I went to Ringling Brothers Barnum and Baily Circus World in Florida when I was a child, it was very cool.
Yes Bambu, it is very important to have a good Christian society where no one is left behind. I support that. With good healthy civilization and good manners and kindness. With beautiful women, good music, good food, good movies, good television shows, good literature, poetry, public tennis courts, pubic swimming pools, public libraries, great schools, etc.
We can start teaching the children with Early Childhood Education, I started school at 4 years old, that is a good age to start learning, I learned how to read when I was 4. And we can teach the children to say "Please" and "Thank You" and we can teach them to be kind to each other, etc. We also need to teach the children the arts, acting, music, poetry, etc.
Instead of having selfish Japanese corporations owning our movie studios, then we need to have American Men owning the studios, and they need to help the poor and they need to help the communities here in Hollywood, etc. We need to keep the money local, and we need to nurture our communities.
And we can all learn from Roseto, Pennsylvania, and from the Roseto Effect.
Right now it looks like the former drug addicts are all helping each other, Danny Trejo and the people from Narcotics Anonymous are all helping each other, and Danny has restaurants and donut shops now, etc, and he brews his own brand of beer now and he makes his own brand of hot sauce. That is good that the former drug addicts are helping each other. They can also help the former prisoners, etc. Homeboy Industries and Father Boyle can also help the former prisoners, etc.
And all Christians need to read Matthew 25; 31-46.
We also need to help the poor in Mexico, etc, and in the Philippines. The richest company in the Philippines is the San Miguel Corporation, and they can come to America and they can sell beer and food at sporting events and at concerts, etc. And they are welcome to be altruistic here and to help our poor and our homeless, etc. We can all help each other.
The Notre Dame Cathedral restoration has been completed, in the future they need to guard it better so that people cannot set it on fire again.
And we need to support Kiwanis International, and the Peace Corps.
Tony V.