On my SkyNews just now;
Chinese Migrants Making Journey to US
"The Chinese migrants, group after group, 24 hours a day, just walking over the border where there's a gap in the wall.
They can be heard shouting amongst them in Chinese."
China Town in San Francisco is one of the most densely populated areas on the planet, and is an important part of San Francisco. The Chinese can help to save San Francisco, and the Chinese women can open cheap hostels, and the Chinese women can be nurses to help the homeless and the mentally ill, etc, and the Chinese women can open Sober Living Homes, etc.
China Town in Los Angeles is an important area, and is growing by leaps and bounds. They have shops in China Town where one of my cousins goes to buy his nice shirts, the Chinese sell nice shirts.
The China Town in Las Vegas is growing quickly.
The China Town in New York is a very important area.
And we need to keep expanding trade with the Chinese, etc.
The Chinese are great, and I am glad that they want peace and trade.
Tony V.