It is horrible here in the USA Bambu, I was homeless for 2 years out there on the streets, clean and sober with a college degree and years of work experience out there begging for a job and no one would hire me, I was homeless in my home country. My family has been in the USA for hundreds of years and I had to be homeless here.
I hear Battle Mountain is a literal paradise on earth. You should have moved there.
It is all about the people you have in your life, if you have a nice wife, and a family, then Battle Mountain, Nevada, is great, if you just want a nice safe place to love your wife and to raise your family, then Battle Mountain is great. And I would have rather been living in Battle Mountain instead of being homeless here in California, if I have to be a bum here then I will have no problem moving away. I would rather have a business and a home and a family in Battle Mountain, instead of being a bum here.
The only saving grace here is that we have good schools, and I can go to the schools to get help and to meet new people. Battle Mountain does not have a film school.
But, if I had a wife and family and if my wife wanted to live in Battle Mountain, then I would gladly live in Battle Mountain. And I lived in Battle Mountain for 2 years and worked as a cook at a casino, I was grateful to be able to get an honest job.
Also, if I could open a commune in Battle Mountain to help the homeless and the outcasts and the refugees, etc, then I would do it. The same ideas that I am sending to Carlos Santana I would do myself if I was rich and famous. I would be creating farms where the homeless people can work and where they can have a home and where they can be like a family with the other people on the commune. If I was Jeff Bezos then I would open communes for the outcasts where they can work on the farm and where they can have a home.
For the families coming from Ukraine, etc, it is better to buy cheap land in Battle Mountain, Nevada, and to have a home, instead of being homeless or on welfare in California. If they can have a farm in Nevada then that is what I would do instead of being homeless in California. Or if they can create a huge community of refugees from the Ukraine who all help each other, then they can do great things in Battle Mountain, and they can sell food to San Francisco, etc.
There is also Kiwanis International in Battle Mountain, Kiwanis is global, and that is always a good place to make new friends when you first move to an area. Here in Anaheim I met the people from City Hall, and I met the Chief Of Police, and lots of business owners here, at Kiwanis International, I was in Kiwanis for 2 years, and we helped the orphans in Mexico, etc, we raised money for new beds for an orphanage in Mexico. You can meet new people at Kiwanis anywhere in the world.
Tony V.