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Author Topic: Business and Technology  (Read 386526 times)


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Business and Technology
« on: July 30, 2018, 12:20:54 PM »

What technologies will have far reaching impact on the market?


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Re: Business and Technology
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2018, 07:22:05 AM »

The economy has changed a lot in the last thirty years. The economy is only just now starting to improve, as the Chinese wages improve and as human rights improve in China, and as workers in Bangladesh, and in other areas, are forming unions.
Right now you need to really be smart in order to succeed in business, as businesses all over are going out of business.
Some malls here in California are completely gone now. And great stores like The Broadway department stores are long gone.
And areas which were once wealthy are now poor and run-down.
It will take a lot of hard team-work to improve the world economy. We need a global labor movement, including in China where they need fair pay and good treatment and where they need unions which are independent of the government, and where they need democracy and improved human rights.
But, at the same time, many people have gotten wealthy from computers, and from web services, and web businesses, etc. And also, people are making money from cell phones and stuff.
The entertainment industry has totally changed too, with movies and television, and also with music, etc. And, all of the bookstores are closing down, which is really sad.
One of the surviving bookstores is Barnes & Noble, it is a great company.
We need more bookstores to start up.
Oh, and another business that is needed everywhere is bicycle shops, bicycle shops can succeed in today's economy. Everyone wants to exercise and be healthy, and everyone wants to help the environment, and many people are too poor to buy cars, so a lot of people are riding bicycles. And Los Angeles has events such as CicLAvia, where they close off the streets to cars, and people ride bicycles, and walk, and ride skateboards, etc.
One of the surviving video stores, which also has music, is F.Y.E. They are great, they have a good selection, with good salespeople, and the prices are good. I hope that they succeed and expand to new locations.
We need more music stores like Tower Records, which went out of business, they were great. We need new music stores to open up and succeed.
Amoeba Music is a great company, I hope that they are highly successful, and I hope that they grow to include more locations, such as opening music stores in Anaheim, San Diego, and Las Vegas, etc.
Tony V.


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Re: Business and Technology
« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2018, 07:35:41 AM »

Jobs are being created now in Mojave, California, they need to do more to create more jobs there, they need to build more factories in Mojave. And they have guys like Richard Branson helping to create jobs there.


People built a million houses in the Antelope Valley, but there are not any jobs there. So, the people are stuck driving in heavy traffic to work in Los Angeles, or they are unemployed. Jobs need to be created in Mojave so that the people of the Antelope Valley can work close to where they live, and to get people off of welfare and to get them working.

There are top secret jobs building secret aircraft and satellites and stuff, out in the desert, but you need to be highly qualified to get those jobs. There needs to be jobs for the average guy, and for people who are unskilled labor.


Tony V.


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Re: Business and Technology
« Reply #3 on: August 02, 2018, 07:50:23 AM »

On the issue of the economy in California...

We need to build Camaros in Van Nuys again, only in the future we need to build electric cars. Maybe there can be an electric version of the Camaro. And we need new factories in Mojave. And we need more water for the farmers. And we need to make our immigrants legal, so that they can legally work and join unions and so that they are not afraid to call the police in the case of an emergency, etc. We also must expand trade with Latin America, and we can help to work to lift Latin America out of poverty. There is a lot that we can do.

We also need to build our high speed trains, including a high speed train between Anaheim and Las Vegas.


Tony V.


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Re: Business and Technology
« Reply #4 on: August 02, 2018, 08:12:13 AM »

From the California Investment Guide 2016

The Hollywood Return

The now tripled tax credit is giving production companies even more reasons to go back to Cali.


California has great film schools, USC, and Chapman, and good acting schools (including the AADA), California can bounce back and regain the money and jobs from film and television.

Several years ago I tried to buy a piece of property here in my neighborhood to open a movie studio. The property is about the size of Occidental Studios in East Hollywood. There is room for a couple of soundstages and some production offices. I even had one office already going to a friend's record label. They wanted five million dollars for the property, and I sent the proposal to the San Manuel Indian Tribal Business Council, but they turned me down. They told me to keep sending them my ideas, and they said that maybe I will come up with an idea that they are interested in.

Here is the property, a towing company bought it.

The only bad thing is that it is close to the railroad tracks. But, the trains do not run very often.

I asked the guys in the neighborhood if they wanted a movie studio in our neighborhood, and they said that is the kind of business they want here, they were very supportive of the idea.

It could be like Occidental, and Disney uses Occidental all of the time. The last time I was at Occidental, Disney was there working. I am sure that people would use a little movie studio here in Anaheim. There could be a recording studio there too, for music, if people want one.

It was a good idea, and at least I tried.


Tony V.



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Re: Business and Technology
« Reply #5 on: August 02, 2018, 04:20:21 PM »

It is also sad that Toys R Us closed down, that was a great place that kids all loved. Maybe someone could figure out how to reopen it.


Tony V. 


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Re: Business and Technology
« Reply #6 on: August 16, 2018, 03:09:08 PM »

I will post this again for anyone who missed it when I posted it previously...

We must always come from a place of abundance.

In leadership training they told me to always come from a place of abundance, as opposed to scarcity. We can easily grow enough food to feed everyone on earth if we come from a place of abundance, as opposed to letting them starve as we come from a place of scarcity. And sometimes the way to improve things is to think big, even when times are hard and we are tempted to say that we cannot because of poverty. We can live in a world of abundance, and unlimited opportunity, or we can live in a world of scarcity where it just continues to get worse. And with leaders, say for a company, they want people who will make the company grow and prosper, not people who will keep downsizing it until it does not exist anymore. People want leaders who improve things, not make things worse.

With the bad economy, and with the giant debt of the United States, it would be so easy for everyone to downsize everything out of existence, which would only make things worse, at a time when we need to do the opposite and grow and prosper and improve things instead. A great depression is as much a state of mind as it is a reality, we cannot fall into that state of mind and we must avoid that reality.

We must come from a world of abundance and unlimited opportunity, and grow and prosper, and improve things, we must be creative in good ways and we must think big, and every problem creates an opportunity for people to solve the problems, and where there is room for improvement there is opportunity for people to improve things, etc etc etc.

I read that fewer people are willing to get student loans because they are afraid they will not be able to pay them off, and they are afraid to accrue the debt for an education, and that is totally the wrong way for them to be thinking right now, and at this time the USA needs to have a better educated and better trained population, and there will be plenty of opportunity for good educated people to solve problems and improve things after they receive an education. In my opinion the people of the United States need to enter college at higher numbers, not lower. Things are not going to get better if we have a lesser educated population, that is going in the wrong direction, we need a higher educated population instead. So we need to get them thinking from a place of abundance, so that we can achieve abundance, and a better economy and a better world.

And the whole thing with the debt of the United States could be solved if we come from a place of abundance. Much of the land of the United States is government owned land, we are talking abundance, and that land could be sold to private people, and that alone would pay off much of the government debt. The government can also make money with gas and oil leases at a time when gas and oil are at all time high prices, and drilling for natural gas and oil in the USA would be a good thing for many reasons. And that would help reduce the debt. Also, gold is at an all time high price right now, and there is gold on much of the government owned land, along with other precious metals. And that would help reduce the debt. If we come from a place of abundance then we can reduce the debt easily. Then, we monitor the spending of the government better in the future so that we can pass down surpluses to future generations instead of deficits.


Tony V.


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Re: Business and Technology
« Reply #7 on: August 17, 2018, 03:14:37 PM »

I see all kinds of advertisements for people who want to teach you how to flip houses, they have seminars, and all kinds of stuff. And I know people who are successful at flipping houses. But, you do not have to start at the top like that, you can start lower and you can work your way up. You can start out flipping burgers, and then you can work your way up to flipping houses.

You can start out flipping burgers, at Carl's Jr, for instance, and learn all that there is to learn about running a fast food restaurant, and then open your own Carl's Jr restaurant. Then buy another, you can have five Carl's Jr restaurants, or whatever, and save and invest. Then, if you want to flip houses, you are ready, and you can buy and sell houses if you want. It does not have to be Carl's Jr, you can do tacos, or whatever, hot dogs, pizza, whatever.

You do not need to start at the top, you can start small, and then work your way up.

I met a guy who got a film made by Steven Spielberg, and he invested all of his money in McDonald's fast food restaurants, and he hired his family members to work at his McDonald's restaurants. The film was "Amistad" and the guy opened his McDonald's fast food restaurants in South Africa, and he hired his family members to work at his McDonald's. I met the guy at a party when I was attending the American Academy of Dramatic Arts.


Tony V.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2018, 04:28:05 PM by FlyingVProd »


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Re: Business and Technology
« Reply #8 on: September 10, 2018, 04:52:32 PM »

They are bringing back the Roy Rogers restaurants...

My brother married Roy's Granddaughter, Kristen.

I hope that the Rogers family gets some money out of the deal.

And the Rogers family is working on a Broadway musical about Roy, and I guess Disney is going to produce it.


Tony V.


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Re: Business and Technology
« Reply #9 on: September 30, 2018, 07:19:19 PM »

I thought of a new invention, they need an app for your cell phone that allows you to open garage doors and security gates with your cell phone. 


Tony V.


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Re: Business and Technology
« Reply #10 on: December 22, 2018, 12:41:19 AM »

I thought of a new invention, they need an app for your cell phone that allows you to open garage doors and security gates with your cell phone.


Tony V.
The day Richard Nixon failed to answer that subpoena is the day he was subject to impeachment because he took the power from Congress over the impeachment process away from Congress, and he became the judge and jury." ~Lindsey Graham


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Re: Business and Technology
« Reply #11 on: December 24, 2018, 04:28:25 PM »



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Re: Business and Technology
« Reply #12 on: December 26, 2018, 03:50:42 PM »


I can lock it, but I think it will just go to a different thread, as I just removed a couple from elsewhere.

Still, I can give it a shot, if Tony doesn't mind too much.
The day Richard Nixon failed to answer that subpoena is the day he was subject to impeachment because he took the power from Congress over the impeachment process away from Congress, and he became the judge and jury." ~Lindsey Graham


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Re: Business and Technology
« Reply #13 on: December 30, 2018, 11:45:50 PM »

I have locked this topic, after removing more than 30 spam messages from it.

I will unlock it if requested, but then please let me know directly when this happens.

The day Richard Nixon failed to answer that subpoena is the day he was subject to impeachment because he took the power from Congress over the impeachment process away from Congress, and he became the judge and jury." ~Lindsey Graham


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Re: Business and Technology
« Reply #14 on: January 01, 2019, 11:15:03 PM »

I have locked this topic, after removing more than 30 spam messages from it.

I will unlock it if requested, but then please let me know directly when this happens.


I have unlocked the topic.

Send me a message if there is a problem (or post in the Trump Admin forum). I will deal with it.
The day Richard Nixon failed to answer that subpoena is the day he was subject to impeachment because he took the power from Congress over the impeachment process away from Congress, and he became the judge and jury." ~Lindsey Graham
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