On the issue of Iran, we have been working on missile defense for the last 40 years and we have made a lot of progress, and we can jam and crash the drones, we have shown that we can save lives in Israel from foreign attacks there. So, then we can deal with things in our own way, and in our own time, on our own terms, etc. And we have good leaders at the United Nations.
And Bambu, on the news on television they talked about the criminal there in Australia, and they just said he was a mentally ill guy.
We have made a lot of progress in the Middle East, as Arafat is gone now, and Saddam Husein is gone, and Osama Bin Laden is gone, a lot of bad people are gone now.
And we have the CIA, and we can know what people are doing and who to hold accountable, etc.
We also need to send the Peace Corps into Afghanistan, and into Iraq, etc, and we need to build schools, and we need to educate the women, and we need to feed the hungry, and we can build hospitals, etc. We can do good work that can promote peace in the world. We need to invest in having peace and in raising the level of civilization. And we can work for improved women's rights, and we can educate the people, and they can all read "Animal Farm" by George Orwell, etc. And we can make movies and television shows with meaning to better educate and teach the people of the Middle East, I met a fillmmaker who wanted to make movies in Turkey to be shown in the Middle East, etc, and if you can change how people think and feel then you can change how they behave. And we need to bring back the power of Athens and Rome in the Middle East, with peace and lots of trade, etc, and libraries and schools, etc.
And we need to have peace and friendship with China, and we have Muzi who attended Harvard. Muzi needs to do an interview with National Lampoon to be published in Playboy Magazine. And Mahlagha Jaberi can do a pictorial in Playboy to promote improved human rights for the women of Iran.
Tony V.