The economy has changed a lot in the last thirty years. The economy is only just now starting to improve, as the Chinese wages improve and as human rights improve in China, and as workers in Bangladesh, and in other areas, are forming unions.
Right now you need to really be smart in order to succeed in business, as businesses all over are going out of business.
Some malls here in California are completely gone now. And great stores like The Broadway department stores are long gone.
Link... And areas which were once wealthy are now poor and run-down.
It will take a lot of hard team-work to improve the world economy. We need a global labor movement, including in China where they need fair pay and good treatment and where they need unions which are independent of the government, and where they need democracy and improved human rights.
But, at the same time, many people have gotten wealthy from computers, and from web services, and web businesses, etc. And also, people are making money from cell phones and stuff.
The entertainment industry has totally changed too, with movies and television, and also with music, etc. And, all of the bookstores are closing down, which is really sad.
One of the surviving bookstores is Barnes & Noble, it is a great company.
Link... We need more bookstores to start up.
Oh, and another business that is needed everywhere is bicycle shops, bicycle shops can succeed in today's economy. Everyone wants to exercise and be healthy, and everyone wants to help the environment, and many people are too poor to buy cars, so a lot of people are riding bicycles. And Los Angeles has events such as CicLAvia, where they close off the streets to cars, and people ride bicycles, and walk, and ride skateboards, etc.
Link... One of the surviving video stores, which also has music, is F.Y.E. They are great, they have a good selection, with good salespeople, and the prices are good. I hope that they succeed and expand to new locations.
Link... We need more music stores like Tower Records, which went out of business, they were great. We need new music stores to open up and succeed.
Link... Amoeba Music is a great company, I hope that they are highly successful, and I hope that they grow to include more locations, such as opening music stores in Anaheim, San Diego, and Las Vegas, etc.
Link... Salute,
Tony V.