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Author Topic: News in General  (Read 248558 times)


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Re: News in General
« Reply #4920 on: August 06, 2023, 12:35:36 PM »

My sig line says QED.

The physicist in your sig line, one of my favorite science personalities, helped develop QED and the visual diagrams that describe its interactions are called Feynman diagrams.

Quantum electrodynamics.

And that has given birth to my new favorite field, quantum microbiology.

Surely you

Are Joking, Mr Feynman! 

The whole emerging field of quantum biology is fascinating.   Magnetoreception is one I find intriguing.  Depends on quantum level effects.

Always good to learn how forum members branch out. 
Im on the pavement

Thinking about the government


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Re: News in General
« Reply #4921 on: August 06, 2023, 04:10:04 PM »

Anaheim is a great city that was built by Walt Disney and Gene Autry, and other great people. And because of them Anaheim now receives over 50,000 tourists per day, and we have constant money flowing into our city, including money that goes into a General Fund to be spent by the citizens of Anaheim however we wish to spend it.

Walt Disney and Gene Autry passed down many blessings to the citizens of Anaheim. But, at the same time we have to be careful of evil outsiders who come in and try to steal from the city, such as our former Mayor who was so corrupt that he tried to sell Angel Stadium and pocket some of the money for himself, he cared more about himself than he did about the citizens of Anaheim. We need to be vigilant in Anaheim to make sure that the blessings make it to the people, instead of being stolen by corrupt leadership. Walt and Gene wanted for the blessings to go to the citizens of Anaheim, and not to corrupt leaders.

So, with each new day we have 50,000 new tourists to sell stuff to, and they all need to eat, and they all need hotel rooms, etc. All thanks to Walt Disney and Gene Autry. There is no reason for bitter poverty in Anaheim, and the children of Anaheim will never know the bitter poverty of the Great Depression that our ancestors knew. Anaheim is rich, and we have money flowing into our city everyday, and we even have a General Fund to be spent however we want.


Tony V.


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Re: News in General
« Reply #4922 on: August 06, 2023, 05:48:18 PM »

Our city motto in Anaheim is "City of Kindness" and this is the place where children come from all over the world to see Mickey Mouse and Snow White. Some people think that we are raising weak children, but I would rather children be dreamers, and that they have imagination, and that they have that Disney magic.

Our children from Anaheim can grow up to take magic to poor places where people have forgotten how to dream, and they can teach the people how to dream again.

And violence is the last refuge for the incompetent, thus the wise people do not need violence. I would rather raise dreamers instead of warriors. Put the best people at the top where the dreamers are, and blessed are the peacemakers.


Tony V.


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Re: News in General
« Reply #4923 on: August 06, 2023, 06:06:35 PM »

And look at the joy that Grace Kelly brought to Monaco and to Prince Rainier. Grace Kelly was a dreamer.


Tony V.


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Re: News in General
« Reply #4924 on: August 06, 2023, 11:36:04 PM »

"When you've got no money coming in, reality bites"...couple on tv home renovation for sale tv program, in my world.
No job because of ill health.
Wife loses her job too...the mortgage is unaffordable, so the house must be sold, the mortgage paid out, and accommodation/living somehow paid fir with what's left.
The couple is now shown on my tv, opening their water bill.
Show host "Sometimes a crisis can be a crossroads".
« Last Edit: August 07, 2023, 12:36:22 AM by bambu. »
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Re: News in General
« Reply #4925 on: August 07, 2023, 12:03:23 AM »

Tori Spelling is homeless...

Aaron Spelling would be spinning in his grave.

Tori Spelling can get help at USC film school, and at Chapman film school, lots of film students are fans of the late Aaron Spelling.

I have a few ideas for shows that Tori could produce, she needs to start producing like Aaron Spelling did.


Tony V.


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Re: News in General
« Reply #4926 on: August 07, 2023, 01:07:21 AM »

That's bad, that's very very bad.
Tori, now aged 50, seemingly broke with 5 children to support, all with mold- infected lungs.
Yes, the money will run out one day if you're not careful how you spend it.
Maybe getting divorced.

Maybe she could make a claim on Aaron Spelling's estate, which her mother Candy seems to have, for enough money each week to support her 5 children and her, with rental of a modest home/apartment, food, clothing, school needs, transport, utilies, furniture etc.
Her youngest child is age 6.
"Waltzing matilda" in freezing cold and boiling hot America is a very hard road to travel when there's no money coming in and you're homeless.
Maybe "Hollywood" could set up a trust fund for the family, all those who became rich helped by Aaron Spelling could make a donation....the money used to buy the above listed items for the family.
« Last Edit: August 07, 2023, 03:02:31 AM by bambu. »
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Re: News in General
« Reply #4927 on: August 07, 2023, 01:51:21 AM »

Tax the rich and fund comprehensive and effective services for all homeless including hosing, counseling, debt relief and job placement. Much simpler and better that way. Tori should not have to suffer. Nor should antbody else.

Tax the rich and fund the IRS to be sure they pay their fair share.
Republicans will deliver only poverty and world war


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Re: News in General
« Reply #4928 on: August 07, 2023, 01:56:12 AM »

Lots of people made a lot of money thanks to Aaron Spelling. I spent time on the set of "Beverly Hills, 90210" and "Melrose Place" and those were great shows. Aaron Spelling was great.

Tori can make a new "Charlie's Angels" television show, she can bring in Emilio Estevez to help her, and she can hire Aurelia Scheppers, Mahlagha Jaberi, and Marli Buccola, to star on the show. She can produce the show here in Hollywood, and Aaron Spelling was well loved in Hollywood.

And USC film school, and Chapman film school, can help Tori Spelling, and there is also The American Academy of Dramatic Arts.


Tony V.


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Re: News in General
« Reply #4929 on: August 07, 2023, 03:04:46 AM »

Tax the rich and fund comprehensive and effective services for all homeless including hosing, counseling, debt relief and job placement. Much simpler and better that way. Tori should not have to suffer. Nor should antbody else.

Tax the rich and fund the IRS to be sure they pay their fair share.

What is your formula to decide "rich".
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Re: News in General
« Reply #4930 on: August 07, 2023, 12:47:13 PM »

Tax the rich and fund comprehensive and effective services for all homeless including hosing, counseling, debt relief and job placement. Much simpler and better that way. Tori should not have to suffer. Nor should antbody else.

Tax the rich and fund the IRS to be sure they pay their fair share.

What is your formula to decide "rich".

10 or more times the average salary in annual income while holding 20 times the average annual salary in wealth.

In the US, our average salary is just about to hit 60,000 usd. If you are clearing 600,000 or more a year and hold 1.2 mil or more in assets you are rich. Anything you make beyond that should be taxed at a proportionally higher marginal rate and your additional wealth should be taxed too if you have any.

In OZ the average is closer to 70,000 Aussie bucks, so the salary target is 700,000 and wealth 1.4 mil.
Republicans will deliver only poverty and world war


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Re: News in General
« Reply #4931 on: August 07, 2023, 12:56:33 PM »

Reaganomics still at work punishing the American People. Reaganomics is when the government does all it can to avoid helping people but shows up early and eager for the chance to keep them down.
Republicans will deliver only poverty and world war


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Re: News in General
« Reply #4932 on: August 07, 2023, 03:56:00 PM »

Reaganomics was "Trickle Down" economics, Reagan lowered the taxes for the people at the top, so they could make more money, and in turn they could afford to pay their employees more money.

And for instance, Roy Rogers paid 90% in taxes after the first set amount, and Reagan lowered that amount so that Roy did not have to pay such high taxes. Sadly, the Rogers family ended up poor like Tori Spelling after Roy died. Roy Rogers' Grandchildren were poor and on Welfare. It would have been great if Roy could have at least passed down a few Roy Rogers Restaurants to his family, so they could have had money coming in from the work that Roy did all of his life. Roy worked hard.

It is sad to watch the great American families fall into poverty after the main breadwinners die.

The guy who wrote the movie "Amistad" used the money that he earned to buy 5 McDonald's restaurants in South Africa and he hired his family members to work at his restaurants, so they will always have an income and jobs. He was smart.

Dave Mustaine is investing in vineyards and a winery to pass down to his family after he dies, that is wise.

And I support low taxes, with good strong Labor Unions and Labor Laws, and good treatment and good money for workers, I support low taxes and lots of money for the bosses and I support Labor Unions and good pay for the workers. We need Unions to make sure the workers are paid fair.

Anyhow, it is sad when families spend hundreds of years working here in America just to end up homeless and poor, each generation is supposed to live better than the previous generation, and it is sad that all of the rich families are falling into poverty here in the USA.

And if I moved to Italy right now, I would be just as poor as if my family never came to America at all. We might as well have stayed in Europe. Although, I guess my family came to America at the time of the French Revolution in order to save their heads from the guillotine, so America was a blessing for the French at that time.

I support the American Dream, and I support the California Dream, and I support letting the workers earn good money, and I support letting business leaders get rich, and I want for their families to stay rich. I want for the great families to send their children to the best schools, and I want for the rich families to stay rich.

Tori Spelling should not be homeless. And I hope that the good people of Hollywood step up to help to save Tori Spelling.

Our families should not work for hundreds of years just to be homeless here. Something is wrong. We need for Americans to be able to acquire and retain wealth, and once a family is rich then they need to be able to stay rich, and their Grandchildren need to benefit from their wealth.


Tony V.


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Re: News in General
« Reply #4933 on: August 07, 2023, 04:38:31 PM »

Tax the rich and fund comprehensive and effective services for all homeless including hosing, counseling, debt relief and job placement. Much simpler and better that way. Tori should not have to suffer. Nor should antbody else.

Tax the rich and fund the IRS to be sure they pay their fair share.

What is your formula to decide "rich".

10 or more times the average salary in annual income while holding 20 times the average annual salary in wealth.

In the US, our average salary is just about to hit 60,000 usd. If you are clearing 600,000 or more a year and hold 1.2 mil or more in assets you are rich. Anything you make beyond that should be taxed at a proportionally higher marginal rate and your additional wealth should be taxed too if you have any.

In OZ the average is closer to 70,000 Aussie bucks, so the salary target is 700,000 and wealth 1.4 mil.

they pay 50% of that $700, 000 over about $120,000 in federal taxation now.
$1.4mil?   the price of many many homes in Sydney...many close to Sydney city $2m+++.
Tax the family home?  not if you want to stay in govt.
The Left is now taxing investment properties to the hilt, so what are investors doing (many are 'mom and dad' investors)...selling the properties, bought by people to live in..less places for rent as a result.
Less supply, the rents increase.
So the homeless population is increasing..up 13% in Qld and 4% in NSW or something.
News said "more money will be needed for the homeless"...yet Albo and Co will be bringing in 700,000 new migrants in the next 12's madness.
You pay $10 for a pair of jeans, we have to pay $80.
Cash in the bank...not taxed, only income is taxed...we have to pay tax on the interest.
We, everyone, pays a GST 10% on just about everything we buy or any service. (Goods and Services Tax)
Have your car serviced...$400. plus $40 GST to the federal govt.
Restaurant bill $120...+ $12 GST.
Plumber's bill $150 + $15 GST.
The bad people lurk in the shadows, waiting to pounce...the moment you get security careless.


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Re: News in General
« Reply #4934 on: August 07, 2023, 04:48:44 PM »

Reaganomics was "Trickle Down" economics, Reagan lowered the taxes for the people at the top, so they could make more money, and in turn they could afford to pay their employees more money.

And for instance, Roy Rogers paid 90% in taxes after the first set amount, and Reagan lowered that amount so that Roy did not have to pay such high taxes. Sadly, the Rogers family ended up poor like Tori Spelling after Roy died. Roy Rogers' Grandchildren were poor and on Welfare. It would have been great if Roy could have at least passed down a few Roy Rogers Restaurants to his family, so they could have had money coming in from the work that Roy did all of his life. Roy worked hard.

It is sad to watch the great American families fall into poverty after the main breadwinners die.

The guy who wrote the movie "Amistad" used the money that he earned to buy 5 McDonald's restaurants in South Africa and he hired his family members to work at his restaurants, so they will always have an income and jobs. He was smart.

Dave Mustaine is investing in vineyards and a winery to pass down to his family after he dies, that is wise.

And I support low taxes, with good strong Labor Unions and Labor Laws, and good treatment and good money for workers, I support low taxes and lots of money for the bosses and I support Labor Unions and good pay for the workers. We need Unions to make sure the workers are paid fair.

Anyhow, it is sad when families spend hundreds of years working here in America just to end up homeless and poor, each generation is supposed to live better than the previous generation, and it is sad that all of the rich families are falling into poverty here in the USA.

And if I moved to Italy right now, I would be just as poor as if my family never came to America at all. We might as well have stayed in Europe. Although, I guess my family came to America at the time of the French Revolution in order to save their heads from the guillotine, so America was a blessing for the French at that time.

I support the American Dream, and I support the California Dream, and I support letting the workers earn good money, and I support letting business leaders get rich, and I want for their families to stay rich. I want for the great families to send their children to the best schools, and I want for the rich families to stay rich.

Tori Spelling should not be homeless. And I hope that the good people of Hollywood step up to help to save Tori Spelling.

Our families should not work for hundreds of years just to be homeless here. Something is wrong. We need for Americans to be able to acquire and retain wealth, and once a family is rich then they need to be able to stay rich, and their Grandchildren need to benefit from their wealth.


Tony V.

Trickle down economics.

Pissing on your head and saying it is raining.
"There you go givin a fuck when it's not your turn to give a fuck"
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