On the issue of creating opportunities for the youth from Boy's Town, and from Homeboy Industries, there are people who will spend money to help animals who would never spend money to help poor and disadvantaged youth, thus if the youth take care of the animals then people will give money to the youth for taking care of the animals. The youth can learn how to wash dogs, and how to groom dogs, and how to help to take care of the strays at the animal shelters, etc, and the youth can earn honest money by working with animals.
And people will donate money to take care of an endangered species, etc, and the disadvantaged youth can learn how to take care of the endangered species, etc. I had a job for free rent in Topanga for taking care of some rare cats that were an endangered species. And I grew up washing dogs, and later I managed a dog kennel for 6 years. The disadvantaged youth can survive by taking care of animals.
In Africa to help starving tribes the disadvantaged Africans can be paid to watch over the animals, they can be paid to protect the zebras and elephants and giraffes, etc. They can pay the Africans to protect the animals.
Also, there are farm jobs taking care of animals, cows, pigs, chickens, etc, and the youth can learn to raise farm animals, etc.
People will pay you to take care of some rare cats, even though they would not give you a sandwich if you were homeless on the sidewalk. When you help the rare cats then you are a benefit to society instead of just being a bum, in their eyes. And they can study Shakespeare while they are taking care of the rare animals, etc. Once your immediate needs of food and shelter are met, then you can aspire to higher levels on the ladder such as the arts.
Tony V.