Gillard before the 2010 election,[she addressed US Congress].
She of the "there will be no carbon tax under the govt I lead".
She had to form an alliance with the Greens to stay in govt...Greens leader was Bob Brown.
They wanted a carbon tax, so she introduced a carbon tax...was then 'branded' 'Juliar'.

She became a liability, so the Left replaced her as Prime Minister with ...Kevin Rudd....before the 2013 election.
Was he who announced that asylum-seekers arriving by boat would never be settled in Australia...and started housing them in shipping containers on Manus Island PNG.
Too late by then, and he/Labor govt lost the election.

Enter Tony Abbott ["The Monk"] as Rightist Prime Minister ... the people-smuggling boats were soon stopped...their passengers were towed back to Indonesia in special aircon orange capsule the Navy.
No more boats!
No more carbon tax!
No more need for asylum seekers to be housed in resort hotels...those who ignored the warnings and tried their luck, were sent off to the pacific Island of Nauru..'never to be settled in Australia'. Some took the money and returned home, those who refused eventually ended up in America under that deal with Obama.
Life was good....until the next lot of Leftist voters in 2022 elected a Labor govt again!
Now, the asylum seekers are flying in, foreign students, anyone and everyone, claiming asylum...90% or something failing in their claims...but the Leftist govt has deported very few.

Oh well, such is life!
« Last Edit: July 26, 2023, 07:24:30 PM by bambu. »
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Re: News in General
« Reply #4758 on: July 26, 2023, 07:20:32 PM »

Because what the Crimea Khanate did in Europe or the Romans did with conquered peoples is absolutely and utterly irrelevant to the experience of.race based slavery in the US, and the lasting effects of that on African Americans in the country.

Slavery has a world wide history  but only in America does it have lasting effects on African Americans?
In a country of immigrants there has never been a coalition of shared non white victimhood. a necessary concept behind  the premise of white  supremacy.

Census figures alone destroy that myth with dozens of ethnic demographics earning more per capita than do whites.

How is it that the US has assimilated millions of foreigners, including a huge chunk of those with old world class bigotry, and linked everything to the concept of all are equated equal, yet somehow African Americans are excluded? Even though our Constitution was amended twice to atone for the evils of slavery?
Fortunately we have discovered that Affirmative Action was destroying meritocracy.
It took way too long to figure that out.
The effects of slavery are long gone.

That sounds about white

Red is auditioning for the part of secret love child of Uncle Tom and Scarlet OHarah.

"I won't worry about that today...I'll worry about that tomorrow" - Scarlett O'Hara.

Scarlett "symbolizes independence of mind in the face of societal expectations".
The bad people lurk in the shadows, waiting to pounce...the moment you get security careless.


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Re: News in General
« Reply #4759 on: July 26, 2023, 07:43:48 PM »

You bring up some good points Bambu.

We have some nice campgrounds for emergencies for the refugees from Ukraine, and for the Mexicans and Latin Americans, and we have Russians coming in, and we have Park Rangers and police to protect the campgrounds.

The Unions can help the refugees and immigrants to get jobs, and they will be guaranteed good pay and good treatment.

The USA is the one nation that belongs to all people, and everyone is welcome here. We have a statue welcoming our new immigrants.

It is 414 miles from Tijuana, Mexico, to Merced, California, and there are jobs in Merced picking strawberries, and driving trucks, and working in warehouses, and many other jobs. The immigrants can live in the Public Campgrounds at the Merced River while examining the possibilities for employment in Merced.

And Battle Mountain, Nevada, is a good location too, where people to can build housing and where they can do trade with San Francisco, etc. Land in Battle Mountain, Nevada, only costs $1,000 per acre. The college is in Elko, Nevada.

And we can put the homeless people into the same housing with the refugees, and the homeless can work the same jobs as the refugees. They can all join unions, etc. All people are equal. My neighbors all speak Spanish, and they are very nice people, I live 100 miles away from Mexico and so my neighbors are mostly Latino. We have a nice apartment complex here in Anaheim, we have a gated community, with a swimming pool, and security cameras all over. We have a park down the street with an amphitheatre, and with tennis courts. Anaheim is beautiful.

Merced, California, is nice, and Napa is nice, and they have farm jobs, and Battle Mountain, Nevada has cheap land, and Elko has a good college. Anaheim is nice, and we have many great schools in Orange County, but it is very expensive here, and it is hard to get a job, the competition for jobs is fierce. The refugees are better off to go live in a camp, while they find a job picking strawberries in Merced with the United Farm Workers, or finding a job working in a vineyard in Napa, etc.

So far as trailer parks, Paradise Cove in Malibu is very nice, and they have 24 hour armed security and guards at the entrance with cameras, etc. Paradise Cove has ZERO crime. All trailer parks should have security guards and cameras like Paradise Cove.

My friend Joey Jojolla was murdered at a trailer park in Lancaster by a member of a racist prison gang known as the Nazi Lowriders, my friend was Roman Catholic, that was a bad and dangerous trailer park where former prisoners lived and they had members of prison gangs living in the trailer park, it was a horrible and dangerous trailer park. They need security guards at the entrance and exits and also patrolling, and they need cameras all over, etc.

And we need Hostels where people can shower and  sleep in a bed, for $15 per night.

Right now we have Sober Living Homes in Orange County for $500 per month, and that is the best deal we have right now for people.


Tony V.
« Last Edit: July 26, 2023, 08:00:53 PM by FlyingVProd »


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Re: News in General
« Reply #4760 on: July 26, 2023, 09:00:42 PM »

My Grandfather almost bought a cattle ranch in Australia, he was thinking about moving the family to Australia. But, then he was killed in an automobile accident. My Mother and Father ended up buying a Cattle Ranch 60 miles outside of Battle Mountain, Nevada, they bought 360 acres of land, and they bought cattle, pigs, chickens, horses, etc. We only lived there for a few years, when my Mother started having problems from being way out in the middle of nowhere with no friends, etc, and no electricity, etc. My Mother was born in California, and she wanted to have friends, and she wanted the luxuries of life. They wanted to live like "Bonanza" but after a few years of being out in the wilderness my Mother had enough and moved to live with her Mom in San Bernardino, California, and so my Father gave up the ranch and moved to San Bernardino with my Mother.

When I went back to Battle Mountain as a young adult, I did not live way out like we did when I was a child, I lived with my Grandparents who lived closer to town, and I was able to ride a bicycle to my job as a cook at the Colt Casino in Battle Mountain. I worked at the casino and I had friends who I worked with, and I was friends with the people who came in to eat at the casino, etc. Battle Mountain is a nice friendly town, and I preferred to live in town and to work at the casino. ( One of my waitresses was the daughter of the Vice President of the Bank of New York, I had some highly educated and well mannered classy friends at the casino. ) If my Mother had lived closer to town then she would have liked Battle Mountain better, it was hard 60 miles outside of town where she did not have any friends.

By the way, my parents made money from the pigs, they did not make any money from the cattle, but they made a lot of money from the pigs. Being a pig farmer is not as glamorous as being a cattle rancher, but they made more money from the pigs.


Tony V.

« Last Edit: July 26, 2023, 09:33:30 PM by FlyingVProd »


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Re: News in General
« Reply #4761 on: July 27, 2023, 02:24:27 AM »

not in America, but:

5 days, 5 men gunned down in the suburban streets of Sydney, including a lawyer.
Handguns are illegal, doesn't stop the bad people.
Bullets flying everywhere...innocent people will get shot if the cops don't do better.
Apparently, if you're a lawyer for some people, crime gangs for example, you can be shot for something so trivial as an 'unsuitable' bill, or an 'inadequate' defence.
The lawyer survived the shooting.
The murdering shooters torch 2 cars on every killing.
Perfectly good utes and cars, including Toyotas.
People, including me, could've made good use of them.
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Re: News in General
« Reply #4762 on: July 27, 2023, 06:34:50 AM »

Bambi, you will make a lovely colony for China as you were for the Brits though the Chinese will get less from you than the Brits did because you have clearly fallen to shit since an external power last had you well in hand.

I like how you think that the series of prat falls and poop jokes that have occurred on your subcontinent amount to some sort of history. It is as laughable as it is untrue.

The tiny window of your survival hangs open by the tiniest margin entirely dependent on you giving up your right wing bullshit.

I do not think you will give it up. I think you are already to fucked in the head. When you are gone I will have a chuckle about how far gone the distended scrotum of western culture was before it got replaced by the newer and older better option.
Republicans will deliver only poverty and world war


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Re: News in General
« Reply #4763 on: July 27, 2023, 08:13:34 AM »

Bambi, you will make a lovely colony for China as you were for the Brits though the Chinese will get less from you than the Brits did because you have clearly fallen to shit since an external power last had you well in hand.

I like how you think that the series of prat falls and poop jokes that have occurred on your subcontinent amount to some sort of history. It is as laughable as it is untrue.

The tiny window of your survival hangs open by the tiniest margin entirely dependent on you giving up your right wing bullshit.

I do not think you will give it up. I think you are already to fucked in the head. When you are gone I will have a chuckle about how far gone the distended scrotum of western culture was before it got replaced by the newer and older better option.

We're already finished, almost...the Australian Army band went to the Chinese embassy and played the Chinese national anthem.
Apparently the Left is sucking up to China.
Will likely not come as a surprise to many.
« Last Edit: July 27, 2023, 07:37:06 PM by bambu. »
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Re: News in General
« Reply #4764 on: July 27, 2023, 10:01:45 AM »

The lawyer survived the shooting.

There's the real tragedy.

Im on the pavement

Thinking about the government


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Re: News in General
« Reply #4765 on: July 27, 2023, 05:53:30 PM »

Bambi, you will make a lovely colony for China as you were for the Brits though the Chinese will get less from you than the Brits did because you have clearly fallen to shit since an external power last had you well in hand.

I like how you think that the series of prat falls and poop jokes that have occurred on your subcontinent amount to some sort of history. It is as laughable as it is untrue.

The tiny window of your survival hangs open by the tiniest margin entirely dependent on you giving up your right wing bullshit.

I do not think you will give it up. I think you are already to fucked in the head. When you are gone I will have a chuckle about how far gone the distended scrotum of western culture was before it got replaced by the newer and older better option.

And what, pray tell, is " the newer and older better option"?
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Re: News in General
« Reply #4766 on: July 27, 2023, 06:43:05 PM »

Chinese culture has a more robust history and better command on the nuances of the present than Australian culture. It is a newer older better option.

Once you have tried it on for a few years I will be curious to see what you think.
Republicans will deliver only poverty and world war


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Re: News in General
« Reply #4767 on: July 27, 2023, 07:36:22 PM »

Chinese culture has a more robust history and better command on the nuances of the present than Australian culture. It is a newer older better option.

Once you have tried it on for a few years I will be curious to see what you think.

Chinese culture is for China.
Chinese food, a different matter.

Seems your plan for downunder will have to wait a while...

"Execrcise Talisman Sabre 2023 , being held from 21 July to 4 August, looks very different from previous iterations of this biennial event on Australian shores. One reason for this is the changing security landscape, as China grows evermore beligerent, and Russia has become bogged down in a war of attrition in Ukraine."

"In addition to the two key partners of Australia and the US, forces from Canada, Fiji, France, Germany, Indonesia, Japan, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, South Korea, Tonga,and the UK were all participating."

Seems 'my' COUSAN idea is gaining momentum as the world wakes up to what's going on.

It's simple really;

First they came for Taiwan
And I did not speak out
Because I was not Taiwan.

Then they came for Australia
And I did not speak out
Because I was not Australia.

Then they came for South Korea
And I did not speak out
Because I was not South Korea.

Then they came for Indonesia
And I did not speak out
Because I was not Indonesia.

Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me.
« Last Edit: July 27, 2023, 07:38:55 PM by bambu. »
The bad people lurk in the shadows, waiting to pounce...the moment you get security careless.


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Re: News in General
« Reply #4768 on: July 27, 2023, 08:28:17 PM »

Chinese culture has a more robust history and better command on the nuances of the present than Australian culture. It is a newer older better option.

Once you have tried it on for a few years I will be curious to see what you think.

Chinese culture is for China.
Chinese food, a different matter.

Seems your plan for downunder will have to wait a while...

"Execrcise Talisman Sabre 2023 , being held from 21 July to 4 August, looks very different from previous iterations of this biennial event on Australian shores. One reason for this is the changing security landscape, as China grows evermore beligerent, and Russia has become bogged down in a war of attrition in Ukraine."

"In addition to the two key partners of Australia and the US, forces from Canada, Fiji, France, Germany, Indonesia, Japan, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, South Korea, Tonga,and the UK were all participating."

Seems 'my' COUSAN idea is gaining momentum as the world wakes up to what's going on.

It's simple really;

First they came for Taiwan
And I did not speak out
Because I was not Taiwan.

Then they came for Australia
And I did not speak out
Because I was not Australia.

Then they came for South Korea
And I did not speak out
Because I was not South Korea.

Then they came for Indonesia
And I did not speak out
Because I was not Indonesia.

Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me.

First they came for Taiwan and Biden said, Step back, Jack! You do not want ANY of this smoke!
"There you go givin a fuck when it's not your turn to give a fuck"


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Re: News in General
« Reply #4769 on: July 27, 2023, 08:44:04 PM »

The G O P loves Oz

Senator Roger Wicker, Republican of Mississippi, blocked an effort to include language approving the transfer of nuclear submarines to Australia in a bid to pressure the Biden administration to put more money toward submarine production in the United States.

His protest was endorsed by Senator Susan Collins of Maine, the top Republican on the Appropriations Committee, and Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the minority leader.
"There you go givin a fuck when it's not your turn to give a fuck"
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