Justice O'Connor who just died was an amazing lady. She attended Stanford and did very well and she thought she was going to have a great career, but after college she could not find a job. So, she worked for free, and she got into Public Service, and then Reagan ended up putting her on the Supreme Court and she was the first Female Supreme Court Justice. May she rest in peace. Certainly she inspired many women, and she also inspired the men as a human being, certainly she inspires me with her story.
If you cannot get paid to do what you want to do, then do it for free, and sometimes good things happen. If you want to serve humanity then go out there and serve humanity even if you are not getting paid. God used her.
When Mother Teresa first started then she was just a homeless beggar like the other beggars, it was only after the Catholic Church and others started giving her funding, etc, that she was able to do more to serve God. But, Mother Teresa jumped in with both feet and she was a homeless beggar at first, but God used her.
Today Doctor Charles Stanley said that if what you are doing is not bringing you closer to God, then do not do it. Millions of people are in debt, and they are just slaves to debt, and they are unhappy, and they are not serving God like they should be, and they need to have discipline in the ways of God, and then God will bless them.
Justice O'Connor had discipline in the ways of God, she studied hard and went to a great college, and when she could not get a job then she started serving God for free. She started doing Public Service for free. God worked in her life, and she was the first Female Supreme Court Justice in the history of the United States.
Tony V.